May 2, 2016
Goochland Powhatan Community Services Board of Directors held its regularly scheduled monthly meeting on Monday, May 2, 2016 at the Goochland Offices.
PresentJane Bowles
Angela Cimmino
Eileen Ford
Juliana Franklin
John Grady
Susie Hackenberg
GaElla Matthews
Elizabeth Nelson Lyda / Absent
Vernon Garrett
Lorrie Shevrin
Staff Attending
Susan Bergquist
Lateshia Brown
Carinne Kight
Allison Meyer
S. Bergquist welcomed all Board members and asked if there were any additions to the agenda. There were no additions and the meeting was brought to order.
ACTION: Motion to approve April meeting minutes was made by E. Ford, seconded by A. Cimmino. Motion carried by all and April 2016 minutes were approved.
DD Case Manager Job Description
S. Bergquist explained to the Board that starting July 1, 2016 all CSB’s will be the entry point for any individual with a developmental disability waiver to enter the system. These individuals will have the option to keep their current DD case manager or they can opt to move to a new case manager with the CSB’s. Susan further explained that a new case manager position is discussed in the FY2017 budget and this person will build a case load slowly. In the meantime they will provide oversight to those DD case managers that individuals opted to stay with (outside of GPCS). Ultimately, all ID case managers will fall under this job description as well. The biggest change between the current ID case manager description and this one is the requirement of a bachelor’s degree. In the past through experience individuals could still qualify as a QIDP without a Bachelor’s but as a system CSB’s have agreed to only accept Bachelor’s degree candidates as of July 1.
ACTION: On motion of A. Cimmino seconded by S. Hackenberg, the Board unanimously accepted the proposed DD case manager job description.
DD Case Management Contract and RFP
Susan explained to the Board that there are two different types of contracts that go in hand with the new DD case management which goes in effect July 1, 2016. If the individual is currently on the DD waiver they care able to opt to keep the case manager they currently have (if that case manager is going to continue practicing). In this case GPCS would directly contract with the case manager for that individual only. This contract has been looked over & revised by both the Chesterfield and Hanover lawyers. As a region even though the CMS rate changed from $175.00 to $246.73 the contract pay will remain $175.00 with CSB’s utilizing the overage for admin costs.
The RFP is utilized for the situations in which CSB’s must provide choice to individuals for their DD case managers. In general the individual’s first option is GPCS case managers. If they want to go outside of our case manager their next option is the case managers at contiguous boards (Henrico CSB, Chesterfield CSB, etc.). If they still desire a different case manager they have the option of utilizing a private provider organization that GPCS has contracted with. The third option is where the RFP is being utilized. RBHA is releasing the RFP and contracting directly with private providers. GPCS (as well as other CSB’s) can piggy back on that contract.
ACTION: On motion of J. Franklin and seconded by E. Ford, the Board unanimously accepted the proposed DD case manager contract and RFP.
VRS Rate Certification
Susan reminded the Board that in past meetings she’s talked about the VRS actuarial rate which has gone from 6.25% to .75%. Each time VRS releases these rates they provide GPCS with an actuarial rate and an alternative rate. History has been that the alternative rate was the lower rate and the actuarial rate the higher rate. Susan has typically recommended that GPCS go with the actuarial rate, even though it is higher, because paying the lower rate would result in even higher actuarial rates in the future. This year however, the actuarial rate is .75% and alternative rate is 4.66%. Susan recommends again going with the actuarial rate, even though it is lower than the alternative rate. She explained that she has been frugal in budget projections and she has planned for the actuarial rate to come back at 6.9% in 2 years.
ACTION: On motion of E. Ford seconded by S. Hackenberg, the Board unanimously accepted paying the actuarial rate of .75%. .
3rd Quarter Budget Report
Susan presented the 3rd Quarter Budget Report for FY2016. In summary, 72% of the budget has been spent, $2,757,444 in personnel and $729,357 in operating expenses. Additionally, 74% of the projected revenues have been received. In total at end of 3rd Quarter there is a positive balance of $106,613. Susan explained that part of this balance is because there have been extended position vacancies and there is a reserve in order to prepay insurance in June. Additionally, Susan told the Board that part of the increase in revenue is due to higher collections from private insurance and clients. She explained that Gwen Bates, Reimbursement Supervisor has been diligent in pursuing outstanding bills to both clients and insurance companies and that shows in the revenue collection.
ACTION: On motion by A. Cimmino, seconded by J. Grady, the 3rd quarter FY2016 budget report was approved unanimously
FY2017 Budget Proposal
Susan presented for the Board’s information and approval the FY2017 Budget Proposal. This budget allows for a 1 step salary increase for all staff, funds all current positions as well as 1 full time DD case manager and 1 full time SA clinician. Additionally, with the increase in rates for In Home services another full time position for In Home services as well as an increase in mileage rate is able to be funded. Susan explained that there is still $79,000 in facility repairs as the management team is looking at capital improvements that are needed over the next year. In total, the FY2017 budget breaks down to $3,787,869 in personnel and $1,148,876 in operating costs.
ACTION: On motion by J. Bowles, seconded by J. Franklin, the Board approved the FY2017 Proposed Budget unanimously.
Local, Regional, State and Federal Updates
Locally there has been several events related severity of heroin abuse in both counties. In Powhatan Heroes no Heroin was held and a follow up event has been planned for May 12th.
In Goochland there was an event in response to a 9th grader who committed suicide recently. While the event wasn’t highly attended, those there were very enthusiastic. They are planning more events in the future.
This Saturday Gayella’s church has an event which GPCS staff is speaking at.
Regionally the REACH home (6 bed ID crisis home) is planning for a July opening.
The Powhatan building move is going well. Painting is going on now & the carpet has been ordered.
In Goochland, the downstairs floor of the Taylor building is in the process of being refurbished in order to make meeting room for Monacan Services.
Currently there is an opening for a SA/treatment court clinician.
The new full time Mental Health Clinician started work today.
In PIEP, Chris Power is retiring at the end of May. Another PIEP staff member has accepted the supervisor position; however she now has to fill her position as well as an hourly position in PIEP.
ACTION: There being no further business, regular meeting was adjourned at 5:31 p.m.
Lorrie Shevrin, Secretary Date