Holmen Middle School

Student Announcements

School District of Holmen Wednesday, January 28, 2015

502 N. Main Street608.526.3391Ryan Vogler, Principal

Upcoming Events

·  HMS Calendar Link

·  Other

Happy Birthday today to:

·  Blair Greenwold

Click for today’s lunch


Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Safe!


∙ HMS Reads will be meeting this week – 6th graders tomorrow, Jan 29th, and 7th Graders on Friday, Jan 30th. 7th graders interested in attending the Harry Potter Movie Marathon should be sure to attend! We welcome new members! Come see what it's all about!

∙ In the HMS Cafeteria this Friday, Jan 30th, we will be serving Hydroponic Lettuce and Baked Chicken grown and raised by the Holmen FFA members. I would like to encourage students and staff to come and try lunch on Friday! This is a very exciting project that the FFA members are doing! Holmen is the first school district to have done anything like this in the mid-west and possibly the country. Thanks so much for your support!

∙ Nurse Bigjohn’s words of wisdom for “Wellness Wednesday”: Keep your hands away from your face to avoid spreading and catching germs. Make sure you wash your hands or use hand gel before and/or after: changing your contact lenses, blowing your nose, rubbing your eyes, eating with your fingers, shopping, using the handrail, going to the clinic, etc.

∙ Students: Your bus drivers will begin giving students “bus tokens” as a way to acknowledge students who are demonstrating respectful, responsible, and safe behavior on the bus. These bus tokens are similar to our shieldies. If you receive a bus token, please put them in your grade level shieldy collection box to be counted towards your shieldy goals.

∙ 8th Grade TAG Students: Mrs. Stein is posting a notice to each of you. Please pick it up from the doorway outside her room. If any of your TAG-mates do not pick up their notice, please help Mrs. Stein out and remind them to pick up their notice. Thank you!

∙ If you love creative writing, then there’s a contest is for you! HMS has spots for three students to attend a creative writing workshop in February. You could be one of those 3 lucky writers! Pick up the contest information outside the Attendance Office. It has the writing prompt for your story and the other contest requirements. Your story can be no more than 750 words, and you must turn it in to Mrs. Stein by February 6. See Mrs. Stein (room 136) if you have questions.

Community Events & Offerings:

▶ Holmen Spiking Vikings Girls Spring Volleyball is a great new opportunity available for girls in grades 6-8 this year. We will enter teams into the Wisconsin Independent Volleyball League where we will compete against schools from throughout the area. Girls will play up to 5 matches per day on Saturdays in April and May culminating in a League Championship Tournament. If you are interested in playing volleyball or would like to continue to improve your skills, this is an

502 N. Main Street608.526.3391Ryan Vogler, Principal

excellent opportunity for you. Try-outs will be held for teams in early March, and we will try to accommodate as many teams as we can support. Practices will be held 1-2 times per week starting at 6 pm. For more information please email us at .

▶ Spring Soccer 2015 by the Holmen Park & Rec Dept – registration deadline is February 1, 2015. For more information on the programs available go to


▶ UW-L Winter Baseball Camps are happening in February. There are baseball camps for boys and girls in grades 4-12. Information and Registration forms are in front of the HMS office or go to www.uwlcamps.com

for more information and registration on this and other UW-L offerings.

502 N. Main Street608.526.3391Ryan Vogler, Principal