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What are the learning objectives? / How, where, and when are they assessed? / What are the expectations? / What are the results? / Committee/ person responsible? How are results shared?1. Demonstrate knowledge of word processing, statistical analysis, and spreadsheet use. / Initially in Soc 3610 (Research methods) and 3620 (Statistics), terminally in 4900 (Capstone course), and finally on an exit exam. At least 75% of students will agree that they have gained the ability on the perception survey. / A combination of correct responses to Methods and exit exam questions, C or better in Statistics, and acceptable demonstration on capstone project.
Asked on perception exit survey. / 3620- 67% met expectations
3610-77% met or exceeded
4900- 75% met or exceeded
Exit exam – 46% met expectations
SURVEY: “I gained the ability…” 100% Agree or Strongly Agree / Individual course faculty responsible for reporting; assessment committee disseminates data/report.
2. Demonstrate knowledge of sociological theories and applications. / Initially in 2710 (Intro), again in 2850 and 3250 (consecutive Theory courses) and 4900 (capstone) and terminally on the capstone project. At least 75% of students will agree that they have gained the ability on the perception survey. / A combination of correct exam questions in Intro and on the exit exam, overall course grades in Theory, and acceptable demonstration on capstone project.
Asked on perception exit survey. / 2710 – 79% meets expectations
2850– 77% met or exceeded
3250- 80% met or exceeded
4900- 85% met or exceeded
Exit exam- 56% met expectations
SURVEY: “I gained the ability…” 100% Agree or Strongly Agree / Individual course faculty responsible for reporting ; assessment committee disseminates data/report
3. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of skills necessary for conducting sociological research. / Initially in 2710 (Intro), again in 3620 (Methods) and 4900 (Capstone), and finally on the capstone project and exit exam. At least 75% of students will agree that they have gained the ability on the perception survey. / A combination of correct exam questions in Intro and on the exit exam, C or better on research proposals, and acceptable demonstration on capstone project.
Asked on perception exit survey. / 2710- 75% met
3620- 84% met or exceeded
4900- 75% met or exceeded
Exit exam- 68% met expectations
SURVEY: “I gained the ability to…” 100% Agree or Strongly Agree / Individual course faculty responsible for reporting ; assessment committee disseminates data/report
4. Demonstrate sociological consciousness/imagination, recognizing the link between individual experiences/issues and larger social forces. / Initially in 2710 (Intro), again in 4900 (Capstone), and finally on the capstone project and exit exam. At least 75% of students will agree that they have gained the ability on the perception survey. / A combination of correct exam questions in Intro and on the exit exam and acceptable demonstration on capstone project.
Asked on perception exit survey. / 2710- 72% met expectations
4900- 90% met or exceeded
Exit exam- 73% met expectations
SURVEY: “I gained the ability to…” 100% Agree or Strongly Agree / Individual course faculty responsible for reporting ; assessment committee disseminates data/report
5. Demonstrate a sociological perspective promoting multicultural understanding tolerance and acceptance of diversity. / Initially in Ant 2200 (Intro) and Soc 2721 (Stratification), again in 4900 (capstone) and finally on the capstone project and exit exam. At least 75% of students will agree that they have gained the ability on the perception survey. / Overall course grades in Ant 2200, Correct exam questions in 2721 and exit exam, and acceptable demonstration on capstone project.
Asked on perception exit survey. / Ant 2200- 57% met or exceeded expectations,
2721- 75% met expectations
4900- 95% met or exceeded
Exit exam- 61% met expectations
SURVEY: “I gained the ability to…” 100% Agree or Strongly Agree / Individual course faculty responsible for reporting ; assessment committee disseminates data/report
6. Demonstrate an ability to think critically. / Initially in 2710 (Intro), again in 3250 (Contemporary theory), and finally on the capstone project. At least 75% of students will agree that they have gained the ability on the perception survey. / A combination of Intro exam questions, a C or better on critical thinking paper in theory, and acceptable demonstration on capstone project.
Asked on perception exit survey. / 2710- 83% met expectations
3250- 56% met or exceeded
4900- 85% met or exceeded
SURVEY: “I gained the ability to…” 91% Agree or Strongly Agree / Individual course faculty responsible for reporting ; assessment committee disseminates data/report
Describe what your program’s assessment accomplishments since your last report was submitted. Discuss ways in which you have responded to the CASA Director’s comments on last year’s report or simply describe what assessment work was initiated, continued, or completed.
We continue to address specific concerns regarding the process of assessment in the department. The use of the collection matrix has made data collection much easier. We are now able to collect data in an organized and efficient manner with increased validity. Toward a goal of further improving efficiency and validity of data, the committee has decided to make two changes in the process of assessment within the department. First the ease of data collection ensured 100% participation by faculty and very high validity. We find ourselves with more data than necessary. Collection on a sample will be just as productive in this manner as collecting for the population. The committee will then request that responses be provided from a sample of classes rather than every core section.
Secondly, as we have worked toward more specific outcomes with regard to each learning objective, the old assessment exam has become outdated. The scores on the exam are very low; in fact lower than we believe demonstrates the true ability of the students. The students are given the exam cold with no warning, context or reference tools. To bring data collection more in line with our specific outcomes, the final capstone project will be used for terminal assessment and the old exit exam will no longer be used.
Summarize changes and improvements in curriculum, instruction, and learning that have resulted from the implementation of your assessment program. How have you used the data? What have you learned? In light of what you have learned through your assessment efforts this year and in past years, what are your plans for the future?
In response to a variety of sources, including assessment and last spring’s external review, the department engaged in a three part faculty retreat during spring 2008. The following are a series of changes made, proposed, or in the revision process currently:
It was suggested in repeated focus group sessions that specific concentrations be available within the department. The curriculum committee is in the process of developing several models for faculty consideration during the fall term.
Methods and statistics have been renumbered to reflect the now required order in which they must be completed (methods first.)
Theory will be reduced from two consecutive required courses to a single required survey course and possible advanced theory electives. The proposals for these courses will be available for faculty review during fall term.
New course proposals are being developed for Sociology of Religion, classical readings seminars, and special topics.
In response to requests of specific address of graduate school and job opportunities, a new course in professional development is being proposed as a required course and will be available for faculty review during fall term.
In response to student request for increased information dissemination and integration among students, a student handbook was written by a departmental alumnus (“what you need to know and I wish I had been told”) and will be completed this fall for release. Faculty members are also developing a weekend workshop that could be given to each new cohort to better orient them to both the major and the department.
There has been a repeated comment among students during the assessment focus groups that the same instructors always teach the core classes and for students who do not work well with specific teaching styles this can be a difficult position. The reduction of theory to a single course will allow some flexibility in teaching responsibilities so that a rotation of teaching responsibilities for required courses can be developed.
The department as a whole and the curriculum committee specifically have also used assessment data to address issues of curriculum content, teaching load, and specific course coverage by faculty generating healthy departmental dialogue about continued growth and improvement of the department.