Bundaberg Regional Youth Hub / CIF Project
Industry and Community Engagement and ValidationAction Plan
Purpose / To establish strong and innovative partnerships for the CIF Project that will support diverse students to successfully transition to work or further training. These partnerships will collaborate to actively deliver a range of support services to enable students at CIF to reach their full potential.Key Performance Indicators aligned to the Purpose:
Strong partnerships, active communication and relationships support increased alignment between the CIF Project (Transitional pathways and Social and Emotional Wellbeing Support for students), community, business and industry to identify, develop and facilitate clear pathways to post-school education, training or employment.
Employment pathways in key regional industries are identified and communicated with relevant stakeholders to develop and promote certificate qualifications appropriate for entry level skill development.
Career awareness, education and training delivery (within each individual school), reflects student aspirations and is aligned to the needs of business and industry for enhanced employment pathways and further training opportunities.
Resources are in place for the CIF Project to support future planning of community engagement through genuine partnerships with the local business community and the CIF Project led Industry Reference Group forums
Processes, procedures and protocols for the CIF Project are aligned to the needs of all key stakeholders for enhanced participation and mutually beneficial outcomes
DataSources / Improvement in Year 12 Outcomes data and Next Step survey related to employment, training and or further education
Employer and Industry sector engagement –SPA Survey
Regional Geographical Statistical Snapshots
Bundaberg Career Education and Planning Framework
Young people are prepared for the opportunities available in the region’s eight industries of tomorrow outlined in the 20 Year Bundaberg Economic Development Strategy High Value Industry Sectors
CIF Student Surveys
Social and Emotional Wellbeing Survey
SEW data collection from state schools
Communications and Alignment:An established and structured communication plan supports the regular and effective two-way sharing of information between partners to support sustainable outcomes and shared decision making contributions. Varied communication methods and process support an open conversation enabling partners to achieve mutually beneficial outcomes. (Governance and strategic map)
Processes, Procedures and Protocols
Resources / Employer Survey Results
Regional Geographical Statistical Snapshots
Bundaberg Career Education and Planning Framework
Young people are prepared for the opportunities available in the region’s eight industries of tomorrow outlined in the 20 Year Bundaberg Economic Development Strategy High Value Industry Sectors
Reference Documentation / Annual Skills Priority Report - Ministerial Industry Commission 31 March 2014 and update versions
Bundaberg Region March 2014 (Australian Government – Department of Employment) and updated versions
Bundaberg Regional Council – Economic Development Plan
Regional Geographical Statistical Snapshots – Released annually in June.
Priority / Goal / Action to be taken / Key Contacts/ Resources / Timeline
Research and collation quantifies real employment and training opportunities that exist in and around Bundaberg to cohort requirements /
- Map priority industries and employment opportunities against key strategic documents with the view to contextualise for Bundaberg
- Engage industry representatives in data gathering [Research, surveys, visit etc.]
- Identify, confirmand collate appropriate data to collect to measure success
- Identify and map employment opportunities from key industry sectors in Bundaberg and discuss at each IRG meeting.
- Collects and communicates to Pathways Officer who promotes to schools, teachers and students.
- Collate data into usable forms to share at IRG meetings.
- Request industry contributions to further develop and contribute to up to date data.
- Invite DET Training staff to gather data and collate research on industry engagement and employment opportunities.
- Develop data collection tools, establish baseline data, schedule collection and analysis of data.
- Engage CQU in a research project to assist with the longitudinal research study regarding careers aspirations of the Bundaberg Regional Youth Hub, to identify career aspirations (including changes to pathways), current employment status and family compositions.
- Include long term and short term actions. (Who, what, when, where, how) – identify actions/strategies.
- Consult with other working groups to identify appropriate agencies and linked actions.
- Finalise and share final data to influence workinggroup activities.
- Comply and write CIF Evidence Planner within nominated timeframes.
- Review and maintain CIF Budget.
- Review new sources of data annually and ensure regular updates are shared.
VPO / Ongoing
A Year 7 – 12 Career Development(CD) Framework encourages ongoing networking and skills development for career development practitioners supporting a regionally consistent approach to career planning and development for youth /
- Develop and implement a whole of region best practice professional career development framework across the developmental phases of year 7-12
- Improve skills development & networking to provide exceptional career education, development and guidance for Bundaberg State and District
- Links to literacy and numeracy
- Problem solving and solution focused actions
- Links what is already happening in curriculum to CD outcomes
- Utilise opportune times for CD activities to be delivered
- Capstone discussions every year linked to milestone periods
- Greater emphasis on the ‘pathway’
- Pilot in one school
- Professional Standards for Australian Career Development Practitioners
- Australian Blueprint for Career Development
- Identify supporting advocate with specific career development qualifications to review program to develop a model.
- Meet with 6 Principals to promote the benefits of a consistent approach and request endorsement to proceed.
- CF Line Manager and supporting Principal leads meeting with Guidance Officers to agree on a regional model that supports and aligns with the existing “Careers Framework”.
- Present and workshop the model at IRG to develop regional actions for follow up actions.
- Follow individual schools to supportimplementation of the framework.
- Review Term 2 and Term 4 2017.
- Identify long term and short term actions. (Who, what, when, where, how) – Identify actions/strategies – From the reviews carried out in individual schools.
- Pathways Officer to complete Cert IV in Career Development and support schools in the implementation of the framework – Look into for 2017.
- Identify best practice models and supporting resources and actively promote.
- Inclusion of enterprise learning events such as: Career Guest Speakers, Teacher Industry placement, Industry investigations, field trips and industry based activities, Try a Trade with local industry, Mentoring, Enterprise Problem Solving, Mock Interviews, Work Experience.
- Speaking to teachers to promote career awareness, communication skills, life skills, and employer expectations,
- Organise resume building, interview techniques, job ready mindset understanding market trends to access a variety of trade or professional careers.
- Develop and establish an Employability Skills (hard and soft) for Senior Transitions framework including strategies that support successful transitions.
- Include long term and short term actions. (Who, what, when, where, how) – identify actions/strategies.
- Consult with other working groups to identify appropriate agencies and linked actions.
- Implement the plan and framework across the year.
Principals andPathways Officer
Guidance Officers
Pathways Officer
Pathways Officer
Pathways Officer
Pathways Officer
Pathways Officer
Pathways Officer
Pathways Officer
VET coordinators
Pathways Officer
Pathways Officer
Pathways Officer
Pathways Officer
Pathways Officer
Pathways Officer / Completed
Well developed and maintainedrelationships and communication with industry supports structured engagement in schools
-Annual Forums
-Industry Reference Group /
- Increased, mutually beneficial engagement between local business and schools for improved education, training and employment outcomes
- Undertake strategic workforce development and employment pathway planning by increasing alignment between education and training, business and industry
- Young people are prepared for the opportunities available in the region’s high employment industries
- Identify, communicate and publish clearly articulated pathways that support industry valued education, training and employment opportunities
- Alignment of certificate delivery within schools and RTOs to industry preferred models that link directly to employment and/or further training opportunities
- Maintain an Industry Reference Group(IRG) that meets every 6 weeks and when necessary.
- Maintain relationships and database of the Industry Reference Group Members.
- Update Bundaberg Regional Youth Hub page, via Bundaberg Regional Council’s Business Website.
- Organize and facilitate one Bundaberg Industry Focussed Forum each year that includes industry, schools, RTO’s, Government Agencies and others.
- Contribute to the annual Bundaberg Career Expo.
- Identify long term and short term actions. (Who, what, when, where, how) – identify actions/strategies.
- Promote initiatives of the North Coast Region Student Futures, and the use of the “Be Work Smart” book
- Develop strategic agenda for IRG meetings to plan and implement specific workforce initiatives
- Communicate IRG’s decision and discussions with the broader Bundaberg community
- Form working parties to advance key activities
a. Promotion of the careers framework to key staff within individual schools.
b. Support individual schools to implement the framework in their specific environment to meet their needs.
c. Promote the IRG information within the schools
d. Alignment of individual career pathways based on set plans for individual students.
- Promotion of the project to the wider community
- Engagement with specific industry and business partners enables school to work programs to be established
- Audit existing school delivery and map against interested industry partners.
- Identify gaps and approach employers to commence school to work programs.
- Engage Industry with schools to support school to work initiatives foryear 7 to 12 students.
- PO liases with VPO for introduction to industry as required.
- VPO introduces industry to PO for program engagement.
- PO establishes and implements programs.
- Establish a range of diverse Year 7 to 12 programs that grow student knowledge of industry, work readiness, soft skills and employability skills supporting employer expectations.
- Encourage and support schools to participate in Year 10 Work Experience.
- Encourage schools to engage in validation process.
- Employers engage in curriculum and validation activities linked to ASQA and QCAA requirements.
VPO and PO for individual programs
PO / Ongoing
Strengthening education and community networks, social connections, family support and strengthening transitional pathwaysenabling youth to become active and successful members of the community / Management
- Drive the Strategic direction of the HUB
- A strong regional alliance between State High Schools, NGO’s Council and government and community organisations drive community education, awareness and referral
- Research and develop a directory of services within the Bundaberg and district.
- Sharing of best practice strategies informs regional collaborations and provide streamline referral process.
- Networking builds community capacity.
- Provide direction to the Vocational Projects and Pathway Officers in regards to strategic priorities and specific tasks.
- Vocational Project Officer delivers an update report to the management committeeinforming of recent progress.
- Review and update the BRYH TOR.
- Consider the potential for resource mapping to be hosted online.
- Establish an updated strategic direction for the Hub
- Identify long term and short term actions. (Who, what, when, where, how) – identify actions/strategies.
- Meetings facilitated by the Vocational Projects Officer once a month.
- Attend 4 Disability Network Meetings annually.
- Complete resource mapping project to establish providers and programs within the Bundaberg and district.
- Distribute mapping report to members for contributions and feedback
- To support Hub members to contribute to the online service directory (oneplace)
- Identify gaps in service across the region and facilitate workshopping activities to a collaborative response.
- Identify long term and short term actions. (Who, what, when,
- All goals and actions of the BRYH are agreed to by all participating organisations.
- Collaborative activities support mutually beneficial outcomes.
Vocational Projects Officer
6 Principals & NGO
6 Principals & NGO
6 Principals & NGO
6 Principals & NGO
Vocational Projects Officer
Vocational Projects Officer
Vocational Projects Officer
Vocational Projects Officer - All / Ongoing
The collaboration of six schools actively supports and guides the strategic and operational activities of the CIF project with appropriate resourcing /
- Employ a Vocational Projects Officer and aPathways Officer to support the operations of the Bundaberg Youth Hub and Bundaberg Regional State High Schools Careers Project
-The collaborative development of Partnering Agreements
-Enable partners to demonstrate commitment and investment to the BRYH partnership at the highest level of each partner’s organisation
-Ensure that all stakeholders are dedicated to the partnerships and make a considerable investment to it
-Enable schools to commit resources and budget to enable staff engagement
-Allocate activities amongst partners linked to strengths based qualification and ability to deliver professional outcomes
-Enable ongoing collaboration supported by two or three forums (at various locations) each year to achieve mutually beneficial outcomes / 1.
- Utilize the Collaboration and Innovation fund [CIF] to fund the employment of a Project Officer and PathwayOfficer.
- Principals to manage the officers with the Bundaberg SHS Principal providing direct line management.
- Source accommodation for the project and officers away from a school environment.
- Comply with the CIF reporting and acquittal expectations.
- Revise Forum priorities, discuss KPI’s outcomes and recommendations.
- Discussions contribute to the development of a draft action plans.
- Ongoing management of office and resources.
- Ongoing communication and meeting schedule is developed.
- Identify long term and short term actions. (Who, what, when, where, how) – identify actions/strategies.
- Discuss options to formalise partnering arrangements to support self-sustaining outcomes:
- Structure maps approved and disturbed to members.
- Terms of Reference Document expanded to include community and industry.
- Strategic regional approach to governance and structure.
- CIF and Principals meet once a term.
- Operational Action Plan reviewed and implementation.
Bundaberg SHS Principal
Bundaberg Regional Council
Vocational Project Officer & BSHS Principal
VPO & PO & Principal / Achieved
- Community engagement activities are structured to be aligned to and have minimal impact on the core business of the of the VPO & PO
- Community engagement activities are prioritised and scheduled in advance
-Local Level Alliance
-Chamber of Commerce Meetings
-P & C Presentation
Pathways Officer:
-Rosedale SS Trades Day
-TRG meetings
-GO Meetings / 1.
- Activities are discussed and attendance is confirmed based on an acceptable return on investment of the VPO & PO’s time.
- Attendance at events during peak project times are at the discretion of the VPO and PO in discussion with the Line Manager.
- Activities scheduled and confirmed in consultation between the VPO, PO and Line Manager.
VPO & PO & BSHS Principal / Ongoing