A Note to Parents:

Dear Parents,

Thank you for your interest in the possibility of your student being involved in our Dawson Student Ministry Student Leadership Team. Please know that it is not the desire of the DSM staff to create more activities in which your student can be involved. Life is busy. There is always an activity to occupy our time. We recognize that busyness does not equate to growth and growth should not come at the sacrifice of family time and commitments.

However, I want you to know that a commitment to this team involves much support - from you first, as well as our team here. We are here to help your student grow as a godly young man or woman. We believe that leadership opportunities are essential to healthy growth. In order to be a part of this leadership team, we require students to attend Sunday morning worship and Life Groups as well as Dye Groups and Illuminate on Wednesday nights and all major events including Retreats, DNOW and Breakaway. Additionally, student leaders are required to attend the Student Leaders training event Saturday, August 19 from 10am-6pm, have a weekly ministry responsibility, and attend monthly Student Leadership meetings on Sunday afternoons this year. If this is a commitment you feel your student can pledge to, we would love for them to fill out our Student Leadership application.

Thank you so much for your support. You are vital to the growth of a spiritually maturing young adult!

In Him,

Lance Millsaps

Minister to Students

Why Should I Do It?

The Student Leadership Team at Dawson Memorial Baptist Church is an opportunity for high school students to know God more and make Him known, as well as leverage their God-given gifts and talents in order to impact the world around them for Christ. The Student Leadership Team encompasses three different positions of leadership. While each position of leadership has differing descriptions and expectations, the goal is the same: for student leaders to make disciples of Jesus Christ as they live out their walk with Christ in the mission field where He has placed them.

Student Leadership team has 3 primary purposes:

  1. Discipleship
  2. Learn Leadership Principles
  3. Gain Leadership Experience


✦Students will participate in monthly Leadership lessons on Sunday afternoons.

✦Students will be asked to commit to and complete daily quiet time devotionals on their own.

✦There will be weekly accountability of quiet times, journaling, and note taking.

✦Students will have more personal time and interaction with DSM staff.

Learn Leadership Principles

✦There will be monthly sessions from the Leadership365 curriculum.

✦Please see monthly topics covered

✦Students will have access to an adult leadership advisor for their Dye Group team.

Gain Leadership Experience

✦Each student will have weekly ministry responsibilities including Dye Groups, Illuminate, Sunday Mornings and Wednesday nights.

✦Students will be divided into groups of 4-7 leaders and will have the responsibility of dreaming, planning, developing, and carrying out a ministry opportunity in their Dye Group homes and for the Dawson Student Ministry as a whole.

Fee - $200

The cost covers materials used during the year.

What Do You Get For the Money?

  1. Deposits for HS retreat, DNOW, and Breakaway ($150)
  2. A Journal ($10 value)
  3. T-shirt ($10 value)
  4. Start Here book by Alex and Brett Harris ($15 value)
  5. Cost of Discipleship Book ($15 value)

Student Leadership

Monthly Leadership Training

What Will I Learn?

The first Sunday of every month, students will have an interactive teaching time with our high school staff during the Leadership training meetings. We will be using material from LeaderTreks titled, “Student Leaders: Start Here.”

Below, you will see the monthly teaching topics and a description.

October | Leadership Design

Description: Your foundation of leadership is built on who you are. Each person will lead differently based on how they were created and how they have been specifically gifted by God. Together, this information will determine how we act in different situations and allow us to serve others through our strengths. Students will take home two tests that will be brought back and debriefed in the November session.

November | Debrief of Leadership Wiring and Spiritual Gifts Assessment

December | Balancing Act

Description: We all know a great visionary who has acted inappropriately. We also know the leader who wants everything done right but can’t execute the vision. The key here is balance. A leader must learn how to execute skills, but also be someone of great character. Students will take home two tests that will be brought back and debriefed in the January session.

January | Debrief of Leadership Skills Test and Character Trait Assessment

February| Mission First-People Always

Description: God has given us a mission and the mission is people. Generally, leaders value one over the other, thus neglecting the one they do not value. But in leadership, tasks and relationships are tied together. Great leaders understand this and work hard to care for people while still reaching goals. Students will take home one test that will be brought back and debriefed in the March session.

March | Debrief of Leadership Style Assessment

April | Recap of the year in Student Leadership

Leadership Teams Descriptions

All Student Leadership members will participateon First Impressions Team, Illuminate Prayer Team, and Creative Team. Additionally, all Student Leadership members will choose an area of Dye Group Leadership listed below.

Dye Group Leadership (choose 1)

  • Dye Group Apprentice (11th & 12th grade only): The Dye Group Apprentice supports the adult facilitator in leading the lesson portion of Dye Group each week and assists in facilitating conversation. As the year progresses, Apprentices will teach the full lesson.
  • Dye Group Logistics Leader: The Dye Group Logistics Leader oversees all of the details of the weekly Dye Group meetings.
  • Dye Group Hospitality Leader: The Dye Group Hospitality Leader works to provide a warm environment for students each week.

First Impressions

Volunteers will help the Welcome Crew prepare the café for Sunday morning with breakfast setup and distribution. They will also welcome guests by greeting them in the DSM entryways, completing visitor cards, and helping them find Life Group classes.

Illuminate Prayer Team

The goal of this team is to come early on Illuminate nights and pray over the seats, that the Lord would move and save and change lives, and to pray for the speaker and the band.

Creative Team

The Creative Team members assist the Student Ministry staff in dreaming up creative elements for Sunday morning Life Group, Dye Groups, The Loft, Illuminate, and other big events.

All students will be trained at our Leadership Training on Saturday, August 19. ** If you are unable to commit to this date, then you will not be able to be a part of Student Leadership.**

Expectations of a Student Leader

Leadership demands expectations. Leaders will be held to a high standard. As a result, Dawson Student Ministry insists that student leaders meet stringent requirements. Fortunately, students are more than ready to be challenged.

The profile of a student leader is…

✦Growing spiritually


✦Genuinely friendlyand transparent

✦Publicly supports leadership and their decisions

✦Makes visitors feel welcome at events and programs

✦Participates in ALL major events

✦Constantly looks for opportunities to share their faith

✦Has a good reputation with peers

Those participating in Student Leadership are expected to be the most faithful and consistent participants in the high school ministry. Leaders are present! While noting that there are times when one cannot be present, Student Leaders are expected to faithfully attend the following:

✦Life Groups

✦Sunday Morning Worship

✦Dye Groups



✦HS Retreat

✦Girls Retreat


✦Student Leadership monthly meetings

✦Student Leadership training (mandatory for participation)

oSaturday, August 19 from 10am-6pm

oHeld at the church in the Loft

Follow Me Project

I Corinthians 11:1 states “ Follow me as I follow the example of Christ.” As leadership demands higher expectations, it also insists on higher accountability. The Follow Me Project creates an opportunity for all student leaders to lead at a high level of accountability. This project is broken up into 3 parts and is required by all Student Leaders.

✦All Student Leaders will create two videos during the year:

oVideo 1: Tell Your Story

▪This will be a 5 minute video that shares your personal testimony.

oVideo 2: Your life with Jesus

▪How do you live out your faith on a day to day basis?

▪Promote your Dye Group

▪Encourage others to follow your example as you follow the example of Christ.

oYour full videos will be placed on DSM Facebook and YouTube pages.

oA shorter version and the link to full video will go on your personal social media accounts.

✦All Students will participate in “Follow Me” Public Testimony.

oOnce a month during Life Group and/or Illuminate nights, student leaders will share their story to the entire Dawson Student Ministry

▪This may include:


●Q&A Panels

✦All Student Leaders will seek personal accountability and growth

oWeekly meeting with Accountability partner

oWill meet with a DSM staff member one time per month to check in

How to Become a Student Leader

  1. Pray about this decision. Discuss it with several friends as well as your parents and mentors. We require your parents or guardian to sign the application stating they believe you are capable and ready for leadership.
  1. Complete the application. Write clearly with blue or black ink and return your completed application to the Student Ministry office.
  1. Have your reference complete the reference form. Provide them an envelope to return it back to you. When returned to you, the envelope should be sealed with the name of the reference and name of the student on the outside.
  1. Return the application by Friday, June 30thand set up a one on one interview time with Lance (This can be done through Alison at the DSM office).
  1. You will be notified by the DSM Staff with further information on the leadership training scheduled for August 19th from 10am-6pm.


Upon acceptance into the Student Leadership program, a $200 fee is required from each Student Leader. This fee covers the deposits for required events including High School Retreat, DNOW weekend, and High School Breakaway as well as Student Leadership Supplies.



JUNE 30-AUGUST 1: INTERVIEWS (We will schedule via email after you submit your application.)

AUGUST 19: Student Leadership Training Day

August 25-27: High School Retreat

JANUARY 12-14: DNOW Weekend

TBA: High School Breakaway

Do you have any conflicts with ANY of the dates above? If so, when? ______

Please indicate the role in which you are most interested to serve:

?Dye Group Apprentice (11 & 12th grade only)
?Dye Group Hospitality Leader ?Dye Group Logistics Leader


  1. Please answer the following questions clearly using blue or black ink
  2. Return this application to the DSM Office Assistant in the Student Ministries office in the Student Building.


Parents Names ______


Home Phone______Cell Phone ______

Do You Text?YesorNo


Social Media UsernameInstagram______Twitter______


School______Age ______Grade Entering ______

How long have you attended Dawson Memorial Baptist? ______

Are you a member of Dawson Memorial Baptist? ______

Please answer the following questions

1)Tell me about when you were saved.

2)Tell me about your current walk with God. What has your relationship with Christ been like for the past 2 months?

4)Define the following terms: Servant, Humility. Name someone you believe exemplifies these qualities.

5)Tell me about 1 person you have attempted to share Christ with in the last month.

6)List any extracurricular activities in which you participate including clubs, sports, church, etc.

7)Do you currently have a job? If so, where? How many hours per week do you work?

8)Is there anything that would hinder you from consistently attending Life Groups, Sunday morning worship, Dye Groups, Illuminate, and monthly Student Leadership meetings?

10)How does integrity affect one’s reputation with others?

I pledge to faithfully and consistently attend the programs and ministries listed on page 5. Excessive absences may result in my dismissal from the Student Leadership team.

X ______Date ______


X______Date ______

Parent Signature

Reference Form

Please provide 1 reference that will speak on your behalf. No relatives or Dawson Church Staff Members please. Explain to the reference that you are applying for a student leadership position and would like for them to fill out the reference. Provide an envelope for them to return the form to you sealed with their name and signature printed on the front. (This page as well as the following two pages should be given to your reference.)

Reference information


Email address:______

Phone number:______

This portion is to be filled out by applicant.

Name: ______

Grade: ______

E-mail: ______

Phone #: ______

____ I waive my right to read this reference.

X ______

Reference Form (continued)

Note to reference: This reference should be completed and returned to applicant in a sealed envelope with your signature and printed name on the front.

Name: ______

Relationship to Student: ______

How long have you known him/her? ______

Please circle the best answer:

  1. This student has a growing walk with the Lord.

Strongly AgreeAgree with reservations DisagreeStrongly disagree

  1. This student looks for opportunities to serve.

Strongly AgreeAgree with reservations DisagreeStrongly disagree

  1. This student is teachable.

Strongly AgreeAgree with reservations DisagreeStrongly disagree

  1. Humility is a characteristic of this student’s life.

Strongly AgreeAgree with reservations DisagreeStrongly disagree

  1. This student is a leader.

Strongly AgreeAgree with reservations DisagreeStrongly disagree

  1. This student lives morally above reproach.

Strongly AgreeAgree with reservations DisagreeStrongly disagree

  1. This student has a consistent walk with the Lord.

Strongly AgreeAgree with reservations DisagreeStrongly disagree

  1. This student is warm and welcoming to those he/she does not know.

Strongly AgreeAgree with reservations DisagreeStrongly disagree

  1. I whole-heartedly recommend this student to serve in a place of leadership.

Strongly AgreeAgree with reservations DisagreeStrongly disagree

  1. This student is unafraid to take a stand or share their faith.

Strongly AgreeAgree with reservations DisagreeStrongly disagree

Reference Form (continued)

If you circled “Agree with reservations,” “Disagree,” or “Strongly Disagree” on any of the questions, please explain. Please feel free to add any other insights that you feel would be beneficial in giving us a more thorough grasp on this student, their walk with the Lord, and their heart to serve in this ministry.

Please provide any additional information on why you believe this student will be a good Student Leader for Dawson Student Ministries.


Parent Release Form

I acknowledge that my student is applying for the Dawson Student Ministry Student Leadership Team and give my permission and full support to them doing so. I will support my student in his/her leadership role in the Student Ministry at DMBC. I recognize that involvement on the Student Leadership Team will require extra time from my student as well as their participation in ALL major DSM events including: High School Retreat, DNOW, and Breakaway.


Parent Signature


Printed Name

Date: ______