Golf Courses by their nature can be dangerous places and it is the responsibility of those on the course to conduct themselves in a safe and responsible manner. Full details of the Club’s Course Risk Assessment are on the Clubs website
It is of paramount importance that we Eliminate Risk as much as possible and the most obvious way is to ensure that players/people do not stand in front of the person striking the ball.
When teeing off it is particularly important that Ladies playing in mixed matches or competitions do not stand in front of men teeing off from
the yellow or white tees.
Access to the practice ground should be via the 1st hole to the ditch and then via the rear of the 9th tee. Egress from the practice ground should be via the path at the back of the 9th tee and up the path towards the 9th green.
When on the practice area between the 3rd and 8th holes those practising should stand aside when players are taking shots on the 3rd hole and 8th hole.
There is a large reservoir on the course on the left of the 1st hole and 3 other ponds, close to the 4th green, back of the 8th green and beside the right of the 13th hole. Great care should be exercised when near these water hazards to avoid slipping or falling into the water.
Great care should be exercised when near the many dykes on the course, the banks can be very slippy and are prone to collapse. The dyke on the right of the 8th fairway is particularly steep and can be very dangerous to retrieve golf balls.
Ladies on the 5th, 17th holes and 18th holes should exercise great care when they are with men teeing off from these tees.
Golfers standing on the 6th tee are at risk from players playing approach shots to the 5th green.
Those teeing off the 6th tee should be aware of the danger to those standing on the 7th tee, who should be aware of the risk from the 6th tee, suitable signage is in place.
Additional trees are being planted to protect the 10th tee from the 18th tee. Also additional trees are to be planted to protect the 17th green from the 10th tee.
Players playing approach shots to the 10th green should ensure that those leaving the 10th green have made their way to the 11th tee before playing.
Players playing their approach shots to the 11th green should ensure those leaving the 11th green have arrived at the 12th tee before playing as the mound obstructs the view.
Any ‘Near Misses’ on the course should be recorded in the book which is kept behind the Bar, please. The information collected will then be examined to see if further safety measures/signs should be taken.
Tim Hartley
11th December 2012