








/ StructuralinformationonHSA–druginteractionshasemergedonlyveryrecentlyandinaratherpiecemealfashion,10,15,16and17somoststudiesofdrugbindinghavethereforeadoptedaligand-basedapproachtotheproblem.Forexample,markerligandsforsites1and2havecommonlybeenusedincompetitionassaystoidentifythelocusofbindingofarangeofdifferentcompounds.9,18,19and20Morerecentlyseveralpharmaceuticalcompanieshavedevelopedhigh-throughputmethodstoassaythealbumin-bindingpropertiesoftheircompoundlibraries.13,21,22,23,24and25Theaccumulateddatacanbeusedtodevelopquantitativestructure–activityrelationshipsforalbuminbinding.12,14,26and27However,theinterpretationofcompetitionorbindingdataisnon-trivialgiventheidentificationofpartiallyoverlappingbindingcompartmentsinsite1,18,19and20uncertaintyastothenumberofsecondarydrug-bindingsitesontheprotein20and28andthepossibilityofallostericinteractionsbetweendrugsboundtosites1and2.29and30Furthercomplexitiesariseinvivoduetointeractionsbetweendrugsandendogenousligands




/ structureandomitmaps.(a)StructureofHSA–diazepam.Theproteiniscolour-codedbysubdomainusingaschemethatismaintainedthroughout.Thediazepamisdepictedinspace-fillingrepresentationcolour-codedbyatom-type:carbon,pink;oxygen,red;nitrogen,blue;chlorine,gr.Therotatedviewontherightshowsdrugsite2inthesameorientationasdrugsite1in(c).(b)Fo−FcsimulatedannealingomitmapcalculatedinCNS50withthediazepammoleculeomittedfromthephasingmodelandcontouredat2.75σ.(c)StructureofHSA-myristate-phenylbutazone.Fattyacidmoleculesandphenylbutazonearedepictedinspace-fillingrepresentationwithcarbonatomscolouredgreyandmid-blue,respectively.(d)Fo−Fcsimulatedannealingomitmapcalculatedwiththephenylbutazonemoleculeomittedfromthephasingmodelandcontouredat2.75σ.AllFigureswerepreparedusingPyMol.55


/ Figure3.Drug bindingtosite1in HSA (defatted).Thedetailedbindingconformationsareshownfor(a)CMPF,(b)oxyphenbutazoneand(c)phenylbutazone.Ineachcasethedrugisshowninastickrepresentationwithasemi-transparentvanderWaalssurface.AbbreviatednamesfordrugsaredefinedinthefootnotestoTable1.Selectedside-chainsareshownasstickscolour-codedbyatomtype;yellowdashedlinesindicatehydrogenbonds.ResidueI264,whichbifurcatestheback-endofthepocket,isshownasgreyspheres.NotethatthetipofK195isdisorderedintheHSA–CMPFcomplexsotheside-chainaminogroupisnotshownin(a).(d)Topviewofthesuperpositionofdrugsboundtosite1indefattedHSA.Drugsareshowninastickrepresentationwithcarbonatomscolouredorange,nitrogenatomsinblueandoxygenatoms(alsoshownassmallspheres)inred.Oxygenatomstendtoclusteroneithersideofthebindingpocket.(e)Sideviewofsuperpositionofdrugsshownin(d)alongwithasemi-transparentsurface(orange)depictingtheextentofthe







Drugsite1inHSA-myristateUponbindingoffattyacids,Y150fromsubdomainIBmovestointeractwiththecarboxylatemoietyofthelipidboundtothesitethatstraddlesdomainsIandII(fattyacidsiteFA23)(Figure4(a)–(c)).ThishelpstodrivetherelativerotationofdomainsIandIIandhasalargeimpactononesideofdrugsite1(Figure2(a)and(c)).ThereisanextensiverearrangementoftheH-bondnetworkinvolvingY150,E153,Q196,H242,R257andH288,whichopensasolventchannel(betweenY150andQ196),thusincreasingthevolumeofthepocketandalteringitspolaritydistribution:theinnerpolarclusterisdisruptedandpartiallyneutralisedbyfattyacidbinding;onlyH242isrelativelyunaffected(Figure4(b)and(c)).ThehelixcontainingL198isalsodisplacedoutwards.ThisappearstoimpactanadjacenthelixfromsubdomainIIIA(residues442–466)anditsdisulphide-bondedneighbour.Thislatterhelixisalsotwistedarounditsaxis,sincebindingofmyristatetositeFA3inIIIAreplacesE450inasalt-bridgeinteractionwithR348.AsaresultE450rotatestoreplaceD451ininteractingwiththeamidegroupsofresidues343–344(Figure4(d)).Inturn,D451relocatestoapositionthatallowsittoformasalt-bridgewithK195.Thiscascadeofinteractionsindicatesonepossiblelinkbetweenthetwodrugsites,atleastinthepresenceoffattyacid. Figure4.Conformationalchangesindrugsite1asaresultoffattyacidbinding.

/ (a)SuperpositionofHSA(secondarystructurecolour-codedbysubdomain;selectedside-chainscolouredbyatomtype)andHSA-myristate(light-greysecondarystructurewithlightgreycarbonatomsinside-chains).Drugsite1inHSAisdepictedbyalight-brownsemi-transparentsurface;bindingoffattyacidresultsinexpansionofdrugsite1(bluesemi-transparentsurface)asaresultofconcertedmovementofseveralstructuralcomponents.Redarrowsindicatethedirectionofstructuralchangesassociatedwithfattyacidbinding.(b)Close-upviewsoftheregionaroundTyr150inHSAand(c)HSA-myristate,colour-codedasin(a).(d)RotatedviewofthevicinityofGlu450andAsp451,whichbothrotatetonewpositionsonfattyacidbinding:Glu450















Drugsite2Drugsite2iscomposedofallsixhelicesofsubdomainIIIAandisthereforetopologicallysimilartosite1(subdomainIIA).Although,likesite1,italsocomprisesalargelypre-formedhydrophobiccavitywithdistinctpolarfeatures,therearesignificantdifferencesbetweenthetwodrugpockets.Drugsite2issmallerthansite1;theprincipalbindingregioncorrespondstothecentralportionofthesite1pocketandappearstopossessjustonesub-compartment,therearright-handhydrophobicsub-chamber,thoughinthiscasethesub-chamberisonlyaccessedfollowingligand-inducedside-chainmovements(seebelow).Toalargeextenttheleft-handsub-chamberiseliminatedbythepresenceofY411,whichoccursinsubdomainIIIAatthepositioncorrespondingtoL219inIIA(Figure6(a)).Afurtherdifferencearisesbecause,althoughthetwodrugsitesareinstructurallysimilarsubdomains,thesearepackedindifferentcontextswithrespecttotheremainderoftheprotein.Theentrancetodrugsite1isenclosedbysubdomainsIIBandIIIA;residuesfromthesesubdomainscontributetotheformationofthefrontsub-chamberwhichbindsindomethacinandaccommodatesportionsofiodipamide,phenylbutazoneandwarfarin.However,theentrancetosite2isnotencumberedinthisway:althoughIIIAisfollowedbyIIIB,thissubdomainisrotatedfurtherawayfromthedrugsiteentrance(incomparisontodrugsite1,domainII)andleavesthepocketentrancemoreexposedtosolvent(Figure2(a)and(c)). Figure6.Drugbindingtosite2inHSA.Thedetailedbindingconformationsare

/ shownfor(a)diazepamand(b)indoxylsulphate.Ineachcasethedrugisshowninastickrepresentationwithasemi-transparentvanderWaalssurface(magenta).Colour-codingisasinFigure3.(c)Topviewofthesuperpositionofdrugsboundtosite2inHSAalongwithasemi-transparentsurface(orange)depictingtheextentofthepocket.(d)Bindingofendogenousligandsindicatespossibleexpansionofdrugsite2.Fattyacids(FA3andFA4)3and4andthyroxine6whichalsobindtosubdomainIIIAareaddedtothedrugsuperpositionshownin(c);thevanderWaalssurfacedefinedfortheseendogenousligandsiscolouredblue.






Severalofthesite2compoundsanalysedalsobindtoadditionalsitesoutsidesubdomainIIIA.Asecondarybindingsiteisobservedforindoxylsulphateindrugsite1wheretwomoleculesofthecompoundappeartobindinoverlappingandmutuallyexclusiveconformations,onewiththesulphategrouppositionedtointeractwiththeinnerpolarpatchandoneinwhichthesulphateissalt-bridgedtotheouterpatchatthepocketentrance.Thereisevidencetosuggestthatdiflunisalandibuprofenmayalsobindwithinsite1,thoughthedensityinthecaseofibuprofenisratherweakandthisdrugwasthereforenot incorporated at this site in the refined model.

/ In contrast the electron density maps clearly indicate that diflunisal and ibuprofen both occupy a previously undetected secondary site at the interface between subdomains IIA and IIB in a binding cleft that overlaps the fatty acid site FA64 and 5 (Figure 7). The carboxylate groups of the drugs interact with the side-chains of K351andS480(ofsubdomainIIIA)andtheamidegroupsofL481andV482.Inthislocusbothdrugspackagainstthehelix(residues209–223)whichformspartoftheentrancetodrugsite1;conceivablybindingofdiflunisaloribuprofentothissecondarysitemaythereforeimpactthebindingofsite1drugs28and29.Wedidnotobserveasecondarysitefordiazepam.
Figure7.Summaryoftheligandbindingcapacityof HSA asdefinedbycrystallographicstudiestodate.Ligandsaredepictedinspace-fillingrepresentation;oxygenatomsarecolouredred;allotheratomsinfattyacids(myristicacid),otherendogenousligands(hemin,thyroxin)anddrugsarecoloureddark-grey,lightgreyandorange,respectively.

FigureoptionsOurstructuraldatashowthatthetwoprimarydrugsitesonHSAarehighly adaptablebindingcavitiescontainingdistinctsub-compartments,someofwhichareonlyaccessedbylocaldrug-inducedconformationalchanges,andrevealarangeofsecondarybindingsitesdistributedwidelyacrosstheprotein.Ineachcase,thedrugsitesoverlapwithendogenousligand-bindingsites(Figure7).Thebindingspecificitiesofthepocketsaredeterminedbytheirshapesandtheparticulardistributionsofbasicandpolarresiduesonthelargelyhydrophobicinteriorwallsthatareinvolvedinchargeneutralizationandhydrogenbondinginteractionswithacidicorelectronegativesmallmoleculeligands.Thecombinationofshape-adaptabilitywithspecificpolarinteractionsexhibitedbyHSAinthesesitesisreminiscentofthepromiscuousbindingsiteidentifiedinQacR,amulti-drugbindingproteinfromStaphylococcusaureus,45although,incontrasttoHSA,QacRhasapreferenceforcationiclipophilicdrugsanditshydrophobiccavityisthereforestuddedwithacidicglutamateside-chains.ThedetailedinsightsintoHSA–druginteractionsreportedhereprovideaninvaluablestructuralframeworkfortheinterpretationofdrugbindingdataandwillfacilitateeffortstomodifynewtherapeuticcompoundstocontroltheirinteractionwithHSAandthereforeoptimisetheirdistributionwithinthehumanbody.









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