Student Activities Handbook
Student Activities Chair Guide to Success
ASHRAE Mission Statement
To advance the arts and sciences of heating, ventilating, air-conditioning and refrigerating to serve humanity and promote a sustainable world.
ASHRAE’s Core Values
- Advancement - We are committed to the advancement of the arts and sciences of HVAC&R for the benefit of society through research, technology development and transfer, and education and training.
- Leadership - We are committed to providing leadership within our industry, and developing leadership qualities in our members.
- Integrity - We are committed to honesty in the practice of our profession as embodied in the ASHRAE Code of Ethics.
- Service - We are committed to service to our members and to the public.
- Excellence - We are committed to the achievement of technical quality and excellence in our programs, publications, courses and other activities.
ASHRAE will be the global leader, the foremost source of technical and educational information, and the primary provider of opportunity for professional growth in the arts and sciences of heating, ventilating, air conditioning and refrigerating.
Handbook for Chapter Student Activities Chairs
Manpower shortages exist at all levels of our industry -- laborers, mechanics, technicians, draftsmen, service personnel, operation personnel, engineers, scientists, teachers, and professors. These shortages are not necessarily confined to the type of individual who might be a candidate for ASHRAE membership, but we in ASHRAE have a responsibility to our Society to encourage students to obtain an education that will allow them to enter our industry.
The curriculum we may influence must satisfy the varied needs of the people entering the industry, not just those who will attend or graduate from a college or university. We need to review and recommend course content at the junior high school, intermediate, senior high school, technical school, and university levels that will better meet the needs of the people on whom our industry is based. Our educational programs need to motivate more students to select a program that allows them to enter our industry for their career. Please be sensitive to the needs of minorities and sex as you address student recruitment to ASHRAE.
The purpose of this manual is to provide you information not only to answer such questions as "What am I supposed to do?" or "How do I do it," but, additionally, to provide new, fresh ideas that you can use to develop a dynamic student activities program within your chapter.
As stated in the Manual for Chapter Operations (MCO), the Student Activities Committee should be composed of a Chair and at least three members. (Review MCO Section 2, paragraph 2.6) - see next page.)
It is highly recommended that a Vice Chair also be appointed. This is important to maintain continuity for future years. The Vice Chair should be the most likely candidate to succeed the existing Chair. The importance of continuity is also discussed in Section 2, paragraph 2.6 of the MCO.
Your committee should be structured to accomplish its mission. This cannot be done without doing at least the following:
•Appoint your members (Do not force people to serve, but insist on a sincere \commitment from those who do).
•Meet immediately after your appointments are completed and your committee
•Appoint your Vice Chair. (Coordinate this with your president and president-elect so
that this person is satisfactory to them; make it clear that this person should succeed you.)
•Establish goals for the year with the help of chapter leaders.
•Form subcommittees as necessary.
•Assign specific tasks to members/subcommittees.
•Schedule follow-through meetings on assignments.
Do not try to do the job by yourself; do not even try to be a three- or four-person effort. Establish a team effort within your chapter. Act as a team to organize things to be done and follow through to see that they are done. Involve as many people as possible. Don't neglect the old, young, or new. If you try to do it all yourself, it may not get done. One of the most important side benefits to involvement is that it is a lot of fun to get to know others and to work with them. The chain effect of this is that you, your chapter, and the Society will all benefit.
2.6 Student Activities Committee
The Student Activities Committee is appointed by the President-Elect in conformance with chapter bylaws and should be composed of a chair and at least three chapter members. It is recommended that the chair accept a term of at least two years so as to maintain continuity of the chapter educational activities. The chair of the committee is expected to attend the Student Activities Committee Workshop at the CRC. A minimum of three (3) hours should be allotted for all committee training workshops at CRCs (08-01-21-04). For those regions where the CRC is in the Spring, it is suggested that the Student ActivitiesChair for the next chapter year also attend the
Student Activities Workshop and CRC. The committee should be responsible for performing the following functions as directed by the chapter:
- Act as liaison between the chapter and area educational institutions
- Develop and coordinate scholarships and other student incentive awards.
- Encourage the formation and continuingoperation of student engineeringorganizations such as ASHRAE StudentBranches and recruit new students.
- Provide information on present and futureindustry manpower needs at both facultyand student levels, by means ofcounseling, programs, group discussion,etc.
- Promote credit courses in the fields ofheating, ventilating, air conditioning andrefrigerating at universities, colleges,technical institutes and junior colleges.
- Provide speakers to college and highschool groups. Provide individualcounseling to promote HVAC&R fields ofinterest to college students.
- Plan use of visual aid presentations forjunior and senior high schools and tradeschool groups. Materials are availablethrough your Regional Vice-Chair forStudent Activities.
- Cooperate with and seek advice from theRegional Vice-Chair for Student Activities(for chapters assigned to a region).
- Provide to the Regional Vice-Chair(where applicable), in a timely fashionand according to the rules, completedstatistical report forms for the PresidentialAward of Excellence. Chapters that arenot assigned to a region should submittheir PAOE forms directly to SocietyHeadquarters.
- Chapter student branch presidents maybe ex-officio members of chapter StudentActivities Committee. (09-10-25-6B)
You have been appointed as Chair of your Chapter Student Activities Committee because of your interest and willingness to work for ASHRAE.
Chairing a chapter committee is both an honor and a responsibility. The honor is that of sharing in the deliberations and the policy making for your chapter as an important part of a major technical Society; the responsibility is that of doing work assigned, of attending meetings, of promptly answering correspondence, of giving your time, your judgement, and your experience so that the chapter and Society may continue to move ahead.
Accepting election as chair of a chapter committee implies that one pledges to carry out specific committee responsibilities; be faithful in attendance at chapter, regional, and committee meetings; and give meticulous attention to correspondence concerned with the functioning of the committee through the Regional Vice Chair for Student Activities.
There is a great deal to be done, and people like you are needed to accept this responsibility and give your chapter and the Society your commitment to actively participate in the program.
The Society's goals are set forth each year in the Presidential Award of Excellence (PAOE)’s point scoring method and/or categories for earning points. The areas covered by the PAOE may or may not include all of the activities mentioned in the Manual of Chapter Operations and may not include all of the activities your chapter is interested in pursuing.
A good rule to follow, however, is that whatever benefits the Society should take precedence over chapter or regional activities because in the long run these activities will produce the most benefits for the chapter and the region.
The Student Activities Committee is appointed by the President-Elect in conformance with chapter Bylaws and should be composed of a chair, vice chair, and at least three chapter members. It is recommended that the chair accept a term of at least two years so as to maintain continuity of the chapter educational activities. The chair of this committee is expected to attend the Student Activities Workshop at the Chapters Regional Conference (CRC) Meeting. For those regions where the CRC Meeting is in the spring, it is suggested that the Chapter Student Activities Chair for the next chapter year also attend the Student Activities Committee Workshop and CRC Meeting. The Committee should be responsible for performing the following functions as directed by the chapter:
The following criteria are for the Student Activities Achievement Award:
1)The Student Activities Achievement Award shall be presented annually but may be omitted if a suitable candidate is not identified.
2)The Student Activities Achievement Award will consist of an 8” x 11” plaque which will state: “In recognition of service to the goals and growth of Student Activities at all levels and in appreciation of this dedication the Student Activities Achievement Award is given.” Fiscal impact will be about $25 per award to be budgeted by the Student Activities Committee.
3)A candidate will be nominated to the Honors and Awards Committee by the Student Activities Committee. The nomination shall include:
A 1-page (100 words) explanation of the nominee’s qualifications
Documentation of the computed award points as outlined in Item 4
A copy of their ASHRAE bio
The Honors and Awards Committee shall consider the points and the explanation in its deliberations. This award will be given at the Plenary Session’s Honors and Awards Ceremony.
4)Award points shall be cumulative as follows:
- Chapter Student Activities Chair or Education Chair1 pt/year
- Establishing a student branch3 pts/branch
- Reactivating a Student Branch2 pts/branch
(Must have been inactive more than two years)
- Author (or co) to application for Undergraduate Senior Project2 pts/branch
Grant (Chapter supported school)
- Support to a Student Design Competition Entry 2 pts/branch
(Chapter supported school – support defined as name listed in entry)
- Student Branch Advisor1 pt/year
- Speaker to promote engineering or ASHRAE to a Post High1 pt
School Audience
- Speaker to promote engineering or ASHRAE at a K-12 class1 pt
5)A minimum of 12 points is necessary for eligibility.
6)The purpose of the Student Activities Achievement Award is to recognize excellence in volunteer service. It serves to heighten general membership awareness of, and interest in, student activities.
(12 Points Minimum Required)
Scoring System / Points / Max. pts Available / Comments and Points for NomineeChapter Student Activities Chair / 1 pt/year / 4 pts
Establishing a Student Branch / 3 pts/branch / 6 pts
Reactivating a Student Branch* / 2 pts/branch / 4 pts
Undergraduate Senior Undergraduate Project Grant / 2 pts/branch / 4 pts
Student Design Project Competition / 2 pts/branch / 4 pts
Student Branch Advisor / 1 pt/year / 3 pts
Speaker for Post High** / 1 pt / 3 pts
Speaker for K-12** / 1 pt / 4 pts
Total Points / 32 pts
* Must have been inactive more than 2 years
** Must be a formal presentation to a class or student group
The Chapter President is responsible for reporting the points for the Chapter Operations category. Each Chapter Committee Chair is responsible for reporting the points for his/her respective category. The PAOE points will be entered directly on forms on the ASHRAE website by the Chapter President and Chapter Committee Chairs by using their chapter PIN. The Chapter President and the Chapter Committee Chairs are responsible for ensuring that the data is entered and final report completed by July 15th each year. The Regional Vice Chairs may access the website to obtain information for chapters in their Region and to enter points as indicated below. There will be no need for monthly or quarterly reports to the Regional Vice Chairs by the Chapter Committee Chairs.
NovemberReflects October 31 results
JanuaryReflects December 31 results
MarchReflects February 28 results
AprilReflects March 31 results
MayReflects April 30 results
JuneReflects May 31 results
July 15Final Entry of Reported Points
DRCs and RVCs Reporting
- Points for chapter officer/chapter committee chair who attends the CRC workshop (or centralized training if applicable).
- Points for Planning Sessions with DRCs or RVCs resulting in setting chapter goals for the upcoming year. Planning Sessions may be held in the spring before the chapter year starts (i.e. during spring President-Elect Training meetings). Points to be assigned by DRC/RVC by October 1.
- Points for achieving chapter goals are to be assigned by DRC/RVC by June 30.
- 50 points in each category will be given to the first chapter in each region to reach PAR. Points to be assigned by the DRC, RVC or Regional Historian and will be based upon them reviewing points reported on the Society webpage and the chapter contacting the assigner of points when PAR is reached.
Beginning July 1 each Society year, PAOE will be available in dual form; the current Society year and the previous Society year. Chapters are now able to enter PAOE points for both years during the month of July until the deadline date for entering points of the previous year. The PAOE Point Summary data can be obtained for each chapter in the Region from the ASHRAE website. Research Promotion points will be calculated and entered at Headquarters.
For Chapters
- From the ASHRAE homepage, login using your email address on your ASHRAE membership record and your personal password.
- Select the link for Secure Chapter Volunteer Activity (located on the left side of the screen).
- Select the link for Presidential Award of Excellence (PAOE)
- Select the link to Update PAOE Chapter Totals (Authorized Users Only)
- Select the year (i.e., 2010-2011, 2011-2012, etc.); enter your chapter’s logon and password (use all lower case, no spacing, the last three characters of the password are numeric). If you do not have your chapter’s logon or password, please send an email to .
- Select the PAOE category to enter points.
For DRCs, RVCs and Regional Historians Only
- From the ASHRAE homepage, login using your email address on your ASHRAE membership record and your personal password.
- Select the link for Secure Chapter Volunteer Activity (located on the left side of the screen).
- Select the link for Presidential Award of Excellence (PAOE)
- Select the link to Update PAOE Regional Totals (Authorized Users Only)
- Select the year (i.e., 2010-2011, 2011-2012, etc.); enter your region’s logon and password (use all lower case, no spacing, the last three characters of the password are numeric). If you do not have your region’s logon or password, please send an email to .
- You will have a drop down box which lists all of the chapters in your region. Select chapters individually to enter PAOE points.
Investment in Student Activities
for chapter investment in student activities
D = Dollars contributed (any support of a student member, e.g. scholarships, dinners, meeting travel, etc.)
M = Area Assigned Members
General Student Branch Involvement
100 points for establishing a new student branch or reactivating an inactive student branch
50 points if net student membership for the chapter exceeds that of previous year
50 points for sponsoring a student member to attend the ASHRAE Winter Meeting; chapter to provide transportation, hotel and registration (150 point maximum)
50 points for each scholarship to a tech or undergraduate engineering student (minimum of $100 scholarship award)
50 points for each active student branch where the faculty advisor is a chapter member
50 points per active student branch that submits the student branch report by May 31
25 points for tracking student members by their cell phone numbers and/or email addresses (maximum 200 points)
25 points for each ASHRAE Student member, enrolled in engineering college undergraduate or tech school, that is placed in an ASHRAE related summer intern job or part-time job during school semester by an ASHRAE member (200 points maximum)
25 points for chapters providing formal recognition of student branch advisors to university administration or dean of engineering
25 points for each National Engineers’ Week activity or equivalent non-US activity
25 points for each chapter activity with student branch (i.e. Student Night meetings, technical programs, technical tours) (50 points maximum)
25 points for each post high school activity in which one or more chaptermember participates
20 points for meeting with faculty of engineering college or tech school for the purpose of establishing a student branch (40 points maximum)
20 points for each student member attending a chapter monthly meeting, a regional meeting, or a Society level meeting (200 points maximum for Society level meetings)
10 points for each time a student branch advisor attends a host chapter monthly meeting, a regional meeting or a Society level meeting
50 points for meeting with representatives of other societies and coordinating and participating in joint K-12 STEM activities
50 points for each K-12 student activity organized by student branch members
25 points for each K-12 student activity (excluding National Engineering Week) in which one or more chapter member participates. Points doubled for 6-8th grade activities
25 additional points for each K-12 activity promoting engineering to and for girls
YEA Activities
50 points for each student member 35 years of age or younger that transfers from student member to associate member after graduation (200 points maximum)
50 points for holding an event in which graduating student members information is recorded for the purpose of converting to Associate member status, i.e., Senior send-off event. (50 points max)
25 points for any YEA member mentoring a team (i.e. ASHRAE Grant, Design Competition, Chapter involvement, student branch support)
25 points for each Young Engineers in ASHRAE (YEA) member that presents the ASHRAE Young Engineers in ASHRAE (YEA) program to student branches
RVC Assigns
100 points for the incoming Chapter Student Activities committee chair attending the SA CRC workshop
50 points for an individual planning/goal setting session with RVC (points assigned by RVC by October 1)
0 to 50 points for achieving goals established in goal-setting session with RVC (points assigned by RVC by June 30) / 300 Points / 500 Points