Annual Program Review Form
The completion of this form is part of the institutional program review process. Please submit a completed form to the Program Review Committee and to your School Dean or immediate supervisor by February 25, 2011. Combined responses to questions 1 through 6 should not normally exceed four pages.
Department: Environmental Horticulture & Floristry
Contact Person: Brown, Steven W
Date: November 1, 2010
Please check this box to certify that faculty and staff in your unit discussed the major planning objectives: o
Description of Programs and Services and their Locations
The following mission statement reflects the function of the Environmental Horticulture and Floristry Department.
· Provide entry-level job skills for people desiring to enter the environmental horticulture and floristry fields.
· Expose students to a wide range of career opportunities in environmental horticulture, floriculture and floristry industries.
· Provide employable job skills for re-entry and entrepreneurial students seeking careers in horticulture and floristry.
· Enhance ongoing technical training and skills upgrades for individuals currently employed in environmental horticulture and floristry industries.
· Provide a 2-year foundation in environmental horticulture and floristry for individuals desiring to transfer into a four-year university horticulture/design program. (i.e. UC Davis, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo and Pomona, etc.)
· Provide horticulture and floristry products for CCSF special occasions and activities.
· Provide limited landscape services and maintenance to the College
· Provide Landscape and plant consultation through the department chair to the College.
Description from Spring 2010 inserted by Research & Planning. Please revise if necessary.
1. Please provide reflections on the above data trends for your department. If you have additional data that you would like to provide, please also include that here.
Our credit student enrollments and FTES have increased dramatically over the last three year period, while our faculty FTES have dropped indicating that we are very understaffed. The chair of our department has also taken on huge additional responsibilities. We observe that our student success rate has improved greatly and the diverse populations that se serve are maintain high Grade point averages as well as completions. The majority of our students pay for the classes, and the ethnicity of our department is quite varied. We also observe that our certificate completions have increased exponentially.
2. Please describe any internal or external developments affecting your department since the last program review.
We have completed applications, and have begun to implement an apprenticeship program with the City of San Francisco.
3. Summarize your department’s progress since the last program review on implementing your six-year plan for reviewing all courses, programs, projects, and services. Please also update the Excel spreadsheet that contains your timeline for this review and for the assessment of student learning outcomes. If your unit does not offer courses, use this space to discuss your plans for assessing your administrative unit outcomes.
We are currently working to rewrite our course outlines, and update them to reflect the necessary student learning outcomes. Attached are the outcomes that we have developed. We will assess the outlines and incorporate the new information as indicated on Chart A. We plan to have our updated outlines ready for approval Spring 2011.
4. Summarize your department’s progress since the last program review on the plans for improvement in courses, programs, projects, and services based on the assessment of student learning outcomes. If your unit does not offer courses, use this space to discuss your progress in improving your services based on the assessment of your administrative unit outcomes. What is working particularly well? Are there items you need help with?
We are working to implement and assess our SLO's. Our department members have met when possible to work on rewriting our curriculum and update our course outlines. We have been discussing extensively, a revision of our entire program because our success still depends on our ability to prepare students to enter industries that require enhanced skills and a savvy business approach. Our industries are rapidly changing we need to update the curriculum to reflect a move to “Green and Sustainable”, while still be able to meet the needs of the existing industries that we serve. Our time is very limited because we are short staffed.
5. Summarize your progress to date on the major objectives you identified in last year’s program review (excluding progress already cited in #3 and #4).
We have made progress in upgrading and implementing 3 project areas that we received grant funds for.
1) we have improved our reading/formal garden area, 2) our Horticulture Library has been inventoried and 3) our student greenhouse rebuild is nearly complete and ready for dedication. We have also been working extremely hard and extra to replace the landscaped areas that our department installed over a 45 year period that were destroyed with the ADA work. We have done so without compensation from the school.
6. What are the department’s major objectives for the 2011-12 academic year? Cite linkages, where applicable, to college plans. You may also cite linkages to the department’s review of courses, programs and assessment of student learning.
Continue upgrading and implementing 3 project areas that we received grant funds for.
1) reading/formal garden area, 2) our Horticulture Library 3) our student greenhouse dedication. 4) Continue to replace the landscaped areas that our department installed over a 45 year period that were destroyed with the ADA work. We have done so without compensation from the school. 5) Hire a new full time faculty member. 6) Obtain more classified support staff.
Bonus Question for 2010-11: What progress has your department / program made on the college-wide initiative to improve textbook affordability and access for all our students? Please indicate what discussions you have had and what strategies you have developed to combat the high cost of textbooks.
We are using the internet in our classrooms. We are also using the same text for more classes.
New Resources Needed
Briefly describe each project. Include specific links, where applicable, to college plans to support your request. You may also include specific links to the department’s review of courses, programs and assessment of student learning. Please remember to include any costs associated with staffing, equipment, supply, facilities, or unit requests. If exact costs are unknown, please approximate. Put your projects in order of priority. Add additional items as necessary.
First Priority
o This is a new request x We initially made this request in our 1990-2010 Program Review
Project Title: Upgrade administrative assistance / Insert title here Additional hours for office assistance Joann YabutBrief Project Description: / Insert description here
Timeline: / Insert timeline here ??????????
Rationale: / Insert rationale here not enough assistance for the loads our department is handling
Links to Plans: / Insert links here
Staffing Needs: / Insert staffing needs (e.g., classified, reassigned, lab aides), if any, here
Equipment Needs: / Insert equipment needs, if any, here
Supply Needs: / Insert supply needs, if any, here
Facility Needs: / Insert facility needs, if any, here
Request for Additional Units: / Insert FTEF needs, if any, here
Second Priority
o This is a new request x We initially made this request in our since forever Program Review
Project Title: Additional M&R Funds / Insert title here we have an aging department and facilities and we have had no increase in M7R Moneys in forty years.Brief Project Description: / Insert description here there are many parts of our unit that need repair/replacement
Timeline: / Insert timeline here immediate
Rationale: / Insert rationale here student success is paramount and up to date working equipment is necessary.
Links to Plans: / Insert links here
Staffing Needs: / Insert staffing needs (e.g., classified, reassigned, lab aides), if any, here
Equipment Needs: / Insert equipment needs, if any, here
Supply Needs: / Insert supply needs, if any, here
Facility Needs: / Insert facility needs, if any, here
Request for Additional Units: / Insert FTEF needs, if any, here