Checklist for Bachelor-, Semester-, Master- Projects
Name of student: Click here to enter text.
Start date:Click here to enter a date.Finish date: Click here to enter a date.
Project Description☐The supervising professor checks and signs the ProjectDescriptionand returns it to the student to scan it and send back to the professor who uploads it to eDoz.
myStudies☐The student signs into myStudies.
Computer account☐The supervisor must request a computer account at
IfB Internal Registration☐The student should fill out theIfBProject Registrationform which is found on the IfB website sendto:.
ISG Info☐Studentscan receive an introduction to the ISG system either through the supervisor or the ISG/IfB contact person (Anina ).
Safety☐Students working in labs should contact the lab responsible person for instruction in lab safety.
Equipment☐Equipment signed for at CMI (HCP H 15.1). (Signature CMI) ……………………. Externals need Group Leader signature.
After first month☐BWS: student has written or presented disposition (format according to Advisor).
Mid-project☐Supervisor setsdate for final student presentation.
Plagiarism☐Student should read the Guidelines regarding plagiarism.
On completion of the work, student should download and sign affirmation to be found on page:
This page is the last page of the thesis.
Completion of thesis☐See page 2 (page order) and the Template.
☐As the final step the student must go to the linkbelow
to upload and submit the Thesis (please name as “Report”), Data and Presentation. Remember to fill out the professor and supervisor email address to automatically inform them of submission. Finalize with the function “Submit”.
Final Marking☐ Supervisor downloads, fills out and signsGrade sheetand sends it tothe Secretariat.
At end of project☐Student returns equipment to CMI (HCP H 15.1)(Signature CMI) …………………….
☐Student returns the key to ISC Info desk.
☐The supervisor must remove the computer account at
Advisor Signature: ………………..Student Signature:……………………….Date: ………………….
Page order of completed thesis
UnnumberedTitle page
UnnumberedSigned, double-sided Project Description
Page 1Acknowledgements (1 page max.)
Page 2Abstract (1 page max.)
Page 3Table of Contents
OnwardsMain text
Annexes (if any)
Last page“Declaration of Originality” or“Eigenständigkeitserklärung”
To be attached as last page of bound thesis