Cardiff Metropolitan University

Student Incident Procedure

Version Number: 4

Revised:November 2015

Amended April 2016

Impact Assessed: April 2016

  1. Student Incident Procedure

This procedure relates to situations relevant to the vital interest of individual students and/or the reputation, public perception or confidence of the public in the university implying the failure of the university to effectively protect individual students.

  1. Staffing

Student Incident Response Team

Student Services provides the staff for the Student Incident Response Team which coordinates the responses to student incidents identified by the criteria set out in this document.

The Student Incident Response Team consists of:

The Coordinating Chaplain (Lead responder)

The Out of Hours Adviser

The Deputy Coordinating & Muslim Chaplain

The Manager (Student Advisory Services)

Student Services’ management and key staff receive notification via the Student Incidents’ log.

The following people will be notified as required:

The Dean of Students

Deputy Vice Chancellor & Director of the Student Experience
Chief Operating Officer
Director of External Engagement
& the relevant Dean of School.
The Dean of Students will provide Management Board with regular statistics on student incidents.
See 5.3 and Appendix 5 flowchart.
  1. Use of Student Incident Procedure

This procedure will be used in any circumstances where a member of staff is informed:

-that a student has died (see also Appendix 1);

-that a student has sustained life threatening injuries;

-that a student is missing;(see also Appendix 3);

-where a Cardiff Metropolitan University student is charged with a serious offence; or

-ofany other circumstances where the safety of a student is considered to be at serious risk[1].

-indication of a Prevent issue or threat to social cohesion.

Where a student is suspected of having a serious communicable disease, please see Appendix 2.

This procedure has been designed to complement the Major Incident Plan (MIP) and in the event of any apparent contradiction, the MIPtakes precedence.

  1. Confidentiality and case notes

Normal Data Protection legislative principles apply to student incidents so the circulation of sensitive, personal data should be restricted to an absolute minimum and divulged on a ‘need to know’[2] basis only.

If a student (over 18) states that s/he wants confidentiality, this MUST be respected and the name of the student must be withheld until/if s/he gives permission to share their detailsUNLESS there is a serious risk of harm to self or others.

Where there is no serious risk of harm to the individual or others, the person reporting MUST NOT divulge the identity of the student to anyone else, including parents, without the consent of the student.If s/he refuses to share their details it should be explained that this may limit the support we are able to offer and this should be noted when reporting the incident.

Where a student is under 18, s/he will have signed a consent form to contact a legal guardian in the event of an incident occurring and the emergency contact on the student system should be contacted in this situation.

Where the police request information about a student, confidentiality may bebreached, where the disclosure would be in accordance with normal Data Protection principles (e.g. written confirmation that the information is required for the prevention or detection of crime,the apprehension or prosecution of offenders).

It is also important to remember that any records relating to an individual may be obtained by that individual, making an application under the Freedom of Information legislation. Further advice on Data Protection and Freedom of Information can be obtained from the Senior Officer – Information Compliance.

It is necessary without exception to record all information, as and when it is received, and retain a comprehensive record. Therefore, all staff should make a note of all telephone messages and conversations, including date and time, keep a log of action taken and retain emails. These may be needed for the internal review or police action.

  1. Incident Procedure: Communications

In the event of an incident occurring involving a student, the member of staff receiving the initial notification must contactSecurity through reception on 6155 (internal)/02920416155 (External) or via the Emergency First Aid internal extension on 2222

The Duty Security Manager will contact the Duty SIP Co-ordinator (The Coordinating Chaplain or the Out of Hours Adviser).

5.1The Duty SIP Coordinator will, at the earliest opportunity, inform the Manager (Student Advisory Services), of the assessment of a student incident and agree/confirm the actions initiated to respond and confirm the staff to be notified.

5.2The Duty SIP Co-ordinator, based on the risk assessmentwillalso, at the earliest opportunity, informone or more of the staff[3] below:

-Accommodation Services Manager;

-Duty Halls Manager;

-Director of External Engagement;

-The Dean of School

-Pro Vice Chancellor (International) or International Student Support Manager where International Students are involved;

-Director of Estates and Facilities (or deputy);

-Director of Human Resources;

-Dean of Research where Research students are involved.

Or in the absence of those individuals

-The staff listed below in 5.3.

In the absence of all the individuals listed above, the Co-ordinator receiving the notification should inform his/her line manager or another member of the Cardiff Metropolitan University Major Incident Team, whose contact details are available to security staff.

5.3In every circumstance the Duty SIP Coordinator will decide whether or not the following people need to know immediately based on the guidance below

Title / Medium
The Dean of Students / Direct tel or email
Deputy Vice Chancellor & Director of the Student Experience / Direct tel or email
Chief Operating Officer / Direct tel or email
Director of External Engagement / Direct tel or email

5.3.1. The Dean of Students, the Deputy Vice Chancellor and the Chief Operating Officer need only to be informed if there is a need for an immediate action or response.

5.3.2 The Dean of Students also has access to the Incident log internal to Student Services staff where all incidents (SIP or not) are recorded and flagged automatically by email.

5.3.3 The Director of External Engagement is informed of incidents in relation to potentially affecting the reputation, public perception or confidence of the public in the university and will liaise with the University media advisers. In these instances the Chief Operating Officer will also be notified.

5.3.4 Other departments/relevant staff will be contacted directly by the Duty SIP Coordinator as required either under SIP or routine communication regarding student welfare.

  1. Specific responsibilities

6.1 The Duty SIP Coordinator in liaison with the Manager (Student Advisory Services) will determine what actions are required to support students and staff (e.g. emotional and/or practical support, informing relativesor guardians), where appropriate.

6.2 Provision canbe made for emergency accommodation on or off campus for parentsor guardians through the Duty SIP Coordinator, if required.

6.3 When required, the Director of External Engagement will advise our communications agency who will deal with any press enquiries and draft relevant press materials. Communication arrangements and all communication with the Press/Media includingthe issue of press releases will be made in accordance with the MIPMedia Crisis Plan.

6.4The Director of External Engagement willdetermine whether/when to inform the Vice Chancellor of incidents.

6.5 Where it is perceived that there may be an insurance liability, the Director of Finance should be informed as soon as reasonably practicable within normal working hours.


Once an incident has been concluded, the key staff involved in the incident must review procedures, as appropriate identify any shortcomings and implement any required changes. All reviews should take place in a climate of openness and not of blame.

8. SIP Reporting

The Dean of Students will submit to Management Board aregular statistical report on all Student Incidents against the following headings, notingany emergent trends and implicationsfor forward planning in terms of caseload management:

Example of reporting table

Month/Year / Out of Hours student incidents / Office Hours student incidents / Status
Enrolled / Suspended at student’s request / Suspended as a result of Fitness to Study / Withdrawn
Total 3 months

Appendix 1


1. Introduction

This protocol contains the steps to be taken in the event of the death of a student. It seeks to ensure that Cardiff Metropolitan University and itsrepresentativesprovide an appropriate response following the death of a student or recent former student.

The overarching aim of the protocol is to ensure that any such occurrence should be dealt with in a sensitive way. However, the protocol has been prepared as a check list to facilitate effective handling of a tragedy in what are invariably difficult circumstances.

2. Death of a student on Cardiff Metropolitan Universityproperty

If a death is suspectedon the property, as circumstances allow, the person making the discovery must:

-Call an ambulance;

-Securethe area where possible (with minimum disturbance to the scene);

-Implement the Major Incident Plan;

-Establish perimeter and await police/ambulance arrival.

The police exercise investigatory powers and usually act on behalf of the Coroner in arranging for the removal of the body.Notification of the next of kinis normally devolved to the police, who will liaise with the Co-ordinating Chaplain. No action should be taken in relation to the body without consultation with the police.

3. Death of a Student Not on Cardiff Metropolitan University Property

The person notified of the death should follow the Major Incident Plan.

4. Management Responsibilities

The Director of External Engagement is responsible for:

-Notifying the Vice Chancellor;

-Ensuring that appropriate staff and external contactsare informed of the event and updated as necessary;

-Ensuring that a letter of condolence is sent by the Vice Chancellor or nominee, in appropriate cases.

The Manager (Student Advisory Services) is responsible for:

-Ensuring that appropriate staff are briefed and available to provide emotional/practical/chaplaincy support;

-Arranging any appropriate next of kin support via Coordinating Chaplain

-Informing President of Student Union;

-Notifying Dean of School;

-Notifying Academic Registry;

-Notifying LIS and Finance, to ensure no inappropriate communication; and

-Notifying Alumni Office, Wellbeing Services Career Development Services.

-Notifying the office of the Pro Vice Chancellor (International); or International Student Support Manager where International Students are involved;

-Dean of Research where Research students are involved.

The Academic Registraris responsible for ensuring that the student record is updated.

The Director of Estates and Facilities is responsible for ensuring that:

-Where facilities are affected, alternative arrangements are put in place;

-Accommodation Services are notified, in appropriate cases.

-Organising any necessary overnight accommodation for relatives of the student.

The Dean(s) of School is (are) responsible for:

-Monitoring support requirements; and

-Informing academic staff of the death.

In the event of the death of an international student the Pro Vice Chancellor (International)will be responsible for:

-Ensuring arrangements forcommunication with relatives abroad are in place;

-Communication with the Embassy;

-Coordinating, where appropriate, the involvement of Cardiff Metropolitan University representatives in the deceased’s home country;

-Advising on cultural issues that may need to be taken into account.

The Director of Human Resources is responsible for:

-Arranging support for staff, as appropriate;

-Ensuring the Health and Safety Officer carries out investigation and reporting duties, where appropriate.

The Co-ordinating Chaplain is responsible for:

-Arranging Cardiff Metropolitan University representation at the funeral, in appropriate cases, in conjunction with the Director of External Engagement

Appendix 2

Protocol for Dealing with Meningitis and other Notifiable Diseases


There are several diseases that are ‘notifiable’ under the Public Health (Infectious Diseases) Regulations 1998; the most well-known are:


Food poisoning



Meningococcal septicaemia


Rubella (German measles)



For a complete list, visit

Public health action is always required to identify and provide preventative measures to close contacts of probable or confirmed cases of these diseases. Therefore, Cardiff Metropolitan Universityhas robust and comprehensive procedures in place in order to fulfil its duty of care and obligations to its stakeholders.

Further information can be obtained from:

Cardiff Metropolitan UniversityNursing Officers

Cardiff Metropolitan University’s Health Service’s website:

Posters and leaflets around campus

Student Services’ waiting areas

Nurses’ notice boards and display areas

Students’ Union

Student Handbook

National Meningitis Research Foundation –

Meningitis Now–

NHS Direct – 0845 46 47

Health Protection Agency


(1)If you are informed by the National Public Health Service Wales that a Cardiff Metropolitan University student has suspected or confirmed meningitis or other notifiable disease, you should, in the first instance, inform (in descending order) either:

Dean of Students02920416170


Manager – Student Wellbeing Services 029 2041 6170

Manager – Student Advisory Services 029 2041 6017

The Nursing Officer, Cyncoed campus 029 2041 6175

The Dean of Students ora representative will inform the MIP contactsand appropriate members of Cardiff Metropolitan University support services.

The Wellbeing Services Manager of Cardiff Metropolitan Universitywill inform and liaise with the appropriate Nursing Officers, the larger Student Services team, the Students’ Union, Halls of Residence staff and other appropriate academic and support staff across Cardiff Metropolitan University.

The Dean of Students or a member of the Student Services’ management team will provide information to the Chief Operating Officer and Deputy Vice Chancellor and liaise with a representative of the National Public Health Service Waleson 029 2040 2478.

(2) If you hear of a suspected or confirmed case of meningitis or other ‘notifiable’ disease from another source (e.g. friend of student, rumour, media), contact (in priority order) either:

Dean of Students or 029 2041 6170

Manager – Student Wellbeing Services or 029 2041 6170

Manager – Student Advisory Services 029 2041 6017

Or The Nursing Officer, Cyncoed campus 029 2041 6175

Out of Hours, the SIP contact protocol applies

In order to avoid anxiety and panic in the university community and amongst students’ parents, it will be vital to ensure that rumour is contained and that good communication is maintained at all times. Therefore, in this scenario, the Dean of Students or representative is responsible, with the help of the Student Services’ team, for establishing the accuracy of the report/rumour in liaison with key Cardiff Metropolitan University staff.

In the event that the report/rumour is confirmed, the Dean of Students or representative will inform members of Cardiff Metropolitan University and contact the NPHSW team as above.

(3) If news of a suspected, probable or confirmed case of meningitis or other ‘notifiable’ disease should break outside of working hours, the Out of Hours number should be called. Reception desks on every campus have a list of the relevant emergency contact numbers.

External agencies ringing into Cardiff Metropolitan University should use the main Cardiff Metropolitan University number 029 2041 6170; the call will be routed to a campus reception desk and the call recipient should follow the ‘notifiable’ diseases action procedures that are provided.

(4)The NPHSW Health Protection Team will assume responsibility for policy decisions, the issuing of directives and taking appropriate actions (e.g. prophylactic intervention, contact tracing, provision of information to G.P. and hospitals etc.). The Major Incident Team will liaise with NPHSW regarding appropriate action.

In consultation with the NPHSW team, the Dean of Students, members of the Student Services team and the Students’ Union will:

Arrange appropriate information and publicity (posters, fliers, press conferences, helpline, emails etc);

Liaise with relevant outside bodies (meningitis charities, UWC, other local HEIs etc).

All media enquiries are to be referred to Effective Communications (029 2083 8310).

(5) Collaboration across Cardiff

Cardiff Metropolitan University, Cardiff University and University of South Wales have agreed to begin to work together in 2015 to share relevant information (via Student Services) in the event of any outbreaks (or suspected outbreaks) of contagious diseases. This is especially necessary where students are living in private halls accommodating students from all universities.

Student Services and university Communications personnelacross the respective Universities will work together to ensure consistency of communications when alerting the student body to such concerns.

Appendix 3


Aims and Objectives

The overall aim of this protocol is to identify procedures for staff which will enable the University to make a sensitive and appropriate response following reports that a student is suspected of being missing. It has been designed to complement the Major Incident Plan and feeds into the Student Incident Procedure.


The difficulty in deciding whether ‘absence’ is to be taken as ‘missing’ is increased by the lack of any widely agreed criterion of how long the period of unexplained absence has to be before we can treat the student as ‘missing’.

There is no simple answer to this since it will depend on the precise circumstances, including time of year, the characteristics of the student, difficulties or history known to the informant and whether the student is full or part time. Our uncertainty is increased further by the assertion that there is always the possibility that someone somewhere will know why the student is absent and where he or she is.

The key message AT ALL TIMES is IF IN DOUBT, SEEK ADVICE. In this way, colleagues may be assured that they will have discharged their duty of care.

The specific objectives of this protocol are:

  1. To identify clear lines of responsibility which support and make coherent the valuable contributions of members of the University;
  2. To investigate the report of a student suspected as being missing efficiently and to identify the most appropriate course of action;
  3. To cause minimum distress to the student’s family, dependents and friends;
  4. To liaise effectively with the local Police where appropriate;
  5. To enable all members of the University to discharge their duty of care.

The Procedures

The essential feature of the procedures is that one person only has responsibility for coordinating the University’s response to the report of a suspected missing student. That person is the Duty Student Incident Procedure(SIP) Coordinator.