MTSS/SEFEL Tier II Supports Training
Module 4: Understanding Data Collection and a Problem-Solving Process
At-a-Glance Planner
The learner will:
•Describe behavior using specific and measurable terms
•Understand different ways to collect data on challenging behavior
•Understand the importance of data collection in a problem-solving process
Module 4: 120minutes
Module Components / Slides / Essential Message / Materials Needed / Activity / Challenges / CommentsPre-Learning
Assignment / By completing the pre-learning assignment, learners will be better prepared to participate in discussion about collecting data on challenging behavior. / •M4 Pre-Learning Assignment Directions / Identify a data collection method for behavior that worked particularly well for you, or ask someone else to provide a method that worked for him/her. Be prepared to share the data collection method at the training.
Welcome and Objectives
(10 min) / 1-5 / Data collection is the core of the problem-solving process for Tier II supports, so it is important to understand different ways to collect data effectively. / Slide 2: Intro/ Ice Breaker
A Closer Look at Behavior
(5 min) / 6-7 / Every challenging behavior has a form, function, and consequence,and it is important to know how to specifically describe the behavior.
Various Ways to Collect Data
(40 min) / 8-12 / Data collection is important throughout the Problem-Solving Process. There are different ways to collect data in order to better understand and address the behavior. / •HO: Stating Behavior in Measurable Terms / •Slide 10: Sharing Data Collection Ideas with Table Group – Table group shares data collection ideas they gathered as part of pre-learning assignment and then shares afavorite method with the whole group.
•Slide 11: Kahoot.It Quiz with whole group
•Slide 12: Re-Stating Behavior in Measurable Terms Partner Activity – Change vague descriptions to more specific descriptions / •Before the training, make sure you have sufficient internet connection to complete the Kahoot.It Quiz
Practicing Data Collection
(30 min) / 13-17 / Adult learning principles emphasize the importance of providing learners time to practice applying the concepts presented. / •HO: Description of Tim
•Blank paper
•HO: Classroom Behavior Record
•HO: Classroom Behavior Record for Tim
•HO: Classroom Behavior Record for Tim Discussion
•Chart paper and marker
•HO: ABC Learning Opportunity / •Slide 14: View video of Tim and take anecdotal notes individually. Highlight challenging behavior in notes. (1:46)
•Slide 16: Review Tim’s CBR with partner and discuss using guiding questions.
•Slide 17: Complete A-B-C handout on Tim individually and share answers in whole group / •There are many handouts for this section. Be sure to be very clear and specific when referencing handouts and which handouts go with activities.
•Before the training, make sure audio is working/loud enough for the video you will show in this section.
Duration Recording and Real Life Examples of How Data is Collected in the Classroom
(25 min) / 18-21 / Duration Recording and Real Life examples / •HO: Duration Recording Chart / •Slide 20: View the video and complete Duration Recording Chart individually. Then share with partner. (3:55) / •Before the training, make sure audio is working/loud enough for the video you will show in this section.
Wrap Up, Next Steps, and Closing
(10 min) / 22-23 / It is important to understand and use data collection throughout the Problem-Solving Process. The next modules will focus on the first two steps of the Problem-Solving Process and how to use data for those steps.
Post-Learning Assignment / Adult learning principles emphasize the importance of providing post-learning activities to reinforce and apply content shared in training to provide better understanding and retention of the content. / M4 Post-Learning Assignment Directions / Collect information using two different techniques from Module 4 and respond to reflection questions.