January 19, 2016, at 11:00 a.m. in Byrd Hall Auditorium (Byrd 108)

ITEM 1:Welcome from the New Faculty Senate Chair and Introduction of New Senators

Dr. Joelle Neulander, the newly elected chair of the Citadel Faculty Senate, welcomed the new senators and the interested parties.

Name / Department or Area / Name / Department or Area
David Allen / English / Renee Jefferson / Education
Juan Bahk / Modern Languages / Will Johnson / Psychology
Bob Barsanti / Electrical Engineering / Dubose Kapeluck / Political Science
Mike Barth / Business / Keith Knapp / History
Mark Bebensee / Provost’s Office / Becky Kyzer / Registrar’s Office
Joel Berlingheri / Physics / Al Lovvorn / Business
Holly Bevsek / Chemistry / Suzanne Mabrouk / Chemistry
Lisa Blake / Registrar’s Office / Bob McNamara / Graduate College
Connie Book / Provost’s Office / John Moore / Math and Computer Science
Tim Bott / HESS / Brian Norris / Criminal Justice
Kurt Boughan / History / Kate Pilhuj / English
Kevin Bower / Civil and Environ Engineering / Mike Politano / Psychology
Patrick Briggs / Physics / Jack Porter / Political Science
Monica Bubacz / Mechanical Engineering / David Preston / History
Mei Chen / Math and Computer Science. / Robert Rabb / Mechanical Engineering
Elizabeth Connor / Leadership Studies / Jack Rhodes / Honors Program
Kristan Dahl / Civil Engineering / Silvia Roca-Martinez / Modern Languages
Larry Daniel / Education / Zane Segle / Modern Languages
Harry Davakos / HESS / Tiffany Silverman / Fine Arts
Jeff Davis / Civil and Environ Engineering / Jason Skinner / Electrical Engineering
Ben Dean / Leadership Studies / Chuck Skipper / Engineering Leadership & Program Management
Chris Fudge / Provost’s Office / Luke Sollitt / Physics
Joe Garcia / Finance and Business / Kirsten Steele / Library
David Goble / Library / Tom Thompson / English
Tammy Graham / Education / Guy Toubiana / Modern Languages
Ron Green / Business / Dave Trautman / Math and Computer Science
Kathy Grenier / History / John Weinstein / Biology
Sean Griffin / Criminal Justice / George Williams / Education
Danny Gustafson / Biology / Bill Woolsey / Business
Time Hanchon / Psychology / Matthew Zommer / Criminal Justice
Lori Hicklin / HESS / Lisa Zuraw / Chemistry

The Chair acknowledged that there will be growing pains as we transition to the new governance model and urged patience as we work through them. There are still some vacancies in the Senate membership list that will need to be filled, but meetings are open to all interested parties.

ITEM 2:Remarks from the President

President Rosa congratulated the group on its creation and renewed the college’s commitment to sharedgovernance. President Rosa thanked Dr. Neulander for her willingness to accept this new leadership role.

ITEM 3:Update on Recent Campus Events

Capt. Paluso provided the Senate with an update on the ongoing investigation of the recent incident in the barracks that created a great deal of negative media attention for the institution. The investigation is ongoing, but recommendations are being prepared to forward to the President.

Item 4:Matters Carried Over from Faculty Council

  1. Bill Woolsey, the former Chair of Faculty Council, asked the Senate to continue to review the ongoing salary study and address the concerns that have been raised by faculty. The Provost has asked the Financial Affairs Committee to provide some suggestions and recommended that the appropriate Senate committees review the study as well.
  1. There are still questions about the budget, and Dr. Woolsey recommended that the Senate continue the faculty efforts to gain a better understanding of the total college budget andhow it is allocated to the various operating units.

ITEM 5:Update from the December Academic Board Meeting

The Provost provided a summary of the actions of the Academic Board in its final meeting in December. The initial proposal to add a Nursing program at The Citadel was sent to the South Carolina Board of Nursing in November 2015. Based on that proposal,The Citadel was allowed to proceed with developing a program to present to the Commission on Higher Education (CHE). The program calls for 16 students per year, which is the minimum level to get CHE acceptance, but the ideally the program will be expanded up to 50 students per year.

ITEM 6:Report from the Undergraduate Curriculum and Instruction Committee

Lori Hicklin, chair of the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, summarized twoproposals approved by the committee. One proposal was to add a 300-level Special Topics course for Fine Arts and the other was a proposal to create an Interdisciplinary Studies course to be piloted in Summer 2016. Upon a motion made and duly seconded, the Senate voted to approve both proposals.

ITEM 7:Next Steps with Undergraduate Research, Study Abroad, and Admissions Programs

Provost Book spoke about several initiatives underway to improve the college-wide effort to enhance leadership development, leadership training, service learning, and undergraduate research. She mentioned several programs that were working well, but suggested that the efforts could be more coordinated. She also spoke about the financial ramifications of having students taking part in study abroad.

ITEM 8:Information about Summer Programs in Washington, DC and New York City.

The Provost provided background information on the new summer program being offered in Washington, DC and New York City. These pilot programs will operate similar to study abroad programs, but will also feature interactions with Citadel Alumni organizations in those two cities. Faculty members will team-teach an inter-disciplinary studies class on Mondays and the students will participate in internships during the rest of the week. Career Services employees will provide day-to-day supervision. These programs will be opened to other faculty after this initial pilot, and there are also study-abroad opportunities that may be expanded in a similar fashion.

ITEM 9:Update from the Housing Committee

Over the next few months, the Housing Committee will be doing a study on campus housing. They will be looking at future needs of expansion and growth as well as the Board of Visitors charge that the overall number of campus units be decreased. They will also look at best practices nationwide and ways of creating a closer integration on campus with faculty and staff and the college community.

ITEM 10:Election of a Vice Chair and a Recording Secretary

Tom Thompson was elected Vice-Chair of the Senate. Mike Barth was elected Recording Secretary. The Provost has asked Kristan Dahl (Civil Engineering) to take notes at Senate meetings to alleviate some of the strain on the recording secretary

ITEM 11:Ongoing Work of Key Committees

Dr. Neulander spoke about the ongoing work of the old standing committees. She pointed out that each of the standing committees of the former Faculty Council will simply roll over until such time as the Senate has time to restructure the standing committees in 2016. There was some discussion of the continuance of the Graduate Council, which had been a stand-alone unit prior to adoption of the new Senate governance model. Bill Woolsey reported that the Faculty Council had approved of a new Graduate Curriculum and Instruction standing committee as one of its last acts, and that the understanding was that the old Graduate Council would roll over as the Graduate Curriculum and Instruction Committee in 2016. Dr. Neulander asked that the standing committees work quickly to revise their charters as necessary to adapt to the new governance structure. Upon motion made and duly seconded, the Senate agreed that the old standing committees would continue as before until such time as the Senate committee structure can be modified, and that the former Graduate Council would constitute the 2016 Graduate Curriculum and Instruction Committee.

ITEM 12:Other Business

Faculty were asked to pay attention to the email that gives instructions for the annual evaluations of the department heads and deans.

A question was raised about meeting times, and Dr. Neulander said that the 11:00 am meeting time will continue for now because it is the least disruptive, but that the meeting time could be revisited in the future.

With no further business or discussion, the meeting adjourned at 12:08p.m.