Structured Study -- Ms. Kari Blaylock

Course Summary:

This course provides students with a structured, scheduled academic environment providing the opportunity to complete assignments and access school resources This course will help reinforce skills in organization, note-taking, test preparation, vocabulary, writing, reading and math as well as other study strategies in order to improve grades in all academic areas.


This is a credit-bearing class! A SHORT skill building activity will be completed each day in class.

Every day you should have work to do – check your grades to find out what is missing!

Bring your materials to class—passes will be limited!

You also need to bring your own reading materials in case you finish your work early.

Class Rules:

  1. Respect yourself, your peers, your teacher, and your surroundings.
  2. Own your behavior – if you mess up OWN it and then FIX it!
  3. Remove your hat/hoods at the door.
  4. Cell phones are privilege not a right in this classroom. Leave them turned off and place them in the cell phone bin upon entering the classroom.

Consequences:Depending on severity of the infraction as outlined by the PHS student handbook.

  1. Warning
  2. Parent or guardian contact
  3. Referral to office

Technology: Cell phones and other electronic devices will not be accessible during this class period and will need to be turned off and placed in the cell phone bin upon entering the classroom.If I see or hear a cell phone/technology out of the bin, I will confiscate it, and turn it into the office. Refer to the PHS student handbook for consequences. Thank you for respecting the learning environment.

Food and Drink: Food and Drink will be allowed at teacher discretion, as long as it does not become a problem or a distraction. This is an abuse it you lose it policy. You are responsible to clean up any mess. Keep your desk, area and room clean and neat.


FIVE daily points can be earned (4 points teacher rubric and 1 point student self-evaluation)

4 – On time, prepared for class AND working on something (school related) for at least 80% or more of the period.
3 – On time, prepared for class, and working on something (school related) for at least 50% -75% of the class period.
2 – Present in class but did very little work during the class period OR was at CSCT during this period.
1 – Present in class did nothing and was not productive.
Student Self Evaluation of Daily Work – 1 point

Potential loss of points behavior:

  • Not completing the daily activity
  • Being unprepared for class (leaving to get materials or not having needed materials)
  • Abusing bathroom privileges (*6 bathroom passes per quarter)
  • Disrespect of class rules and expectations
  • Foul or inappropriate language – automatic “0”.
  • Failure to respect all others and their property in words and actions.
  • Unexcused Tardy
  • Unexcused absence will count as a “0” for your daily score.

I, (print your name) ______have read and fully understand the classroom expectations and consequences for Ms. Blaylock’s classroom. I agree to follow the expectations in order to maintain a positive learning environment.

Student’s Signature: ______Date