Coverage: Biological and Medical Literature, 1969 –present
Weaknesses: Clunky interface, difficult to search, no linking
Database access:
*Logon with username: 155693 and password given in class
*Do not share the password and have a search strategy (ANDs and ORs) planned becauseThe Libraries pay per use/time/and records printed
*Select database 0005 for Biosis Previews (=Biological Abstracts) or 0185 for Zoological Record
LOG OFF when you are finished
Oddities: Watch checkbox that says search within last result set (often have to turn off)
History: After you have entered concepts (with optional ORs) as individual searches, you can AND results together e.g. s1 and s3 and s5
Saved Records:Must send selections from each page before moving to next
Search syntax:
Phrase: AUTOMATIC, split terms with and/or
Plurals/Wildcards:manual, ‘?’ s must be used e.g. complex?? = complex or complexes
Truncation:manual, ‘*’ e.g. complex* = complex or complexes or complexity or [etc]
Subject searching:
*Automatic, unmapped: default searches these fields as well
*All species/genes addressed in each article are listed in Organism/Gene fields respectively and Supertaxa are added to organism field—allowing searching by taxonomic grouping
Oddities: Searches for biosystematic classification or Supertaxa name are limited: use organism field
Related Items:
Related Articles: NO
Citing articles (forward): NO
Cited articles (backward): NO
Full text Article Access:Only through Refworks
Export to Refworks:
- After you select the records you want, choose destination: Email/Fax/Postal and click
- Output as Text with tags, and format for email addresses No attachment support
- Under addresses, create new email, enter your username, then email address, and select Email Software Generic (no attachment support)
- Then, you're stuck because of a bad user interface! Click browser back button 2x and then refresh.
- Check the box next to the email address you just created and click and then Send now
- After 5 min or so, you'll receive an email with the records in text form
- Select & copy the text from the email Starting with 'Record - 1... to the end of the last record ending in ...||'
- Then
- open your Refworks Account.
- Select references menu > Import, then select: Import Filter/Data Source: Dialog (Tagged Format)
- Under Database: select < Multiple Databases >
- Then paste into the Import Data from the following Text window, Import and Voila...
...the records are now a part of your database along with those handy buttons.
Comparison of # of hits for a taxonomic search from Major Databases used in Biology
(Scholar hits are in Parentheses because they include duplicates and citation hits)
Term / BA (1969- ) / WOS (1955- ) / PubMed (1950/66- ) / Scholar (??-??)Lobophytum / 111 / 116 / 22 / (388)
Sarcophyton / 155 / 186 / 48 / (632)
Alcyonium / 141 / 114 / 13 / (772)
Alcyonacea / 136 / 115 / 10 / (676)
Octocorallia / 286 / 417 / 26 / (1370)
Anthozoa / 841 / 651 / 1548 / (4920)
Cnidaria / 25704 / 1539 / 5059 / (10400)
“Soft coral” OR “soft corals” / 39 (!) / 1248 / 41 / (4630)
Systematics or Taxonomy / 701239 / 44478 / 328875 / (53900)
Updated: 20 September 2006Jason 1-8437 (forwards off campus)