Student Research & Creative Activity (CA): Expanding Opportunities and Access
*New* SummerFellowship Track
funded by an award from the Strategic Allocation of Resources (StAR) program
The objective of this StAR-funded initiative is to strengthen and grow student research and creative activity (CA) by supporting “tiered” opportunities for faculty to expose students to scholarly activity early in their college careers, and encouragestudentsto engage in more advanced participation as they progress toward graduation.It also seeks to attract students who are traditionally underrepresented in such endeavors. The StAR-awarded funding is in addition to thesupport available for the Student Grant Program for Research & Creative Activity, which awards grants for independent projects conducted by students with faculty sponsorship (“Traditional Track”). The StAR award also supports new “Research/CA ‘Shadowing’ Track” and “Classroom-based Research/Creative Activity Track” programs.
The“SummerFellowship Track”is intended to assist undergraduate students with costs related to participating in actively-mentored summer research/CA, including:
- Campus-based independent research/CAwith faculty mentorship or assistantships for faculty projects
- Off-campus directed field work or other research/CA endeavors with a SUNY Oneonta faculty mentor
- Formal research/CA experiences at other institutions(non-SUNY Oneonta faculty mentored)
- Participation in externalfield schools,artist residencies, etc.
Applicants may apply for funding up to the maximum allowed for the specific type of summer research experience as follows, with costs fully justified in the application.
- On-campus fellowship (directed independent research/CA or assistantship) OR off-campusdirected field work or research/CA endeavors with SUNY Oneonta faculty mentorship: up to $1,500 for subsistence-related costs for student (i.e. housing, travel) + $500 for project-related materials/supplies + $300 stipend for faculty mentor/researcher
- Off-campus formal research/CA experience at other institutions, external field schools,artist residencies, etc.: Up to $1,000 for student travel, fees, subsistence-related costs (i.e. housing, travel)
Eligibility / Requirements
- Fellowship experience, whether on- or off-campus, must have an assigned SUNY Oneonta faculty mentor, who submits the application in support of the student.
- Fellowship must be equivalent to at least four weeks or 20 full-time days, whether full- or part-time.
- Fellowship may not be part of a course enrollment; however, independent study and internships are eligible, as are external field schools with credits that transfer to SUNY Oneonta.
- Study abroad is not an eligible fellowship experience.
- Student applicants must be enrolled and plan to graduate no sooner than August 2018.
- A faculty member may serve as a research mentor for only one funded student fellow; adjunct faculty mentors must have a fall 2018 contract.
- Student fellows and faculty mentors must address applicable compliance issues (Responsible Conduct of Research, human subjects,animal research, etc.) prior to commencement of fellowship.
Application Information
- The attached application form is to be completed,including therequested description of the summer fellowship experience/project in which the student will engage (2-3 pages, excluding references).
- The application should be prepared by the student applicant, in consultation with a faculty mentor.
- The application must be submitted by the faculty mentor as a PDF or Word attachment to: by the deadline of 5 p.m., March 19th for summer 2018 fellowships.
Student Research & Creative Activity: Expanding Opportunities and Access
Summer 2018 Fellowship Application
This application form and attached fellowship description should be prepared by the student applicant in consultation with a faculty mentor, but must be submitted by the faculty mentor (not the student applicant).
Student ApplicantName:
Expected Graduation Date:
Faculty MentorName:
If adjunct faculty, do you have a fall 2018 contract? Yes No
Summer Fellowship Type (please check):
Campus-based independent, directed research/CA Campus-based research/CA assistantship
Directed field work or other off-campus research/CA with SUNY Oneonta faculty mentor
Formal research experience at another institution External field school Artist residency
Other (describe):
Dates of Fellowship: (start date) to (end date)
Will student be paid from another source? No Yes – Amount: $
Is the proposed fellowship part of a SUNY Oneonta grade or course? Yes No
Is this research/CA part of an independent study or internship? Yes No
Is this request related to a study abroad experience? Yes No
BUDGET REQUEST (not to exceed maximum amounts allowed per type of fellowship)
Campus-based Fellowship or off-campus research/CA experience with a SUNY Oneonta faculty mentor
Total requested (a+b+c detailed below):$
(a)Subsistence-related costs (not to exceed $1,500 – receipts will be required): $
Describe below.For housing, specify type (on- or off-campus), # of weeks/days and cost per week/day. For travel, specify reason for request (e.g. commuting from where, and estimated cost of gas or other expense).
(b)Materials/supplies (not to exceed $500): $
Describe below. Provide detailed list and justify need for materials to carry out the proposed research/CA.
(c)Faculty mentor stipend (or book/travel/supply award): $300
Off-campus Fellowship (formal research/CA at other institutions w/out SUNY Oneonta faculty mentor,
external field school, artist residency, etc.
Total requested for subsistence-related costs (not to exceed $1,000 – receipts will be required):$
Describe below. Specify requested costs (e.g., travel to other institution, fees, housing)
(2-3 pages, including required components)
Application must be submitted by the faculty mentor as a PDF or Word attachment to: by the deadline of 5 p.m., March 19,2018
Description of Fellowship (state specific plans – location, timeframe, etc.)
Research/Creative Activity Project Details (include cited references, if applicable)
Goal Statement of the Fellowship Experience
Intended Benefits/Outcomes of the Fellowship Experience
Cited References (does not count towards 2-3 page limit)
Student Research/Creative Activity “Summer Fellowship” Track Application – Page 1