Lunar Return Report


Lunar Return Report for:

Oprah Winfrey

January 29, 1954

7:50 PM

Jackson, Mississippi



The Lunar Return is a monthly chart calculated for the time when the Moon returns to the exact position it was in your natal chart. This happens every twenty-eight days; there are thirteen Lunar Returns in a year. These charts mark the principal events of the month for which the return was produced.
This report outlines possible events for that month and also gives some suggestions on how to deal with the positive as well as negative planetary aspects.
In some cases you will find contradictions; a planet may be beneficial in a certain area, while others may indicate the opposite. This means that you could have two types of situations in the same month. For example: a lover's quarrel and a subsequent reconciliation. To get the most out of this report, it will be necessary to use your own logic and intuition, fitting the descriptions outlined here to your own particular case.
The objective of this report is to offer you a practical guide that helps you to analyze this month's perspectives and to benefit from them using your free will. Note that the accuracy of these calculations depends much on how precisely your hour of birth is known.


Tropical Placidus Standard Time observed
January 29, 1954 7:50 PM
GMT: 01:50:00 Time Zone: 6 hours West
Lat. and Long. of birth: 32 N 17 55 90 W 11 05
Lunar Return for: Jackson, Mississippi 32 N 17 55 90 W 11 05
Aspects and orbs:

LUNAR RETURN: July 4, 2009 at 10:01:27 AM

Lunar Return Ascendant Virgo :
You tend to be insecure and have a need to find structure in your life. It is a good time to put your life in order. You have to think before you act though. Occupational improvements are possible. It also would be a good month to start a diet.
Asc in 12th natal house:
Your thoughts may turn to spiritual issues or concerns. Your dreams may be more vivid than usual and contain symbolism that pertains to something that is troubling you. You may also tend to feel lonely and withdrawn. Take care of your health.
Lunar Return MC Gemini :
A change of occupation could be indicated. It is a month of changes, financial instability and boredom with your daily routine. You may take a trip in connection with your profession. Your home life will be less stable, but also filled with happy times. Receiving visitors from out of town could be possible.
MC in 9th natal house:
Your professional activity may require you to study, travel abroad or bring you in connection with educated people. You probably will sense your mission in life and your spirituality will be your best guide.
Moon in 4th house:
Home improvements are likely now. You may buy new furniture, make repairs, remodel or even move to a new residence. You tend to concentrate more on family problems and have a greater emotional need to find safety and protection in the people that surround you.
Moon Square Saturn:
You may feel very lonely and depressed during this month. Your social life is likely to be limited and you could be plagued by negative thoughts and emotional frustration.
You may have to deal with painful affectionate situations such as deceptions, separations, or indifference on the part of your loved ones. The feeling of romantic failure will be very strong. It is a time to meet with karmic debts. Domestic problems with older people or those who have authority are also possible.

Moon Quincunx Sun:
There is a tendency to conflicts or disagreements in your family. You are likely to have strong inner doubts and tend to feel insecure which could lead to emotional imbalance. Psychological ailments are possible, watch your health and your nutrition.
Lunar Return 3rd cusp conjunct natal Neptune:
Your inspiration and fantasy tends to increase considerably. You are likely to have the right intuition or hunches and may have some experiences related to telepathy or extrasensory perception. Your ideas about the material world will not be very concrete and it may be difficult for you to think in practical terms during this time.
Sun in 11th house:
Your social life is likely to increase by meeting new people and strengthening your existing friendship ties. You may want to join groups and participate in activities with people who have the same interests. There is a tendency to depend on friends for the realization of your plans. One friend in particular may offer you support and dedication.
Mercury in 10th house:
During this month you are likely to make plans to improve your status and may take up commercial studies, courses or practical applications that will help you accomplish this. Communication with your superiors will improve. Problems related to papers, procedures, documents or written materials could take up much of your time, leaving you less time for other important aspects of your work.
Venus in 10th house:
Your occupational situation will be very favorable and you will be able to rely on the support of your superiors. Your social circle will increase and you will have influential relationships that will help you in your professional evolution. A good time to obtain honor, prestige and social position. Love also will be related to your work. If you are involved with someone, he/she will help you to achieve your objective. If you are not involved with anyone, you could fall in love with someone connected to your work. This position takes a public view of your romantic life and could expose you to criticism, gossip or scandal.
Mars in 9th house:
There could be disagreements or conflicts in your religious belief. You may want to defend and strongly impose your beliefs on others while rejecting theirs. Regarding your family, possible disagreements with brother-in-laws are possible.

Be very cautious while traveling during this time, as this influence generates problems and tensions when visiting foreign countries.
Jupiter in 6th house:
Your occupational situation is likely to improve and tends to be more agreeable. The relationship with your co-workers and bosses will be more harmonious and happy. You may receive certain benefits or improvements in your working conditions.
There is a tendency to overindulge. Avoid fats, fried and other foods that could affect the liver. You also should avoid candy and sugar because you could gain weight easily during this period.
Saturn in 1st house:
A month of personal maturity. There is a tendency to introversion, loneliness and pessimism. Your responsibilities and obligations are likely to limit your personal freedom. You probably will have to deal with distressing and difficult tests at this time. Try to abandon your feelings of fear, depression or pessimism that only would make things worse. Your physical energy also may weaken.
Uranus in 7th house:
Alterations and changes in your relationships are possible. You reject the daily routine and your traditions. If your relationship is not flexible, it could lead to a break. There is a tendency to unstable, passing or fanciful romances. Tension in associations is also possible.
Neptune in 6th house:
Confusing problems and misunderstandings in your work place are likely. There could be envy, criticism, gossip or dishonesty and deception between bosses or co-workers. Guard against poisoning with drinks or medicines. Allergies and increased indulgence in bad habits also is possible.
Pluto in 4th house:
There could be transformation and changes in your home. You will be opposed to any kind of control or manipulation and respond in an aggressive way to limitations of your own freedom. Changes, breaks or family separations are possible. You may have to confront problems or memories from your childhood and will begin to understand the meaning of them in your adult life.


--Timing is Everything--