Prior to the ARC Meeting

Prior to the ARC Meeting


Meeting to Develop the Individual Education Plan & Determine Placement in the Least Restrictive Environment

Prior to the ARC Meeting

Assign a Meeting Recorder for the meeting

Have on Hand:

For Informational Purposes Only

Student Due Process Folder

IEP Form

Individual Learning Plan

Draft IEP Recommendations

All State / Local Curricular Documents

Other Child Performance Information

Assessment Data/Information

Written Evaluation Report

Conference Summary (Notice of Proposed/Refused Action)

Inclusion Guide Appendix

Parent Rights

For Informational Purposes Only

  1. Introduction of ARC Members & Guests
  1. If someone not listed on the Notice of Meeting attends, ask for parent approval and document this on the Conference Summary.
  2. If an ARC Member cannot attend the meeting, the ARC Chairperson requests consent from the parent prior to the ARC Meeting and shares, as appropriate, the written report from the absent member.
  1. Review of parent rights

Ask the parent if they have questions or need further explanation in any area of the Parent Rights. For areas of further explanation, refer to the district Policies and Procedures.

C.Description of ARC Process

  1. The ARC uses consensus to reach decisions
  2. Each member has an opportunity to share information
  3. Members discuss and consider information prior to making a decision
  4. If data is insufficient to make a decision, the meeting is rescheduled for a time when all data is collected
  5. Each member has an equal and active role in the ARC process
  1. Chairperson describes the steps in the IEP and Placement meeting process

The committee will:

  1. Develop the IEP
  2. Determine Placement in the Least Restrictive Environment

Based on the student performance information, the ARC develops an IEP.

1.Develop the Statement of Transition Service Needs and/or Needed Transition Services (for appropriate ages)

2.Determine Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance and effect of disability on progress in the general curriculum

3.Consider Special Factors:

  1. Behavior concerns;
  2. Limited English Proficiency;
  3. Blind or visually impaired;
  4. Communication needs;
  5. Deaf or hard hearing impaired;
  6. Assistive technology needs; and
  7. A statement of needed devices or services.

4.Determine priority areas and document discussion on Conference Summary

5.Develop Annual Goals, Benchmarks and/or Objectives

6.Determine method for evaluating progress toward goals, benchmarks/objectives

7.Determine when parents will receive reports of progress the child is making toward meeting annual goals

8.Determine Services

  1. Specially Designed Instruction (SDI)
  2. Supplementary Aids and Services (SAS)
  3. Participation in State-wide assessment
  4. Related Services
  5. Program Modifications and Staff Support

9.Determine Amount of Services

10.Determine Beginning Dates

11.Determine Duration

12.Determine Frequency

13.Indicate Implementer by title

14.Determine Location of services

15.Indicate extent, if any, to which student will not participate in regular classroom

16.Inform Parents of rights if student is reaching age of majority (age 18)

17.Set date for Annual Review

  1. Develop Statement of Transition Service Needs (students 8th grade or 14 and older)

From the ILP and assessment data determine the student’s unique needs to prepare for future education, employment and independent living.

  1. Develop Measureable Post-Secondary Goals & Transition Services Needed (student 16 and older).

From the ILP and assessment data:

  1. develop measurable postsecondary goals in the areas of employment, education/training, and as needed, independent living;
  2. determine the transition services in the areas of instruction, community experiences, employment and other post-school adult living objectives, and the acquisition of daily living skills and functional vocational evaluation;
  3. determine if a student needs a related service to facilitate movement from school to post-school activities; and
  4. determine if the student will complete a high school program within four (4) years.
  1. Determine Other Agency Involvement in Transition (students 16 and older)
  1. If the ARC determines that it is likely that another agency will provide or pay for transition services, the ARC Chairperson documents on the IEP:
  2. the agency that may be responsible;
  3. the responsibilities of each agency, linkages, or both; and
  4. a description of the transition services to be provided.
  5. If the ARC determines another agency isn’t needed for transition planning, the ARC Chairperson documents the decision on the Conference Summary.
  1. Develop Present Levels of Academic Achievement and FunctionalPerformance

1.Describe Performance in general intelligence; communication; academic performance; health, vision, hearing, and motor; social and emotional; and transition, including competencies and concerns in deficit areas

2.Description(s) of Affect of the disability on:

  1. Involvement in general curriculum
  2. Progress in general curriculum
  3. Participation in appropriate activities for preschool children
I.Discuss and prioritize areas of need identified in the Present LevelsAcademic Achievement and Functional Performance
  1. The ARC considers:
  2. student strengths and interests
  3. amount of time left in school
  4. behaviors that appear most modifiable
  5. parent, teacher, and student concerns
  6. skills needed to make progress towards the student’s postsecondary goal(s)
  1. Write Measurable Annual Goals, including Benchmarks/Short Term Objectives
  1. Determine the focus for:
  2. the student’s instruction; and for
  3. meeting the child’s other educational needs
  1. Indicate which Annual Goals support the Post-Secondary Goals (students 16 and older)
  1. Determine How Progress Toward the Annual Goals will be Measured (Methods of Evaluation)

Determine the methods needed to measure/evaluate the goals, benchmarks and/or objectives to document the student’s success and progress toward the annual goals.

  1. Determine when Reports onProgress will be Provided

The ARC determines when the parents will be regularly informed of the progress of their child (i.e., mid term, six weeks, quarterly).

  1. Specify the Services Needed
  1. Specially Designed Instruction- changes in content, methodology or instruction
  2. Supplementary Aids & Services-aids, services & supports need in general education classes or other educational settings
  3. Modifications for state assessment
  4. Related Services - If specially designed instruction alone will not facilitate progress toward the IEP goals, benchmarks and objectives, the ARC documents the related service(s) needed to:
  5. benefit from, participate in, or be provided specially designed instruction;
  6. facilitate access to public school; and/or
  7. be educated and participate with other students, with or without disabilities.
  8. Support for School Personnel- specialized training, use of school time, or use of school staff
  1. Determine Anticipated Frequency, Anticipated Duration, and Location of Services
  1. Specify Implementers
  1. Assign at least one person, listed by title/role
  2. select each implementer based on the services described and the qualifications needed for providing the service.
  1. Determine the Extent, if any, the Child will not Participate in Regular Education

List the classes and activities in which the child will participate in the special education environment

  1. Provide Notice of Transfer of Rights (students Age 17 or Emancipated)

The ARC Chairperson gives the parent and the student notice the rights of the parent and access to educational records transfer from the parent to the student upon the student’s eighteenth birthday. The IEP recorder documents the statement on the IEP.

S.Set Annual Review Date

  1. Determine Need for Extended School Year (ESY) Services, if any
  1. Review progress information, data trends, tests, observations, and professional opinions as

presented by the ARC members to answer the following:

  1. Did the child experience regression and limited recoupment during instructional breaks?
  2. Will the child experience significant regression in the absence of an educational program?
  3. Will the time to re-learn the lost skills be excessive?
  4. Is the child at a critical point in the program?
  1. If the ARC answers yes to any question, the ARC considers extended year programming, and the ARC identifies the goals/benchmarks/objectives and services to be delivered on the Conference Summary and IEP.
  2. If the ARC answers no to all the questions, the child is not eligible for extended year programming.

X.Make a Placement Decision

Based on the IEP, evaluation information, and student performance data, the ARC determines where the IEP and services will be implemented.

  1. The IEP is current and complete.
  2. Select a placement option (the ARC begins with Full time General Education as the first proposed placement option).
  3. Can all components of the IEP be implemented in the proposed placement option?

Placement Option /

Description of Placement Option

Full time General Education / Participation only in the general education classroom/environment.
Co-teaching is implemented in this setting, as appropriate.
Part time General Part time Special Education / Participation in both regular and special education classroom/environments. This is for any time the student is pulled out of general education, regardless of the amount of time.
Full time Special Education / Participation only in the special education classroom.* This includes a school environment where the student does not participate with people who do not have disabilities.

(*There should not be a special education environment outside of a classroom!)

  1. Are there harmful effects of the placement on the student or quality of services?
  2. Is the facility selected the school the child would attend if not disabled?
  3. Are there opportunities for student participation in academic, nonacademic, and extracurricular activities with similar aged students

Y.Request Consent for Special Education and Related Services

If the student meets eligibility and an IEP was developed, the ARC Chairperson gives the parent the Consent for Special Education and Related Services form.

  1. Review of the Conference Documentation

Z.Obtain Signatures of ARC Members

  1. Give Written Notice of Action and Other Meeting Documentation to Parents.

Place copies in Education Folder of child or youth.

For Informational Purposes Only