"Pride in our Tradition,

A Tradition of Pride"




Administration’s Student Assistance...... 1

Athletics Philosophy...... 2

Athletics Department Structure...... 3

Student-Athlete Code of Conduct...... 3

Athletics Achievement...... 4

Student-Athlete Advisory Committee...... 5

Alcohol and Substance Abuse...... 5

Equipment/Uniform Issue...... 5

Individual Training Rules...... 6

Team Travel...... 6

Fund Raising...... 6

Parking Decals...... 6

Athletics Training/Medical...... 7

Pre-Participation Evaluations...... 7

Insurance...... 7

Acknowledgement of Insurance Coverage...... 8

Injuries/Illness Reporting...... 8

Training Room Policies...... 8

Infraction of Athletic Department’s Rules...... 8

Procedure for Appealing Dismissal...... 9

Varsity Athletics - Eligibility...... 9

Sports Information, Eligibility, Policies Checklist…………………….……… Attached

Student Athlete Questionnaire……………………..…………………….……… Attached

NCAA Student Athlete Statement Form...... Attached

Drug Testing Consent...... Attached

Summary of NCAA Regulations, Division III...... Attached

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1.Student AffairsCommandant of Cadets

2.Academic course/grade/majorIndividual Academic Advisor

3.Academic support, specialAcademic Dean

services, tutoring

4.Career ServicesCareer Services Office

5.Credits, courses, transfer Registrar

credits, cum average

6.EligibilityCompliance Director

7.Equipment, uniformsEquipment Manager

8.Financial AidDirector, Financial Aid

9.General information, athletics,Sports Information Director

teams, schedules, coaches,

news releases

10.Housing, residence billsDeputy Commandant of Cadets/

Business Office/Student Accounts

11.Injury/accident/physical problemHead Trainer

due to game/practice/athletic


12.Insurance claims, forms,Head Trainer

medical needs

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As a member of the Massachusetts Maritime Academy Varsity Athletics Program, you are an official representative of this institution. We expect you to adhere to all NCAA, ECAC, MASCAC and MMA rules and regulations. We encourage and expect you to uphold the proud tradition of Academy athletics established over the last 100 years.


Athletics are integral and vital parts of the college experience at the Massachusetts Maritime Academy. Whether it is varsity, intramural, or club competition, participation in vigorous extracurricular activity is consistent with the mission of the Academy and is strongly supported by the Academy administration.

There is a firm belief at the Academy that athletic participation is part of total education and a positive component in the overall preparation of a student for his/her physically demanding career. The proof that the students of MMA share this belief lies in the fact that over 70% of the student body is active in competition at some level.

MMA is a member of the NCAA DIVISION III and adheres to the philosophy of DIVISION III competition wholeheartedly. Academy athletes are students first and foremost. In accordance with DIVISION III bylaws, there are no athletics grants in aid, and financial aid is awarded solely on the basis of financial need as shown by the recipient.

Additionally, MMA holds membership in the ECAC, (Eastern College Athletics Conference), MASCAC (Massachusetts State College Athletics Conference), Pilgrim Lacrosse League, New England Football Conference, NEIRA Rowing Association, and New England Intercollegiate Sailing Association. Student athletes must participate under the guidelines of these associations and must conform to their principles and objectives.

Academy athletes are expected to uphold the principles of fair play and amateur athletics competition as defined by the NCAA rules. The Academy Athletics Department holds the physical welfare and the successful academic performance of its student-athletes in the highest regard and, at no time, would jeopardize or compromise either the academic performance or the physical health and welfare of its student-athletes.

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Massachusetts Maritime Academy

Vice President, Student Affairs


Director of Athletics

Athletic Department Staff

Head CoachesAlumni Gym Supervisor

Assistant CoachesField Scheduling Supervisor

Sports Information DirectorEquipment Manager

Compliance DirectorDepartment Secretary

Trainer/Assistant TrainerFacilities Manager

Intramural DirectorInterns



1.Unequivocal respect on and off the field for all people in and out of the college community. This includes but is not limited to teammates, opponents, officials, fans, coaches, and oneself.

2.Adherence to and respect for all state, college, and department rules and regulations.

3.Pure sportsmanship which is ... “a set of behaviors to be exhibited by student-athletes, coaches, game officials, and fans in intercollegiate athletics competition.”

4.Ethical conduct will be the guiding principle with which each person honors the letter of the rules and the spirit of the rules.

5.Gambling activities: (...from NCAA Bylaw, Article 10, Ethical Conduct)

Staff members of a member conference, staff members of the athletics department of a member institution and student-athletes shall not knowingly:

A.provide information to individuals involved in organized gambling activities concerning intercollegiate athletics competition;

B.solicit a bet on any intercollegiate team;

C.accept a bet on any team representing the institution

D.solicit or accept a bet on any intercollegiate competition for any item (e.g., cash, shirt, dinner that has tangible value; or


E.participate in any gambling activity that involves intercollegiate athletics or professional athletics through a bookmaker, a parlay card, or any other method employed by organized gambling.

6.Hazing: Hazing is against the law in Massachusetts and against the Rules & Regulations of the Regiment of Cadets. Not only is it demeaning, but there have been well-publicized cases lately of students severely injured or killed while undergoing hazing rituals at other colleges. The following policy guidelines have been adopted and are enforced at Massachusetts Maritime Academy.

1.The term “hazing” shall mean any conduct or method of initiation into any student organization, whether on public or private property, which willfully or recklessly endangers the physical or mental health of any student or other person. Such conduct shall include whipping, beating, branding, forced calisthenics, exposure to the weather, forced consumption (or deprivation) of any food, liquor, beverage, drug, or other substance or any other brutal treatment or forced physical activity which is likely to adversely affect the physical health or safety of any such student or other person or which subjects such student or other person to extreme mental stress, including extended deprivation of sleep or rest or extended isolation.

2.Any individual in the Regiment of Cadets who is a principal organizer or participant in the crime of hazing as defined herein will be sent to a Class I Board. Punishment will be suspension or dismissal from the Academy.

3.Any individual who is a principal organizer or participant in the crime of hazing as defined herein will be punished by a fine or not more than $3,000 or by imprisonment in a house of correction for not more than one year or by both such fine and imprisonment.

4.Any individual who knows that another person is the victim of hazing as defined above and is at the scene of such crime shall, to the extent that such person can do so without danger or peril to himself or herself or others, report such crime to the Director of Athletics or to an appropriate law enforcement official as soon as reasonably practical.

5.An individual in alleged violation of the hazing policy may not use consent as a defense to any prosecution.


Students attending MMA face a rigorous academic challenge in a demanding curriculum. The Athletics Administration fully understands the many time-consuming demands placed on student athletes. The academic success of each student athlete is the primary concern of the administrative and coaching staff. There are a number of tutorial opportunities for students. Tutorial schedules are posted throughout the dorm complex and in the advisors offices of each student athlete. Student athletes with particular problems concerning class absences due to varsity competitions should

bring those problems to the Director of Athletics.



The NCAA, at their annual 1995 convention, passed a resolution that all member institutions would have in place a student-athlete advisory committee by August of 1995. Representatives from all varsity teams, intramural, and club sports will make up the committee. Massachusetts Maritime Academy established its Student-Athlete Advisory Committee and began meeting in the Fall of 1995. The charge and/or responsibilities of this committee is multidimensional and could include but is not limited to the following:

1.Student-athlete issues sounding board

2.Student-athlete awards

3.Serve on athletics department committees

4.Assist student government as a liaison

5.Assist with overall athletics department evaluations

6.Serve on screening committees for coaching positions

7.Initiate and conduct community service projects


1.There is NO consumption of alcoholic beverages of any kind by a student-athlete while he/she is representing the Academy in conjunction with an athletics event, regardless of age of the student-athlete. Each coach will indicate to his/her individual team the training rules regarding the use of alcohol both in and out of season. The Athletics Department’s policy concerning the use of alcohol by student-athletes will be consistent with the law and Academy policy for all students.

2.If a student-athlete is suspected of substance abuse, he/she will be referred to the Substance Abuse Counselor on campus. The extent of counseling or treatment will be determined by the coach and the counselor and shall be mandatory for continued participation on a team.


All practice and game uniforms and equipment are the property of the Massachusetts Maritime Academy. All student athletes are issued practice and game uniforms and equipment prior to the start of the season and as needed throughout the season. Student athletes are expected to wear the proper practice and playing gear as

issued when at practice and/or competition. It is the responsibility of the coaching staff

to reinforce that this is done. Equipment that is lost or stolen is the responsibility of the individual student athlete. At the completion of each season, uniforms and/or

equipment that have not been turned in to the Equipment Manager must be replaced. Individuals will be charged at the cost of lost, stolen, or damaged uniforms and/or


equipment. They will not be allowed to register for the next semester of school or to receive their diplomas until the cost of the lost/stolen equipment has been paid. There are NO exceptions to this rule. Uniforms and equipment issued for varsity competition are solely intended for that purpose and will not be worn as leisure clothing or for recreational or intramural activities.


Varsity Head Coaches are responsible for clearly establishing training rules for their respective teams and for enforcing those rules as they see fit. The Athletics Administration will become involved only in disciplinary action when, in their opinions, student athletes have failed to act in the best interest of the Massachusetts Maritime Academy as representatives of this institution.


Team members travel to and from events in transportation provided for them by the Academy. Individual cases of specific travel situations will be handled by the Head Coach. All student-athletes travel in Athletics Department issued travel uniforms. Team athletics uniforms may be substituted for the above as determined by the Head Coach.


Teams often decide to fund raise for various reasons and to further support their teams. All fund raising carried out by and for Massachusetts Maritime Academy and/or the Athletics Department and teams is also under the jurisdiction of the Director of Development, Advancement Department, and will adhere to all rules, regulations, and policies of Massachusetts Maritime Academy, the Department of Athletics, and the State of Massachusetts. All fund raising and proceeds become the property of the State and is non-refundable.


All staff and student-athletes must have a college parking decal if they are using their vehicles on campus. They will also follow all rules and regulations including posted signs and areas.




Pre-Participation Evaluations

Prior to participation in any practice, competition or out-of-season conditioning activity, student-athletes who are beginning their initial season of eligibility shall be required to undergo a medical examination administered or supervised by a physician. The examination must be administered within six months prior to participation.

In following years, an updated history of the student-athlete’s medical condition shall be administered by the sports medicine staff to determine if additional examinations are required.

Upon your arrival for pre-season camp, you must complete the MMA Athletics Health Questionnaire. You will not be allowed to draw equipment or participate in any practice session until these forms have been completed.

Coaches will not permit any student to participate or have equipment issued unless the student has been cleared previously by the Athletic Training staff. Any candidates, or late arrivals not listed as having been cleared must contact the Athletic Trainers.


As students, you are required to have adequate insurance to protect you. In case of injury as the result of your participation in an intercollegiate sport, the only coverage you will have is either through your parent’s policy or the school insurance plan you may have purchased. With all such plans, there may be deductibles, co-payments, or percentages for which you may be responsible.

The Massachusetts Maritime Academy will assume no responsibility for the payment of, or authorization to pay, medical expenses resulting from injuries that occur while participating in intercollegiate sports at the Academy.


Acknowledgement of Insurance Coverage

The Acknowledgement of Insurance is an NCAA requirement. This form in addition to a photocopy of your insurance card must be on file with the Athletic Department “prior” to the student-athlete being allowed to participate in practice and/or competition.

If there is a material change in coverage or expiration of coverage, you must notify the Athletic Trainers of this development and update the insurance information that you have on file with the Athletic Department.

Reporting Injuries/Illness

The Athletics Training Staff provides immediate first aid attention for all injuries. All injuries, regardless of severity must be reported to the training staff as soon as possible after the injury occurs.

If an athlete warrants referral for emergency treatment or a physician’s diagnosis, a written report must be returned to the athletic trainers prior to the athlete’s return to participation.

Training Room Policies

1. The (co-ed) Athletic Training room is administered under the supervision of the athletic trainers.

2. Athletes are not allowed to utilize the training facilities and/or equipment unless he/she is under the direct supervision of an athletic trainer.

3. Athletes must shower prior to treatments.

4. Shorts must always be worn in the athletic training room.

5. An athletic trainer will attempt to travel to away contests when possible. If personnel is unavailable to travel, the trainers will talk with the head coach to discuss existing injuries and will make arrangements with the athletic trainer at the host college to provide medical coverage for our team in case of injury.


  1. If a coach or the Athletics Director alleges an infraction of the requirements of

academic eligibility, rules of conduct, training rules, and/or rules and


regulations of Athletics bodies of which Massachusetts Maritime Academy is a member, he/she may dismiss the student-athlete from the team.

2.Any dismissal by a coach must be reported to the Athletics Director/Office immediately. The report must include the reason for the dismissal and any other pertinent information.


1.Academic Suspension or Dismissal:

A.If the student-athlete alleges a violation of student rights in an academic

matter, he/she may seek redress under the procedures set forth in the

general Academy policy for student academic appeals.

2.Athletics Dismissal:

A.The first recourse is to appeal to the Head Coach of the sport in question.

B.If no agreement is reached between the coach and the student-athlete, the student-athlete can request a meeting with the Director of Athletics.

C.After receiving the student-athlete’s request, a hearing will take place.

The hearing will involve only the coach, the Athletics Director, the Compliance Director, and the student-athlete.


Student-athletes must be full-time students carrying a minimum of twelve (12) semester hours throughout the term.

Student athletes must complete their eight (8) semester (four-year) participation within a maximum of the ten (10) semesters of being full-time students at any and all institutions.

Academic Eligibility Rule/Massachusetts State College Conference

A student-athlete is eligible if any one of the following criteria is satisfied;

1A student-athlete must pass a totoal of twenty-four (24) credit hours in each academic year from September 1 to August 31. Verification of eligibility will take place at the beginning of the fall semester;

2A student-athlete who has completed only one full-time semester and takes a semester (s) off must have passed twelve credit hours during the period of their leave, including that full-time semester, before they become eligible to compete;


3A student-athlete who has completed two or more full semesters and takes a semester (s) off must have passed twenty four (24) credits during their last two full semesters and the period of their leave;

4A student-who has never participated in intercollegiate athletics at a MASCAC institution shall be exempt from the 24 credit rule and immediately eligible in their initial season of participation;

5A student who fails to complete twenty-four (24) credit hours in the academic year must have passed twenty-four (24) credits in the last two consecutive academic semesters to become eligible; leave: