
Welcome to your child’s student-led conference. Below is a list of what will happen during the conference. Thank you for being here and supporting your child’s education.

The student will do the following:

  1. Introduce the guest to the teacher. Speak in a loud and clear voice.
  2. Show the guest where to sit. Collect your portfolio and other materials.
  3. Explain to the guest the purpose of the student-led conference.
  4. Encourage the guest to ask questions.
  1. Read All About.
  2. Discuss with the guest your behavior in the classroom. Show him or her My Behavior and the reflection.
  3. Show the guest item 1. Explain the skills and standards demonstrated in item 1, and explain how well you performed.
  4. Repeat this process for items 2 , 3, 4, 5, and 6.
  5. Read the student’s reflections on My Performance.
  6. Direct the guest to answer the last two questions of this section.
  1. Read Setting Goals.
  2. Write a goal, with the help of the guest, based on what the student needs to improve on at school.
  3. Identify what steps the student can take to reach the goal and how the guest will be able to support the student in achieving the goal.
  4. Make sure that all the guest’s questions have been answered.
  1. Give the guest the Post Conference Guest Reflection. Explain what the guest needs to do.
  2. If necessary, set up an appointment with the teacher.
  1. Keep your 3 ring binder.
  2. Return the conference notes, and other materials.
  3. Thank the guest for coming and supporting your education.

Thank You!

Student-Parent Conference

ALL ABOUT (Student Name)______Period_____

I have enjoyed class when ______


I am proud of myself at school when ______


I do my best work at school when ______



BEHAVIOR Always Mostly Often Rarely Never

I get to class on time.______

I pay attention in class.

I bring my school materials and

put away food, phone, etc.

I do not interrupt class.

I work well with others.

I am respectful to others.

I keep an organized 3 ring binder and/or Notebook. ______

Starting now, this is what I will do improve my behavior:

Student Led Conference: Portfolio/Multiple Assignments

Item 1: English: Chosen by: Student:

How did you go about preparing for or creating this assignment?

What did you do well?

What problems did you encounter or what problems does the item show?

What would you do to improve item 1?

How does this artifact connect to my future career/college choice? ______

Item 2: Math: ______ Chosen by: Student:

How did you go about preparing for or creating this assignment?

Which math practices are in this assignment, and what does this math practice mean?


What did you do well?

What problems did you encounter or what problems does the item show?

What would you do to improve item 2?

How does this artifact connect to my future career/college choice? ______

Item 3: Chosen by: Student:

How did you go about preparing for or creating this assignment?

What did you do well?

What problems did you encounter or what problems does the item show?

What would you do to improve item 3?

How does this artifact connect to my future career/college choice? ______
Student Led Conference: Portfolio/Multiple Assignments

Item 4: Chosen by: Student:

How did you go about preparing for or creating this assignment?

What did you do well?

What problems did you encounter or what problems does the item show?

What would you do to improve item 4?

How does this artifact connect to my future career/college choice? ______

My Performance

I have made the following observations about my performance.

These are my areas of strength. I need to continue these because they help me to be


These are areas I believe I need to concentrate on improving.

What do you (the guest) think is my main strength?

Why? (Guest)

Setting Goals

My goal for the end of the semester is

The steps I will take to reach my goal are

Here is what you can do to help me reach my goal:

College and Career Readiness:

What is your career choice? ______

Explain your plan for being prepared for College/Career: (explain the courses you will

take, tests, extra-curricular activities, etc.)______




Why is each piece of your plan important to you? ______



How, if you follow your plan, you will be ready for college? ______



What have you been doing so far to that will help prepare you for success with this plan?




What challenges do you foresee? ______


What might you need to reinforce or change about yourself in order to successfully

accomplish your plan? ______


What supports will you need? ______


What are your immediate next steps going to be to help fulfill your college/career plan?




Post Conference Guest Reflection

Dear Guest,

Thank you for taking an active role in your student’s education and reaffirming the importance of an education for your child’s future. To complete the conference, please respond to the following questions. When you finish, your student must turn in this completed packet/form in order to earn a grade for the conference.

Thanks again,

Arts, Media and Entertainment Magnet (AMEM) Teachers and Staff.

Guest Name:

Relation to Student:

What did you notice?

What made you feel proud?

What would you like your student to work on?

Keep up the good work on…

Ways that you (the guest) can help are…

Additional comments