Student Evaluation of Education Internship


Dates of Internship:

Evaluation of Training

Please rate the following on a scale of 1 to 5 (1=strongly disagree; 5=strongly agree) and provide any additional feedback below each question

  1. The daily ice breakers helped familiarize me with…
  2. fellow trainees____
  3. veteran interns____
  4. OCMA staff____
  5. Time spent on daily ice breakers was…(circle one)

not enough just enoughtoo much

  1. What else could be done to effectively familiarize trainees with fellow interns and staff?
  1. I have received adequate orientation and training on…
  2. The use of a theme in my tour script____
  3. Questioning strategies____
  4. Adding information____
  5. How to transition effectively____
  6. Responding behaviors____
  7. Working with different audiences____
  8. Proper tour presentation and protocol____
  9. Exhibitions on view____
  1. The assigned articles helped prepare me to tour and added to my overall understanding of my role as a touring intern
  2. “A Conversation on Object-Centered Learning”____
  3. “Watching Children Grow”____
  4. “Abundance, Asia, and Automation” from A Whole New Mind____
  5. “If You Don’t Stop You Don’t See Anything”____
  6. “The Object of Their Attention” by Shari Tishman____
  7. “Principles for Interpreting”____
  8. “Guidelines for Effective Questioning”____
  1. Intern training prepared me to develop my own tour script____

Please rate the following experiences and how they added to your ability to develop a successful tour

  1. Partnering with fellow interns to brainstorm questions ____
  1. Partnering with fellow interns to create tour stops (questions&info)____
  1. Staff script revisions and feedback____
  1. Staff observations____
  1. Ongoing observations and feedback from staff____
  1. Debrief after tours with interns____
  1. Debrief after tours with staff____
  1. What could have been added to training to better prepare you to develop a successful tour?
  1. I received adequate training to assist with the hands-on project____
  1. What could have been added to the training to better prepare you to assist in the classroom?
  1. What else do you wish had been covered in training?
  1. Please write out each of the goals you developed at the start of your internship and discuss what you accomplished for each goal.

Goal 1 ______

What did you do towards achieving this goal?

What support could staff have provided in helping you achieve this goal?

Goal 2 ______

What did you do towards achieving this goal?

What support could staff have provided in helping you achieve this goal?

Goal 3 ______

What did you do towards achieving this goal?

What support could staff have provided in helping you achieve this goal?

12. My supervisors’ instructions were adequate for day-to-day activities____

13. Weekly “Intern Updates” were beneficial and informative____

14. My job description complied with my duties ____

15. I gained significant practical experience from this internship____

16. My internship met my expectations____

17. My internship made the most of my skills and used my time wisely ____

18. What aspect of your internship experience do you feel was the most beneficial?

19. What aspect of your internship do you feel was the least beneficial?

20. Please list any suggestions you have for improving the internship program.

21. Do you now feel motivated to pursue a career in the art world? What aspect of the internship do you feel has best prepared you for this career?

22. We would like to improve our organization and lines of communication, both within the education office and out to interns. Please take this opportunity to brainstorm trouble spots in our systems, possible solutions, and ways we could better communicate with interns/make current communications more meaningful.

Additional comments: