3rd Quarter 2011 Meeting Minutes
July 30, 2011
AGENDA ITEM / DISCUSSION / ACTION / FOLLOW-UPCALL TO ORDER / Tony Mitchell, President called the meeting to order at approximately 1005.
Attendance: See attached list
CALL TO ORDER AND INTRODUCTIONS & DISCLOSURES / All members present introduced self – / Larry Faulkner disclosed that he was a friend of the guest speaker who presented the Microsoft SharePoint Internet-based hosting proposal.
ESTABLISHMENT OF A QUORUM / Gail Carroll, Compliance Committee Chair confirmed the presence of a quorum with 14 of 23 voting members present. / 3 more delegates arrived a few minutes late due to meeting time change (time in the newsletter stated 10:30 am.)
APPROVAL OR MINUTES / The May 2011 state council minutes were reviewed. There was one correction to the minutes on page 3, St. Louis report. The word “provided” was removed in the 2nd paragraph. / Motion made, seconded and approved to accept minutes as amended. / State Council Secretary will make correction.
AGENDA / Larry Faulkner requested to add the following to agenda: Guest speaker at 11:30 am / Motion made, seconded and approved to add item to the agenda, under new business. / Agenda modified with change.
TREASURER’S REPORT / The 1/1/2011 through 7/29/2011 Treasurer’s Report was presented by Larry Faulkner, 2011 State Council Treasurer. / Motion made, seconded and approved to accept the treasurer’s report as presented.
Central presented by Gordon Rogers – submitted by Carol Rogers RN BSN CEN / Central MO ENA....
Our last two meetings had excellent attendance; the May meeting was @ Capital Region Med Center in Jefferson City with an excellent presentation on PCo2 monitoring in the ER. We are trying to get Bill Stephens, ER nurse educator, who presented the info, to speak at our Spring 2012 - Emergency Nursing Update.
Our July meeting was held in Columbia. There was much discussion about how best to involve folks in outlying hospitals. We are going to experiment with "web" meetings,with the core group in Columbia being live on the computer and people in other locations can also be live on their computers. Wish us good luck as we are very excited about this.
A dinner plan is in the works for Emergency Nurse Day in October.
We also are excited to offer our first "scholarship" from our chapter.We are offering our chapter members $100 towards taking their CEN or CPEN exam.
As mentioned before we are planning our 3rd annual Emergency Update Seminar this next spring. As always our focus is on providing an excellent educational opportunity at a reasonable cost, many of us feel that many education offering are out of reach for nurses because of their excessive tuition.
We would also like to apologize for only sending one representative to the state council meeting. The distance and time involved in driving to Joplin prohibited others attendance. We would like to tell the Joplin ENA members that they have our thoughts and support as the difficult job of moving ahead with their lives, both personally and professionally continues.
Crescent presented by Chris Hoag-Apel & Sharon Trumbly - members / Sue Hall resigned as president & Bob Denton will take over as the President-elect. Bob was speaking at a conference in OK about Freeman’s response to the Joplin tornado & was unable to attend today.
Freeman participated in the May 19th disaster drill. The drill did not come close to preparing them for the EF-5 tornado that devastated Joplin on May 22nd. They saw over 1000 patients in the hours immediately after the tornado. Joplin is a small town & everyone knew someone who was affected by this disaster. Nurses & staff at both St. John’s & Freeman suffered injuries, lost homes, lost lives, etc… They were taking care of their families & friends who were injured & dying – they were in the dark, communication was very difficult with no electricity, no TV news (Freeman staff was not even aware of how bad it was across the street at St. John’s ….), cell towers were down limiting phone other communication ability. People began arriving by buses, cars, walking wounded, and ambulances with little or no hand-off communication. The best reports were often the notes written in ink &/or sharpies on patient’s bodies….
It is hard to prepare for such a devastating tornado – they shared some of the hot-wash topics & are working on an article for ENA connection, presentations, etc… They ask that we keep Joplin in our thoughts & prayers as they rebuild & recuperate from the devastation over the next few years.
Freeman is holding ENPC/TNCC classes & has made classes available to St. John’s nursing staff at the same cost that Freeman nurses pay. There is a Pediatric Trauma conference coming up August 20th.
Kansas City presented by Stephanie Droppelmann, President. / Last meeting was hosted by Centerpoint Medical Center on June 8. Nominations were taken for President-Elect. Donated $1,000 to the Joplin Relief Fund through MONA’s Missouri Nurses Foundation.
Just submitted to National’s: 11 new membership applications and 10 for renewal.
Children’s Mercy Hospital will be hosting the August 9th meeting. We have invited Mr. Kar Woo of Artists Helping the Homeless. Mr. Woo started a program that provides transportation to the area homeless population from our packed ED’s. He makes sure they get to a safe place. Most of the time it is to a homeless shelter, but has also helped patients that need a detox program. The Chapter wants to discuss and plan a fundraiser to help his cause.
CEN review course will be September 8 & 9. Jointly hosted by Saint Luke’s Health Center and Greater KC ENA. At last count, we had 30 registered already. Have room for 60. All the participants will be entered into a drawing for chapter to pay for their
CEN exam. This year, we have added the stipulation that must take the exam within 3 months of the review course.
Will be hosting a TNCC instructor course on September 29 at NKCH.
In the planning stages for the Greater KC ENA awards banquet to be held on Emergency Nurses Day, October 12. Will be hosted by NKCH.
Ozark by Jami Blackwell, President / The Ozark Chapter will be assisting with the Safety Safari being held August 2 at Cox Health. The Ozark Chapter will be providing education on Water Safety and education on Look A Like medication/Poisonings. We will also be assisting with helmet fitting and life jacket fitting.
Our May speaker for the local meeting provided pediatric trauma credit for the attendees. Our June meeting was a cookout in the park. We included family for this meeting.
We are currently making plans for the Emergency Nurses week in October – we will be doing another banquet this year.
St. Louis by Joan Eberhardt, President / The Chapter continues to meet monthly on the second Tuesday of each month at Des Peres Hospital at 5:30 pm. We invite all who are interested to attend meetings and to participate on the many committees available.
We are in the last few months of our 2011 Hockey for Life fundraiser to assist in the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Foundation’s initiative to outfit all St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department marked vehicles with camera systems or dash-cams. The Chapter is partnered with the St. Louis Blues Alumni and the St. Louis Bandits to raise funds to assist in the important purchase of dash-cams for police vehicles.
The Chapter is also continuing work on the project for the Women’s Center, which is a safe house for abused and battered women that is operated by the Sisters of St. Mary. We are collecting unused and old cell phones which can be turned into time-limited use phones for women when they leave the center. A dedicated amount of minutes is put on each phone so the women have rapid access to contact help if needed. We are also collecting personal toiletries for the women who seek assistance at the center.
Due to the unrelenting heat wave and the large number of destitute persons in our area, the chapter has undertaken a new initiative to visit local homeless shelters and discuss heat related information. Handouts are shared and questions answered. It also provides a time to talk, answer health related questions and refer those requiring health care to the appropriate health care provider.
The St. Louis Chapter annual Emergency Nurses Day dinner and awards ceremony will be held on October 12 at Orlando Gardens. There will be nine award categories, along with a special recognition award to an individual or organization that provides outstanding community service. The Chapter will provide six free ENA registrations at the dinner.
We have confirmed the dates of March 24 & 25, 2012 for our next CEN Review course. Our speaker will again be Jeff Solheim, RN, MSN, FAEN, who received rave reviews for the course he presented earlier this year. The course will be held at De Paul Health Center in St. Louis and “save the date” cards will be mailed in the fall of this year.
St. Louis ENA is sponsoring several TNCC and ENPC courses in the upcoming months.
Please contact our Course Operations Chair, Helen Sandkuhl, by email for additional information at
TNCC: July 23 & 24 - October 29 & 30
TNCC-I November 12
ENPC-I November 13
We will be electing our 2012 officers at our next meeting.
SEMO Chapter
Submitted by Kristi Williams, RN, CEN, SANE-A
SEMO Chapter President / Chapter 424 sends its apologies as ourdelegates are unable to attend in Joplin this time, as well asregards to the rest of the members attending the state meeting. Our thoughts and prayers have been with the Cresent chapter and all those affected by the recenttornado I stand in awe as I'm sure the others do also at the courage and tenacity of the folks of Joplin and the surrounding area to continue to move forward in rebuilding their lives and town.
Chapter 424 had their bimonthly meeting in Cape Girardeau in the month of June. Was attended by more then 20 members and nonmembers to hear Dr. Tim Thomas from Southeast Missouri Hospital EDspeak concerningcritters that slither, stingand creepy crawly things and summerbites. Information was especially pertinent due to summertime activities in our part of the state.
Announced at the meeting was the winner of the scholarship for CEN testing, Nichole Cross. I am pleased to announce that she passed with flying colors and is added to the wall of fame at SEMO HEALTH. The chapter congratulates her and anxiously awaits October meeting to announce another scholarship for CPEN and CEN testing for a member of our chapter.
The Chapter has continued to actively participate in activities to promote safety in our community, recently members manned a booth at Cape Girardeau kid’s safety fair and despite the blistering heat (more then 100Degrees heat index) gave away boxes of bicycle helmets to children! Way to go!! Chapter members remain busy with the Ready In 3 program and have made their lecturing services available to local churches, senior centers and clubs in the Cape Girardeau and surrounding areas.
Our chapter has recently “graduated” 3 TNCC instructors and 3 ENPC instructors and eagerly looks forward to increasing our opportunity for educational events in the area. The training team from the chapter is actively recruiting opportunities to the south of Cape Girardeau into Arkansas where the need for TNCC instructors is high and the amount of instructors is low. We are proud of our members who are striving to improve their skills and sharing knowledge with others.
At the June meeting we rolled out the opportunity for scholarships for auxiliary members to join ENA in an effort to reach other nurses, nursing studentsand EMS staff who interact with out ENA nurses daily in the work setting. The thought is to widen our base of membership to include all aspects of emergency care that a patient might encounter.At the August meeting we will beawarding a yearly membership scholarship for someone who is a nursing student, LPN returningto school or an EMS-Paramedic. Therehas been a nice response to the scholarship requirements and we are excited about announcing the winner in August.
Also at the June meeting weinitiated a Membershipdrive for new active nurses or a renewal of currently active nurses and I am so pleased to announce we gained 8 new and returning members as well as an auxiliary member from EMS andLPN/Nursing Student. For a total of 10 new members!!!! Thanks to the National board for helping financially sponsor new members as well as the chapter matching sponsorship we are able to expand our membership by more then 10% this month.
One of the most exciting bits of information is the decision by the chapter to sponsor a member to attend the Scientific Assembly in September in Tampa, Fl.
The members voted to sponsor one member to attend the assembly and pay for lodging and sign up fees, using the point system similar to that used to assign delegates to the state attendance the chapter members were given the opportunity to write a small essay on how attending the assembly would improve their skills and knowledge base as a emergency nurse and submit with points sheet and the chapter will be sending one lucky member for the conference. Response has been impressive and the member will be awarded at the August meeting.
Chapter 424 will be having its August meeting at a different location, members have actively participated in the planning of meetings based on information they feel is pertinent to their practices. We will be meeting at the new SEMO HEALTH Cancer center in Cape Girardeau and after a tour of the facility the speaker will discuss neutropenia in the ED patient, the focus will be on a quick down and dirty look at labs, medications and how we can best protect our patients.