11th Grade Understanding the Roles of Naviance in the College Application Process
School Counselor: Andrea Maynard and Nathan Van Vorst Date:3/15/16
Activity: Game Plan Survey and Introduction to Interviews
Grade(s): 11th grade Alternative Education Students
ASCA Student Standards Addressed:
●C:B1.6 Learn to use the internet to access career planning information.
Learning Objective(s) (aligns with Competency):
●By the end of the lesson, the students will:
- Understand how to do a college search on Naviance.
- Understand that there are a variety of ways to get to a career.
- Understand the tasks that need to be completed by the end of the year (resume, game plan survey, ask a teacher for a letter of recommendation).
●Chrome Books/Computer Lab
- Introduce yourself and explain that this lesson the student will learn how to search for college using Naviance. Have the students sign into their Naviance accounts. If anyone cannot rememeber their Naviance, allow them to reset it.
- Go over the home page of Family Connection. Point out upcoming important dates (College Fair, SAT dates, ACT dates, etc.). Show the student what the different links are on the left hand side of the home page (SAT Prep, ACT Prep, Common App, NCAA, etc.). Go through each of the Tabs on Naviance (Colleges, Careers, About Me).
- Have the student click on the colleges page. Show the students how to do a college search. Add information to a couple of the categories on the college search engine. You can chose college size, private vs. public, DI/DII/DIII, etc. Make sure to select a couple of majors in the search. Inform the students that these searches are a great way to find colleges that will help you get a degree for the career that they would like to persue. This might also be a good time to explain to the student why there are a variety of paths that one can take to get to the same career choice (ie. two-year college, four-year college, experience, etc.) See which colleges match your criteria. Add one of the colleges to your “Colleges I am Thinking About” list. Explain the important information that this list shows.
- Click on one of the colleges in your list and show the students what information in in the college’s profile.
- Explain to the students why it is important for students to add colleges to the “Colleges I am Thinking About” list. This list contains information about application type and deadlines. Give the students some time to do their own college searches.
- Towards the end of the class, inform the students of a few tasks that they must do by the end of the year. These include completing the:
- Game Plan Survey
- Resume
- Junior Autobiography
- Hand out the Game Plan Packet and explain that this packet contains a lot of information to help students navigate the college application process.
- Closing: Inform the students that next week they will have time to complete the Game Plan Survey. Along with this, they will learn about how to prepare for a college or job interview.
Plan for Evaluation: How will each of the following be collected?
Process Data:
●Attendance will be taken at the start of the class.
Perception Data:
●Perception data will be collected through a Pre and Post-Test regarding the group sessions.
Outcome Data:
●The intent of this lesson is to show students how to do a college search and how to add college to the “Colleges I am Thinking About” list. Students will also learn about how to navigate Navaicne.
Follow Up:
● The information from this lesson will be reviewed at the start of the next lesson, as well as in individual planning meetings with their counselors.