date / June 2, 2009
time / 8:00 Muni Center GP room
attendees / Michael Pane Late Arrivals due to playoffs:
Bob Leonard Bill Slifkin
Jose Fernandez Ron Leinhardt
Jim Lacey Randy Vooris
Ray Bagley Dave Bono
Dan Spinella Tom Carraturro
Bill Pullan Craig Carlson
Erik Andersen John Luhrs
Brendan Galvin Cary Clark
Jay Waterman
- After some wait for members still up at the fields Jay W as presiding officer opened the meeting at 8:25pm until Bill arrived from the fields.
- Secretary report – accepted
- Treasurer’s Report –
- $26,137 Checking
- $30,730 Field Maintenance
- ======
- $56,868 Total Funds Available
- Jay described the past months income and outflows. Question from the floor on how the snack shed income was doing compared to last year. Jay thought it was slightly higher.
- Report accepted
- Commissioners Reports –
- Mike Pane – all good
- Bob Leonard – Tball finished, good season, many questions about the possibility of t-Ball in the fall season.
- Jose F – (Brendan) new plugs are needed for the middle school field. The ones there now are chipped and warped. Dan S said we had spares up at Mitchell Park. Some confusion about who would replace them, the town or us. To be sorted. Jose also mentioned later in the mtg that 13’s would be sending a team to the Newtown tournament.
- Dan S – equipment manager
- Put notice out that the equipment should be returned this upcoming Saturday (6/5) between 9-10. Someone pointed out that some managers still have it due to still playing in the play-offs. Dan said that most teams were done at this point and would be still beneficial to get most of it back now.
- Dan has a good portion of his budget left ($8891). Bill/Jay felt this would be taken up with expenses for fall ball.
- 10 and 12 year old uniforms should be in by week’s end.
- Jim L – facilities manager
- Sunday will be clean up day in anticipation of the Al Leonard Tourney. Jim thought against sending out a mass email and felt a smaller more focused group would accomplish what needed to be done.
- Erik A – web
- Wanted Al Leonard details to put on line. Erik noted he was getting a lot of queries from folks from other towns for details. Craig to supply
- Erik wanted details on Cal Ripken play-offs as well to put up on the web. Jay supplied those.
- Bill P –
- Bill to put up Jimmy Fund signs for Al tourney.
- AOB –
- Cary C, needs baseballs for scrimmages. Dan to supply
- John L – he thought higher seeds should be home team. Bill discussed reasoning behind current scheme was to promote lower teams to go further into the play-offs but we could revisit for next year.
- Randy V – would like to see us having in-season practices particularly at Rookie level. He felt that this was needed to help improve the players. There was positive reaction to this idea and should be brought up again before next spring to see if that can be worked into the schedule.
- Ron L – commented on the need to fulfill field director duty. He asked the coaches to remind their assistants of this obligation. Bill instructed the commissioners to send a mail to their coaches to remind them again.
- Cary C - would like to host the State 11s next year. Bill said this is something that needs to be set earlier in the year. Cary will bring this up again over the winter before the towns volunteer.