Student Project Fund Strategic Priority Document
The strategic priorities identified below are drawn from Vision 2020 (including the ‘Student Engagement’ contribution from Heads of Function in Student Services and agreed with UMT, AMT and Colleges), the HEA ‘Compact’, and The Quality Review of Student Services. Project initiatives that substantially contribute to the realisation of these strategic priorities will be prioritised in the evaluation framework for the Student Project Fund.
Supporting and Guiding Successful Transitions e.g. First Year Orientation (Undergraduate and Postgraduate), development of online resources, integration of student support
Providing a Supportive Learning Environment e.g. learning communities, student mentoring, developmental programmes, retention and progression initiatives
Development of Graduate Attributes e.g. Leadership programmes, alumni engagement, work-based learning initiatives
Community Engagement, Participation and Belonging e.g. participation in Clubs / Societies, Volunteering, development of community support structures in Colleges/Schools
Health, Wellbeing and Welfare e.g. financial advice, developmental programmes, improvement of student health
Widening Participation and Supporting Diversity e.g. targeted support for under-represented or non-traditional student cohorts, coaching, diversity training
Organisational Management and Communication, e.g. Integration and co-location of student-facing services, initiatives aimed towards improving communications, research initiatives to gather quality, evidence-based information that will contribute to actions to improve student engagement, performance and retention
Student Engagement – Summary Points for Strategic Plan 2015-2020
Vision: NUI Galway is distinguished internationally by excellence in student engagement; with integrated academic, professional service, organisational and social systems that stimulate student success for learning and leadership, life and work. This will be achieved by:
- Supporting and Guiding Successful Transitions
NUI Galway supports and builds the capacity of students to successfully negotiate key transitions in their teaching, learning and life journey.
- Manage transitions – particularly first year
- Provide cross institutional, integrated support
- Recognise that developmental and support measures underpin student journey
- Providing a Supportive Learning Environment
NUI Galway provides an exceptional teaching and learning environment that enables students to set and achieve their ambitions.
- Excellence teaching, learning, support: customised, experiential where possible
- Foster a sense of ‘belonging’, learning communities
- Provide excellent facilities, physically and virtually
- Develop policy e.g. Fitness to Study
- Development of NUI Galway Graduate Attributes
The NUI Galway experience provides graduate attributes that enables students to shape and achieve their potential in learning, life, career and society.
- Identify, certify for each programme / discipline and distinctive NUI Galway graduate identity
- Measurable; include curricular, co- and extracurricular [Diploma Supplement]
- Develop an employability strategy
- Community and Civic Engagement
The NUI Galway experience enables students to contribute actively to society, both in the University and as global citizens
- Active participation e.g. ALIVE, sport
- Nurture connectivity, diversity, citizenship
- Feedback systematic and informs design and delivery
- Supporting Student Welfare, Health and Wellbeing
NUI Galway is committed to the holistic development and support of students
- Promote welfare, health, wellbeing – including accommodation, finance, health, social support
- Provide training and systems –students and staff
- Widening Participation, Supporting Diversity and Social Inclusion
NUI Galway is committed to a holistic educational and cultural experience for a diverse student body, where equality, inclusion and diversity are core values
- Preferred institution in Ireland for traditionally underrepresented groups
- Provide and integrate services
- Organisational Management and Communication*
NUI Galway will continue to be characterised by staff who are empathetic, supportive and agile in responding to student teaching and learning needs.
- Realign and co-locate student-facing services
- Forge alliances and partnerships
- Actively use management information, benchmark – evidence base that informs priorities
*This focus of this element is primarily outlined in the Operations Group strand of the Plan
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