Student Conference on Conservation Science


University of Cambridge

(This form is for your guidanceand practice only. Please utilise this for planning outyour online form.)

Please do not use ALL CAPITAL LETTERS or bold writing otherwise your application could be rejected.

Please read the website guidance pages before emailing with questions.

In order to gain access to the Application form you will need to register first:

Full name exactly as in your passport:

First name (given name or forename):

Last name (family name or surname):

Date of birth: e.g. 31/5/1980



Once you have registered you will then be able to access the online Application form:

Here are some guidelines:

  • What would you like to apply for?Please tick in relevant boxes on the online form. You will be given access to only those parts of the form which are relevant for your choice.
  • You can apply to give either a talk or a poster on the same topic.
  • You can apply to give a talk, a poster, both a talk and a poster or neither (attend only).
  • If you are applying for a bursary then you must offer to present a talk or a poster.
  • Internship applicants do not need to offer a presentation but do need to attend the conference.You can apply for a bursary and an internship, but you will not be awarded both.

Attendance only  Talk (15 mins + 5 mins for questions) 

Poster (A0 size, Landscape) Internship  Bursary 


Current country of residence (e.g. if you are a Tanzanian studying at a Tanzanian university, put “Tanzania” here; if you are aTanzanian currently studying at a US university, put “USA”):

Current contact address:

Institution address:

Stage in career (e.g. 2nd year PhD student, MSc student, etc.):

Title of current research project (max 25 words):

Why would you like to come to the conference? (max 200 words):

Talk/Poster: (This will appear on the online form ONLY if you have chosen either the “talk” or the “poster” option)

Title of talk/poster (max 20 words):

Talk/poster short title (max 5 words):

Details of talk/poster:

Please complete ALL of the following sections.

  1. What conservation problem or question does your talk/poster address? (maximum 50 words).
  1. What were the main research methods you used? (maximum 50 words).
  1. What are your most important results? (maximum 50 words).
  1. What is the relevance of your results to conservation? (maximum 50 words).

Bursary (This will appear on the online form ONLY if you have chosen “Bursary” option):

Please state the reasons why you feel you should be givena bursary (max 200 words):


If you would like to apply for conference accommodation, please tell us the dates for which you require it by ticking the relevant boxes, but please be aware that accommodation is limited so only apply if you cannot seek an alternative:

March 21 March22 March 23 

Internship: (This will appear on the online form ONLY if you have chosen “Internship” option):

Please take the time to read the Internship Guidelines (available online in the Internship Section) before beginning your application.

Which UK-based conservation organisation or research group has agreed to host your internship? Please give:

- the name of the organisation

- the name of your main contact person there

- the email address of your contact (only ONE email address will be accepted on the database)

If you are employed or in education, is your employer or academic supervisor willing to grant you leave for this period?:

A short title for your proposed internship project (maximum 10 words):

Your proposed internship project:

What will you do?:

How would you benefit from doing your internship project? Please tell us how it will benefit your professional development, and/or conservation science or practice in your country. (max 100 words)

Please look at the short courses on offer (available online in the Internship Section).

If any of these fit in with your proposed project particularly well, please mention it here.

Please give the contact details of a person who knows about your work or education during the last year and who has agreed to act as a referee. This should normally be your academic supervisor or advisor, or your manager, if employed. This person should not be from the UK organisation that has agreed to host your internship. You should ask the permission of this person to give their name.

Referee contact details:


Phone number (please include with full country code):


Postal address: