Pittsburg State University

Student Government Association

Student Senate Agenda
Wednesday, September 28, 2016

I.  Call to Order

II.  Meeting called to order by Vice-President Gladden at 7:17 P.M. in the Sunflower Room of the Overman Student Center.

II.  Roll Call by Treasurer Brenner

III.  Approval of the Minutes

IV.  Student Opinion Time

V.  Officer Reports

A.  President Cloninger

B.  Committees and office hours are very important, sign up for these

C.  There are various committees to join, talk to any cabinet member.

D.  Vice President Gladden

E.  The official sign in’s will be available now in the office

F.  The Love Project Committee will be starting, if you’re interested talk to Vice President Gladden

G.  Treasurer Brenner

H.  Allocations are currently underway. Interviews are next week and Appendix A’s are due Friday. Expect to have several of those come in this week.

VI.  Director Reports

A.  Academic Affairs Director Diddle

a.  Monday was Faculty-Senate me; this coming year we are losing 1.6 million dollars approximately from the state.

b.  Toner is missing from the free printing station; we are working on that. Send them to the Student Diversity Office.

B.  BIG Event Director Botts

a.  Applications for Big Event Committee were due today. We got quite a few; interviews for that will be next week.

C.  Campus Affairs Director Helser

a.  Jamie Dalton confirmed that the Presidential Q&A will happen. That will take place during an SGA meeting.

b.  We will not be collecting cans for the Homecoming Game.

D.  Community Affairs Director Hoffman

a.  Roctoberfest sign-up will go around right tonight. It is this Saturday, it’s at the Lincoln Park Band-Dome.

E.  Legislative Affairs Director Ngo

a.  These forms can be turned in to my desk at any point. You can get a prize for registering by Friday.

b.  Multi-Cultural Committee met last week and they are looking for new ways to improve campus.

c.  Senate Retreat recap: Johnson talked a lot about our attitudes and how they affect the organization. Together we make a difference, it doesn’t matter who you’re friends with; we are all friends.

F.  Public Relations Director Green

a.  Within the next week or two many of our promotional items will be coming in.

b.  Live tweeting has started, follow us on Twitter

c.  Resolutions and minutes will start going up on the website.

d.  Polo designs are done, we are waiting for quotes to come in.

VII.  Advisor Reports

A.  Advisor Erwin

a.  Thank you for going to dinner and asking good questions.

B.  Advisor Sager

a.  Please come to the Monday night kick-off event for Homecoming; there will be good hot dogs.

VIII.  New Business-

a.  Resolution 16-17: Concealed Carry Committee

i.  Please read the policy.

ii.  We are looking for two additional senators to serve on this committee.

iii.  Director Ngo moves to adopt

iv.  Senator Foster seconds

v.  Final Vote: 31-0-1

b.  Resolution 16-18: Finance Committee Change

i.  Senator Foster moves to adopt

ii.  Senator Martin seconds

iii.  Voting Result: 32-0-0

iv.  Director Ngo moves to push Resolution 16-18 into second reading

v.  Senator Foster seconds

vi.  Voting Result: 32-0-0

vii.  Senator Foster moves to previous question

viii.  Director Ngo Seconds

ix.  Voting result: 32-0-0

IX.  Open Forum

a.  Review of buttons and polo designs

b.  Senators have to vote.

X.  Announcements

XI.  Adjournment

a.  Foster moves to adjourn

b.  Senator Martin seconds

c.  Meeting is adjourned at 8:01 P.M.