Child Emotions Lab RA Application

Please complete this form honestly and accurately, as your responses will help determine whether the Child Emotions Lab would be a good fit for you. Email the completed form to the MSU Child Emotions lab staff at !

Background Information

Name: / E-mail address:
Local phone number: / Expected graduation date:

Major: Overall GPA: Psychology GPA:

Interests and Experience

Please describe your experience (if any) conducting behavioral research:
Please describe your experience (if any) working with children, particularly with preschool and elementary aged children:
Why do you want to get involved in the Child Emotions lab?
What do you hope to gain by working in the Child Emotions lab?

Relevant Skills

Do you have experience with any of the following?
Research Methods/Design Statistics SPSS Word Excel
PowerPoint Web design PsycINFO searches
Computer Programming Computer Animation Photo/Video Editing
Advertising Telemarketing or Phone Recruitment
Other relevant skills - please describe:


Which semesters can you commit to being a part of the Child Emotions Lab? (check all that apply; minimum of two semesters):
Summer 2018 Fall 2018 Spring 2019
Can you commit at least 6 hours a week to the Child Emotions lab, and 8-10 hours a week when we are running lab visits with families?
yes no

Based on your anticipated schedule for the semester when you want to start working in the lab, put an X through the times when you ARE available on the chart below:

TIMES / Mon. / Tues. / Wed. / Thurs. / Fri. / Sat. / Sun.
8:00 AM
9:00 AM
10:00 AM
11:00 AM
12:00 PM
1:00 PM
2:00 PM
3:00 PM
4:00 PM
5:00 PM
6:00 PM
7:00 PM

If you would like to provide additional information, you can attach a copy of your resume/CV (recommended) to this completed form.