Delaware Department of Education

Comprehensive Success Review

Student Focus Group Questions - Middle School

School: ______Date: ______

Facilitators: ______

Protocol for Student Focus Groups:

  • Read Purpose Statement: The goal of the Delaware Comprehensive Success Review process is to identify areas of strengths and challenges in the research-based elements and provide technical assistance to schools in developing strategies to address the areas of need. The schools and districts will be able to include these needs, strategies and associated measures in their Success Plans for continuous school improvement.
  • Have students write their name and grade on a name tag.
  • Explain the ground rules:

•Respect the ideas of one another.

•Allow everyone the opportunity to share.

•Stay focused on the questions.

•Information that is shared in the focus group will only be expressed in the report.

•No names will be used.

  • Allow enough time for responses. Use the 10-second rule if necessary.
  • Allow approximately 45 - 60 minutes for focus group. (If you end early, you may dismiss students back to class.)
  • When conducting interviews, make an effort to get quotes to support the conclusions you reach.
  • Document all responses on this form (paper or electronic). You may use chart paper to record answers first while conducting focus group. Please ask students permission to chart answers before using this option.

Curriculum and Instruction

  1. In which classes do you learn the most? Why do you think that is?(IV.2)
  1. If you are having a hard time learning in a class, what does the teacher do to help you understand better? Is there any other help available in the school?(IV.4, VII.1)

School Environment

  1. How do you know the principal and teachers expect you to do well? (VII.1)
  1. Does your teacher talk with you about what you want to do, or be, when you grow up? Are you learning about different careers in your classrooms? (VII.1)
  1. If you could suggest some changes to the principal that would help students do better in school, what would that be?(VII.1)
  1. How do you know the principal expects teachers to do their best? (VII.2)
  1. How do you know you’ve done good or excellent work in your classes? On the other hand, how do you know if you haven’t done good work?(VII.3)
  1. What are your plans once you finish high school? Do you know what an SSP is? Do you have one? Do you feel your Student Success Plan helps you with these plans and your long term goals? (VII.1, VII.3)
  1. Are you familiar with the standards? If so, how do you know your work meets the standards?

(If more prompting is needed, ask, are there any posters or student work around the room?) (VII.1, VII.3)

  1. Do you feel safe in this school? Why or Why not? (VII.4)
  1. Now remember, I am not asking names of your teachers, principal or assistant principal or dean. In general, how do people working at your school help with behavior issues and the emotional needs of students? If necessary, explain that emotional needs can be if a student is sad or having trouble outside of school and needs someone to talk to.(VII.5, VII.6)
  1. How does the school help you to be healthy. This can mean good nutrition or physical activity, like gym or recess. (VII.7)


  1. Is there anything else you would like to tell us about your school or district?

Student Focus Group ProtocolComprehensive Success Review

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