Student Record Sheet Unit 17


Student Record Sheet Unit 17

Student: / PIN
Local tutor:

1.Interview a senior local preacher or minister in your circuit. Ask them about their ministry as a preacher and about ‘enduring convictions’ that have been underlying it.

  1. Describe how those convictions shaped the course of their ministry and how the changing life of the Church also shaped their ministry.
  2. Compare their reflections with the enduring convictions underlying your own calling to a preaching ministry.

2.Write six ‘enduring convictions’ for a Methodist today that are concise statements of faith and that express something of who God is and what God does. These ‘enduring convictions’ must be of your own choosing and in your own words.

3.Choose one statement from your list in 2 and amplify its meaning and significance for today.

4.Reflect on how your own encounter with God (both personally and within a church community) has been a journey of discovery and learning with changes of perspective and milestones.


Maximum mark / Student’s Mark
1. / a. / Understanding / 10
b. / Evaluation / 10
2. / Understanding / 20
3. / Understanding / 20
Application / 20
4. / Evaluation / 20

Time spent on unit and assignment:

Tutor comments on assignment


Both sides of this record sheet must be completed and contain comments by the student and tutor and attached to the front of the assignment. The tutor may wish to make more extensive comments on the copy of the assignment or on an additional sheet.

Evaluation SheetUnit 17

This sheet must be completed and forwarded to the Local Preachers’ Office as part of the Connexional assessment and moderation of the trainee preacher. Part A should be completed by the student and Part B by the tutor.

Part A – Student Evaluation

Complete the following grid by placing a ‘X’ in the appropriate box.

(1 equals little and 6 considerable).

Note: there are not correct and wrong answers to these questions.

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
How much of the material was new to you?
How helpful was the unit in deepening your appreciation of John’s Gospel?
How difficult was the assignment?
How well did the unit enable you to identify ‘enduring convictions’?

In what ways have you developed as a preacher from studying this unit?

What did you find most beneficial in this unit?

What did you find difficult about this unit?

Part B – Tutor Evaluation

As the tutor please complete the following grid and discuss it and Part A with your student as part of the feedback on the assignment you have marked.

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
What demands did this unit make on your student?
How much previous knowledge of the material covered in this unit did your student have?
How far did this assignment make extra preparation demands (compared with other units)?
How well has this unit helped your student reflect theologically?

What have been the significant things learnt from this unit?



September 2005