FALL 2017
El Paso Community College
Instructor’s Course Requirements
FALL 2017
I. Course Number and Instructor Information
CHEM 1312 CRN: 10791
ROOM: B111
INSTRUCTOR'S NAME: Dr. Monica F. Delgado
TELEPHONE NUMBER N/A; however you may leave a letter or note in my mailbox.
OFFICE HOURS: Tutoring room
Tuesdays 9:00am to 9:50am
Thursdays 9:00am to 9:50am
II. Text and Materials
A. Required Text
Chemistry 9th Edition by Zumdahl ISBN:9781305367760
B. Required Materials
Scientific calculator.
III. Course Requirements
A. Grading Scale
Average Grade Letter Grade
90-100% A
80-89% B
70-79% C
60-69% D
0-59% F
B. Grade Breakdown:
1) Best 3 out of 4 (1Hr.) Exam 45%
2) Volunteer work 7.5%
3) Quizzes 7.5%
4) Homework 5%
5) Final Exam 35 %
C. Make-up Exams
Since the lowest exam grade will be dropped, under no circumstances will make-up exams will be given (no exceptions!).
Student Class Guidelines
I. Conduct in the classroom
1. Please be both respectful towards your instructor and your peers. I expect you to leave your personal problems outside the classroom, snapping at the professor or other students are completely unacceptable and zero tolerance will be enforced. The 1st incident you will be asked to leave the classroom. The 2nd incident you will be sent to the Dean. If there is a 3rd incident, you will be dropped from the course with an “F”.
2. Please be quiet while I am teaching, lecturing, talking, and explaining something on the board. Students that fail to comply with this policy will be asked to leave. No exceptions
3. Cellular phones and/or beepers should be turned off during the lab period. Students that fail to comply with this policy will be asked to leave. No exceptions. If you need to take a call do it outside the classroom. If you need to text do it outside the classroom.
4. You will not be allowed to use your cellphone calculator. Bring your calculator with you always.
5. Attendance to this course will be only kept up until the census date in order to fulfill college requirements. If the student does not attend lecture at least once prior the census date, the student will be dropped from the course. Attendance will not be kept after this date and attendance will not be used in calculating your course grade. However, experience has shown that missing lecture affects the students’ performance on exams. In addition, if a student has missed two of the first 3 exams, it will be assumed that the student has ceased to pursue the objectives of the course and will be dropped. Attending lecture is very important part of learning chemistry, in addition to reading the textbook and finishing homework assignments on time.
ii. Exams
6. Exams are multiple choices. Scantron sheets will be provided to you. Just make sure you bring your calculator and pencil. I will provide you with a copy of a periodic table on the 1st day of class. After this you are responsible for bringing the copy of the periodic table to each of the exams. The periodic table should not have anything written on it. I will check it before each examination.
7. The final exam is comprehensive, meaning it covers all the material from the beginning to the last day of class.
8. If you have a 95 or higher on 3 exams out of the 4(on each exam) and you have a passing grade in the lab section you can be exempt from the final class exam. This is before any extra points are added. In other words the raw score.
IV. Instructor’s Policies
A. Academic dishonesty
Academic dishonesty will be dealt with according to the Student Code of Conduct (page 72) printed in the college Catalog. Academic dishonesty consists of submitting someone else's work under your name, obtaining information from someone other than the instructor during an exam.
B. Attendance--Drops
It is the student's responsibility to attend class as per the schedule. It is also the student's responsibility to withdraw from the course for whatever reason. The instructor assumes no responsibility for student withdrawal from the course or for the completion of student's course work. Course expectations are outlined in this syllabus.
C. “I” Grade
A grade of “I” (incomplete) will be assigned at the discretion of the instructor. An “I” may be given only to those students who do not meet the minimum speed requirement but who have completed all other assignments. An “I” will not be given to students who simply do not meet the deadlines. A form must be completed and signed by both instructor and the student prior to the submission of grades.
D. Children will not be allowed in either classroom or the laboratory.
E. Cellular phones and/or beepers should be turned off during the class period. Students that fail to comply with this policy will be asked to leave the classroom.
F. EPCC offers a variety of services to persons with documented sensory, mental, physical or temporary disabling conditions to promote success in classes. If you have a disability and believe you need services, you are encouraged to contact the Center for Students with Disabilities to discuss your needs with a Counselor. All Discussions and documentation are kept confidential. Offices located: VV Rm C-112 (831-2426), TM Rm 1400
(831-5808), RG Rm B-201 (831-4198), NWC (831-8815), and MDP Rm A125 (831-7024)
FALL 2017
UNIT 1: CHAPTER 10: Liquids and Solids
CHAPTER 11: Properties of Solutions
First Exam: 9/22/2017
UNIT 2: CHAPTER 12: Kinetics
CHAPTER 13: Chemical Equilibrium
Second Exam: 10/13/2017
UNIT 3 : CHAPTER 14: Acids and Bases
CHAPTER 15: Acid Base Equilibria
Third Exam: 11/3/2017
UNIT 4: CHAPTER 16: Solubility and Complex Ion Equilibria
CHAPTER 17: Spontaneity, Entropy, and Free Gibbs Energy
Fourth Exam: 11/29/2017
CHAPTER 18: Electrochemistry*
*This chapter will be tested on the final
This calendar is subject to slight variation.
Chemistry Department (MdP-Campus)
Laboratory Syllabus
Fall Semester 2017 (Fridays: 10:00am – 12:20 pm)
L1. Course Number and Instructor Information
CHEM 1112: Laboratory for General Chemistry II (CRN: 10801)
INSTRUCTOR’S NAME: Dr. Monica F. Delgado
OFFICE HOURS: Tutoring room
Tuesdays 9:00am to 9:50am
Thursdays 9:00am to 9:50am
L2. Text and Materials
REQUIRED TEXT: General Chemistry Lab Manual (Chemistry 1111 & 1112)
Authors: Various Authors for this Lab Manual
Students are required to read the assigned lab exercise prior to the lab session.
1) Safety Goggles! Students who do not bring safety goggles will not be allowed to participate in lab
2) Scientific Calculator (No Cell Phone Calculators)
3) Remember to bring long sleeve shirts, closed toe shoes and pants for your safety, if this is not followed I will ask you to sign a sheet on each lab when this is not followed.
4) If safety glasses are used instead of goggles, I will ask you to sign a safety sheet for each lab.
S3. Course Requirements
1) As a rule, students who accumulate more than three laboratory absences will fail the course.
2) Must be Enrolled in Chemistry 1312 FALL 2017 semester (Dr. Delgado).
Lab Exercises and Lab Exams:
There are no “Make up Labs” and no make-up sessions for missed laboratory exams!
1) Lab results and Lab reports 30%
2) Mid-Term Lab Exam 30%
3) Final Lab Exam 30%
4) Pre Lab Notes 10%
S4. Instructor’s Policies
All instructor’s policies stated in the lecture part of this course apply to the laboratory portion as well. Refer to the instructor’s syllabus.
It is extremely important that you follow all instructions given by the lab instructor. The following are some obligations of the student and techniques to be followed are listed below.
1) Become familiar with the health and safety hazards of all equipment and chemicals you will be working with. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) can be obtained from the Lab prep room with Dolores Clancey.
2) Double check labels on bottles before using. Some labels will contain safety precautions and hazards that you will need to aware of.
3) Know where all emergency equipment is (Fire Extinguishers, Fire Exits, Eye Wash Station, Emergency Showers, Fire Blankets, etc.).
4) Keep your work areas clean. Dispose of chemical waste in labeled containers only or in a container designated by your instructor. Also, never pour chemical waste in the sink or pour it down the drain unless your instructor tells you otherwise.
5) Use caution when transporting chemicals to your table or work bench.
6) No Food or Drinks Allowed in the Lab!
7) Do not taste or deeply inhale materials/chemicals. Use fume hoods for protection and ventilation when necessary.
8) Never Work Alone!
9) Never return unused solid chemicals or solutions to the stock bottle and never directly pipette or measure from stock solutions.
10) Always follow instructions; printed or verbal. Planning out your experiments reduce the potential for accidents. Do not attempt any experiments beyond what your instructor has discussed with the class.
11) Students should pull long hair back when appropriate. Wear long pants and do not wear sandals to lab.
12) Students will need to purchase their own safety goggles and wear them during laboratory experiments.
13) If using a Bunsen burner, use caution around the open flame.
14) In case of emergency/chemical spill, notify your lab instructor or one of the lab assistants in the chem prep room.
15) No children or visitors allowed in laboratory when experiments are going on.
16) Place all your personal belongings under the table so that these items do not interfere with the experiment.
Remember, most accidents occur because of negligence. The place to start safety is at your lab table. Also, if there is something you are not sure about, ask your lab instructor.
1 8/25/17 Safety Lecture & Laboratory Introduction
2 9/1/17 Lewis Structures and Molecular Shapes
3 9/8/17 H.O. Crystal Structures
4 9/15/17 Molar Mass Determination by depression
5 9/22/17 TBA
6 9/29/17 The rate of the Iodine Clock Reaction
7 10/6/17 Determination of the equilibrium Constant
8 10/13/17 The standardization of Basic Solution
9 10/20/17 Laboratory Exam I
10 10/27/17 pH measurements buffers and their properties
11 11/3/17 Le chatelier’s principle
12 11/10/17 Determination of solubility product Ba(IO3)2
13 11/17/17 Voltaic Cell Measurements
14 12/1/17 Laboratory Exam II
15 Final Exam Week (No Labs)