Guidance for Participating in the State Evaluation
MDCH Transformational Healthcare Delivery Model Projects
As part of the state evaluation, we ask that each project participate in the following activities.
1 – Documentation of Clinic/Site Information
Each project will provide information about their clinic/site, using its available data sources, at baseline (fall 2013), and at the end of Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3. The MDCH Project Coordinator, Jennifer Salerno, will assist with guiding you through the completion of the Baseline Clinic/Site Information form.
Projects should select an appropriate baseline time period, such as the Fiscal Year or Calendar Year immediately prior to implementation of the Transformational Project. If possible, subsequent-year information will reflect the same timeframe (e.g., FY or CY).
Information pertaining should be recorded on a structured form provided by the MDCH Project Coordinator.
The main categories of information include:
- Overall clinic/site population (all age groups): number, insurance breakdown
- Clinic Processes (scheduling, appointment reminders, use of telehealth)
- Provider capacity (at baseline, and plans for expansion through project)
- Adolescent population (age 10-21): number of patients, number of visits; proportions of preventive and behavioral care; proportion with a health risk assessment; referral processes
- Billing Provider NPI: list of names & NPI for all providers who bill Medicaid for the care of adolescent patients (to facilitate other evaluation analyses)
Projects that include multiple sites should clarify whether they are reporting each site separately or in aggregate.
2 – Survey of Adolescents
Each project will conduct surveys of their adolescent target population, using a set of Core Survey Items at baseline (fall 2013), and at the end of Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3. The MDCH Project Coordinator will assist with guiding you through the survey process.
- The survey should be completed by adolescents who reflect the general target population of your project (i.e., do not limit the survey to the teen council or advisory group—look for a broader group.)
- Surveys should be administered in a confidential manner; there should be no names or patient ID numbers on the survey forms.
- There are multiple ways to conduct a confidential survey. For example:
- If the surveys will be distributed within the clinic, handing out the survey at the registration desk, and asking adolescents to put their completed survey in an envelope or drop box, rather than hand the open form to a provider or staff person.
- If surveys will be distributed to school or community groups, adolescents can put their completed surveys in a folder or envelope, rather than hand them to a group leader.
- If surveys will be distributed by mail, provide a pre-addressed stamped envelope to return of the completed survey. Put your project’s mailing address as the “return address” on the envelopes, to signal to adolescents that they should not put their name on the return envelope.
- If your project would like to use an online survey format, please feel free to consult with the evaluation team on ways to enhance confidentiality and security.
- Aim for a minimum of 50 completed surveys in each round of surveys; many sites will want to aim for more than 50. The MDCH Project Coordinator will assist you in determining an appropriate number of surveys.
- A survey template has been created, which will be provided to you by the MDCH Project Coordinator. Feel free to include additional questions that pertain to the unique focus of your project.
- The UM evaluation team can assist with survey mailings or setting up an online survey tool, for sites choosing those methods.
- Completed surveys should be sent to the UM evaluation team (see address below) for data entry. You will receive a brief report on your survey results (including site-specific questions) within 4-8 weeks.
- The MDCH Project Coordinator will assist with determining the logistics of the survey process. If you would like assistance with developing site-specific questions, please contact Sarah Clark of the UM evaluation team.
3 – Survey of Providers
Each project will conduct surveys of their participating or target group of clinicians, using a set of Core Survey Items at baseline (fall 2013), and at the end of Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3. The MDCH Project Coordinator, Jennifer Salerno, will assist with guiding you through the survey process.
- Surveys should be administered in a confidential manner; there should be no names on the survey forms.
- There are multiple ways to conduct a confidential survey. For example:
- If the surveys will be distributed within the clinic, provide a sealed envelope for return of the completed survey form.
- If surveys will be distributed in a group, respondents can put their completed surveys in a folder or envelope, rather than hand them to a group leader.
- If surveys will be distributed by mail, provide a pre-addressed stamped envelope to return of the completed survey. Put your project’s mailing address as the “return address” on the envelopes, to signal to clinicians that they should not put their name on the return envelope.
- If your project would like to use an online survey format, please feel free to consult with the UM evaluation team on ways to enhance confidentiality and security.
- A survey template has been created, which will be provided to you by the MDCH Project Coordinator. Feel free to include additional questions that pertain to the unique focus of your project.
- The UM evaluation team can assist with survey mailings or setting up an online survey tool, for sites choosing those methods.
- Completed surveys should be sent to the UM evaluation team (see address below) for data entry. You will receive a brief report on your survey results (including site-specific questions) within 4-8 weeks.
- The MDCH Project Coordinator will assist with determining the logistics of the survey process. If you would like assistance with developing site-specific questions, please contact Sarah Clark of the UM evaluation team.
4 – Site Visits
The University of Michigan Evaluation Team will meet with leaders and key staff from each project, in late 2013, and at the end of project Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3. In individual and small-group meetings, the evaluation team will lead a discussion about project achievements, barriers and facilitators; efforts to engage youth, parents, providers and the community; use of adolescent risk assessments; sustainability issues; key “lessons learned”; and progress toward transforming care.
The University of Michigan Evaluation Team will work with site leads to schedule interview sessions.
5 – Analysis of Medicaid Utilization Data
The University of Michigan Evaluation Team will conduct an analysis of Medicaid administrative claims data, to establish baseline patterns of utilization for adolescents who receive care at each project site, and to explore changes over time. Each project will provide the names and NPIs for all providers who bill Medicaid (both fee-for-service and managed care) for services provided to adolescents.
Evaluation Feedback Report
Each year of the project, after all evaluation components are completed, the University of Michigan evaluation team will craft an evaluation feedback report. The report will represent a synthesis of the different evaluation components, and will highlight commonalities across projects, as well as key areas of variability.
The evaluation report will be shared with all sites, to facilitate projects’ ability to learn from one another.
The Evaluation Team is based in the Child Health Evaluation and Research (CHEAR) Unit of the University of Michigan. If you have questions about any aspect of the state evaluation, do not hesitate to contact one of the evaluation leads listed below.
Sarah Clark, UM Department of Pediatrics ()
Sarah Stoddard, School of Nursing ()
Child Health Evaluation and Research (CHEAR) Unit
University of Michigan
300 N Ingalls, Rm 6E06
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-5456
Phone 734-615-8145
Thank you for your assistance with the state evaluation!