Student’s Name: / NAU ID:
E-mail Address: / Phone Number:
Enrollment Term: (ex. Summer 2016) / Expected Graduation: (ex. Spring 2019)
Total Required Credits for this Degree Program: 36
This is the: Initial (upon admission) Final (submitted with Graduation Application) Program of Study
* / Course No. / Course Title / Replacement Course / Semester / Year / Hours / Grade / T/E/P**
I.  Foundation Courses (9 units required)
* / CCJ 605 / Criminology Theory
* / CCJ 606 / Research Methods for Criminology
A.  Select ONE course from the following courses (3 units required): CCJ 610, CCJ 614, or other research tool approved by the Department Graduate Program Committee.
II.  Focus Area (9 units required)
A.  Transnational Crime and Justice (9 units required): Select THREE courses from the following courses: CCJ 515, CCJ 616, CCJ 617, CCJ 652, CCJ 654, CCJ 697, or extra-departmental course (up to three units with advisor approval).
B.  Communities and Justice (9 units required): Select THREE courses from the following courses: CCJ 530, CCJ 532, CCJ 545, CCJ 618, CCJ 620, CCJ 628, CCJ 654, CCJ 697, or extra-departmental course(up to three units with advisor approval).
C.  Law, Policy, and Social Change (9 units required): Select THREE courses from the following courses: CCJ 566, CCJ 616, CCJ 619, CCJ 620,CCJ 625, CCJ 638, CCJ 677, CCJ 697, or extra-departmental course(up to three units with advisor approval).

Student’s Name: NAU ID:

* / Course No. / Course Title / Replacement Course / Semester / Year / Hours / Grade / T/E/P**
III.  Capstone Project (6 units required): Select ONE of the four following capstone projects:
A.  Thesis (6 thesis units (CCJ 699) required) - original qualitative or quantitative research in criminology
B.  Internship (6 field practicum units (CCJ 696) required) - minimum one semester full-time field placement and the completion of a written analysis of the internship project
C.  Comprehensive Exam (6 additional elective units required) - supervised examinations to demonstrate mastery of criminological theory and methods and one focus area of study
D.  Justice Education Practicum - requires completion of CCJ 688 and CCHE 580 or CCHE 640 and, with the approval of the CCJ 688 instructor, one semester of supervised college-level teaching (or other justice-education project) and the completion of a written, critical analysis of the teaching experience
IV.  Elective Units (3-12 units required)
·  Student who complete one focus area must complete 12 units of additional elective coursework approved by the student’s Graduate Committee.
·  Students who complete a second 9-unit focus area will take 3 additional units of approved elective coursework.
·  Students who select the Comprehensive Exam Capstone Project option must complete 18 hours of elective coursework.


By signing below, you agree to the following statement:

“Students are responsible for complete knowledge of Academic Catalog requirements in their degree plan for their catalog year and adhering to all policies in the Academic Catalog.”

Student: / Date:
Advisor: / Date:
Graduate Coordinator: / Date:
Chair (required for Final): / Date:

**Transfer/Equivalent/Previous Graduate Degree – Must have Advisor approval

Transfer T = Course transferred from another university

Previous Graduate Degree P = Course taken at NAU from previous graduate degree

Equivalent E = Course taken at NAU in place of required course

Internal Transfer I = Graduate level course taken as undergraduate; Not applied to undergraduate degree

Transfer Credit Example:

* / Course No. / Course Title / Replacement Course / Semester / Year / Hours / Grade / T/E/P**
ABC 123 / Fundamentals of English / ASU 456 / Fall / 2012 / 3 / A / T/ASU

*Required Applied Criminology (MS)–2016-17 Program of Study – Page 2 Revised: mmr, 6/20/16