Strength Training and Conditioning


Fall 2017

Instructor: John Curtis, M.S.Credit Hours: 3

Office Number: (940) 565-2212Class Time: 2:00 – 3:20 M, W

Office Location: PEB 112Office Hours: 9:00 – 10:30 T, TH

Email: r by appointment

Class Location: Life A419

CatalogDescription:Practical aspects of development of muscular strength and endurance, cardiorespiratory endurance, and flexibility including: Proper strength and conditioning exercise techniques, safety, and basic exercise programming.

Prerequisite: None

Required Text:National Strength and Conditioning Association. (2017), Strength Training, Second Ed., Lee Brown, editor

Course Objectives-The student who successfullycompletesthiscourse will:

  1. Demonstrate correct strength and conditioning exercise techniques (resistance training, conditioning, and flexibility)
  2. Describe the guidelines for safe and effective strength and conditioning exercise including warm up, cool down, correct breathing techniques, spotting techniques, and safety considerations.
  3. Demonstrate an understanding of the principles underlying strength and conditioning exercise prescription and programming (overload, progression, specificity, and reversibility), and the acute program variables of exercise (frequency, intensity, duration, and type of exercise).
  4. Identify the major muscle groups and their involvement and action in specific strength and conditioning exercises
  5. Identify the primary energy system involved in specific strength and conditioning exercises.
  6. Describe strength and conditioning training programs to increase muscular strength and endurance, cardiorespiratory endurance, and flexibility.
  7. Create an individualized strength and conditioning workout program based on specific goals and desired outcomes supported by scientific principles.

Class Grading: 300 points maximum total:

200 pointsExams: Two (2) exams, 100 points each. Two exams will be given: Exam 1 around the midterm of the semester, and Exam 2 near the end of the semester. Materials covered in class and readings from the textbook will be the subject of exams. In the event that a student arrives late on an exam day and one or more students have already completed the exam, the late student will not be allowed to take the exam and will receive a grade of zero.

60 pointsPractical Exam: To demonstrate competence in the subject matter, you will complete a practical exam. This will test knowledge of the materials over the course of the semester. You will have to perform the actual testing learned in class on an individual. A more detailed explanation about the requirements for the practical exam will be provided midway through the course.

40 pointsProgram Design Project: To demonstrate competence in the course material, you will complete a program design project as part of this class. This project will entail creating training programs for an overall fitness program for a sample trainee. A detailed explanation about the requirements for the final project will be provided midway through the course.

Grading Scale:300-270: A, 269-240: B, 239-210: C, 209-180: D, 179-0: F

At the end of the semester, you will earn a grade of A, B, C, D, or F. If you receive a grade of F,you have not passed this course. The final grade will be based on the successful completion all of the assignments, and test grades.

Class Information and Requirements:

•Communicationwithyourinstructor: Wewill beusingBlackboard forannouncements,assignments,notesand handouts. Please usetheemail tocorrespondwithmeelectronically. I amavailable during officehoursor beforeand after classforanyfacetofacecommunication. If youcannot meet with me during thosetimes,pleasemakean appointment.

•Attendance: Attendancewillnot betaken for points towards a final grade. However, discussions and activities in class will be in addition to the textbook material. Therefore, attendance will only assist you in meeting the requirements of the course, but assist you in preparation for both the program design and practical exam. Do NOTsimplystopcoming toclass withouttaking formal stepsto dropthecourse. Students whostop coming toclassand donotgothrough the formal drop procedure willbeassigned a gradeof “F” attheend ofthesemester.

•Cell phone use: The use of cell phones for talking, texting, or any other purposes during class is prohibited. Any urgent phone-related matters must be attended to outside of the classroom period. Should you be found to be using a cell phone during class time, you will be asked to leave for the remainder of the class.

• Assignments: All assignments mustbe neatlyprepared and representativeof collegelevel coursework. I will notgradeassignments or replytoemailswrittenin text messagelanguage, or handwritten.

Nolateassignmentsormissed testswill beacceptedwithout prior permission fromtheinstructor. If you know youwillmissclass,turn your assignmentinprior toitsduedate.

•Therewill benonegotiation ofyour finalgradein thiscourse.Youwill receivethe gradethatyou earned…no discussion. Iwill notcommunicate with you regardingyour gradesthough email,howeverI would behappyto discussthemwith you in person. Once the final points have been posted to Blackboard, I will no longer answer emails or requests for additional points, or for work to help boost you to a higher grade.

Extra Credit:

Therewill ONLYbeONE optionfor extracreditduring thesemester. Allrequestsforadditionalcreditorformeto changeyour gradefrom whatyou earnwill beignored.

5possiblepoints to add to your total semester points:SPOTEvaluation. 90% or greater of the ENTIRE class must submit an evaluation. Once achieved, all class members will receive these points.

Exam protocol:

Bring a couple of #2 pencils, a good eraser, and a hand calculator (if necessary), for exams. If you miss an exam, your grade is zero. You are expected to arrive on time and no-one may enter after the first student completes the exam and leaves. Should you need to leave once you begin the test, your test will be considered complete at the place you finished before you left. There are no make-ups.


Studentscaughtcheatingor plagiarizing will receivea"0"forthatparticular assignmentorexam. Additionally,the incident will bereportedtotheAcademic Integrity Office,whomayimposefurtherpenalty. According totheUNTcatalog,the term"cheating"includes,butisnotlimitedto:a. use of anyunauthorized assistancein taking quizzes,tests,or examinations;b. dependenceupontheaidof sourcesbeyondthoseauthorized bytheinstructor inwriting papers, preparing reports,solvingproblems,or carrying out other assignments;c.theacquisition, without permission,of testsor otheracademicmaterial belonging toa facultyorstaff memberofthe university; d. dual submission ofa paper or project,or resubmissionofa paper or projecttoa differentclasswithoutexpresspermission fromtheinstructor(s);ore. anyother actdesignedtogiveastudentan unfair advantage. Theterm"plagiarism"includes,butisnotlimited to:a.the knowingor negligentusebyparaphraseor directquotationof thepublished orunpublished workofanother person withoutfull and clearacknowledgment;and b. theknowingor negligent unacknowledged useofmaterialsprepared by another personoragencyengaged in theselling oftermpapersorother academic materials.

Acceptable Student Behavior:

Studentbehaviorthatinterfereswith an instructor’sabilitytoconductaclassorotherstudents'opportunitytolearnis unacceptableand disruptiveand will notbetoleratedin anyinstructional forumatUNT. Students engagingin unacceptablebehavior willbedirected toleavetheclassroomand theinstructormayrefer thestudenttotheDeanof Studentstoconsiderwhether thestudent'sconduct violatedtheCodeof StudentConduct.Theuniversity'sexpectations for studentconductapplytoall instructionalforums,including universityand electronicclassroom,labs,discussion groups,field trips,etc. TheCodeof StudentConductcan befound at

Accessto Information –EagleConnect:

Your accesspointfor businessand academicservicesatUNToccurswithinthe site officialcommunication fromthe universitywill bedelivered toyourEagleConnectaccount. Formoreinformation,pleasevisitthewebsitethat explainsEagleConnectand howtoforward youre-mail:


TheUniversityof North Texas makesreasonableacademicaccommodationforstudents withdisabilities. Students seeking accommodationmustfirstregisterwiththeOfficeof DisabilityAccommodation (ODA)to verifytheireligibility. If a disabilityisverified,theODAwill provideyou withan accommodationletter tobedelivered tofacultyto begin a privatediscussionregarding yourspecificneedsina course.Youmayrequestaccommodationsatanytime,however, ODA noticesof accommodation should beprovided as earlyaspossibleinthesemestertoavoid any delayin implementation. Notethatstudentsmustobtain anewletterof accommodation foreverysemesterandmustmeetwith each facultymemberprior toimplementation ineach class.For additional informationseetheOfficeofDisabilityAccommodationwebsiteat byphoneat(940)565-4323.

EmergencyNotification and Procedures:

UNTusesasystemcalled EagleAlertto quickly notifyyouwith critical information in theeventofan emergency(i.e., severeweather,campusclosing,and healthand publicsafetyemergencieslikechemicalspills,fires,or violence).The system sendsvoicemessages(and text messagesupon permission)tothephones of allactivefacultystaff,and students. Pleasemakecertain toupdateyour phonenumbersat actionsinclude:1)knowtheevacuation routesand severeweathershelter areasin thebuildings whereyourclassesare held, 2)determine howyou will contactfamilyand friendsif phonesaretemporarilyunavailable,and 3)identify where youwill goif you need toevacuatethe Dentonarea suddenly. In theeventof auniversityclosure,pleaserefer to Blackboard forcontingency plansforcovering coursematerials.

Retention of StudentRecords:

Studentrecordspertainingtothiscoursearemaintained in a securelocation bytheinstructorof record. Allrecordssuch asexams,answersheets (with keys),and written paperssubmitted during thedurationof thecoursearekeptfor atleastonecalendaryear after coursecompletion. Courseworkcompletedvia theBlackboardonlinesystem,including grading information and comments,isalsostored in asafe electronicenvironmentforoneyear. You havearighttoview your individual record;however,information aboutyour recordswill notbe divulged toother individualswithoutthe properwritten consent. You are encouragedtoreviewthePublicInformation Policyand F.E.R.P.A. (FamilyEducational Rightsand PrivacyAct)lawsand theuniversity’spolicyin accordancewiththosemandatesatthefollowinglink:

StudentEvaluation of Teaching(SPOT):

Studentfeedbackisimportantand an essential partofparticipation ofthiscourse. TheStudentEvaluationofTeaching (SPOT)isa requirementforall organized classesatUNT. Thisshortsurvey willbemadeavailableatthe endof the semester toprovideyou with an opportunitytoevaluatehowthis courseistaught.


Student success requires one to ensure that one is thorough. Should you have read the syllabus this completely, I will award you five extra credit points. This should only be between you and I. It will not be discussed. If I find that you have told others about these points, your points will be removed. Simply email me and tell me that you need your syllabus points, and I will award them to you. Once exam 2 has been given to the class, the window for requesting these points will be closed.

UNT endeavorstooffer you a high-quality educationand toprovidea supportive environmentto helpyoulean and grow. And,asa facultymember,Iamcommittedtohelping you besuccessful asa student. Here’showtosucceed at UNT:Showup. Find support.Takecontrol.Be prepared.Getinvolved.Be persistent. Tolearnmoreaboutcampusresourcesand information onhowyou canachievesuccess,goto

Tentative Class Schedule (Can be subject to change): KINE 2010 – Fall 2017

Class Weeks: / Topic: / Book Chapters:
August 28-30 / Introduction
Lecture Topic 1 – Types of Muscle Training
September 4-6 / Labor Day
Gym Day 1 – Upper Body Exercises
September 11-13 / Lecture Topic 2–Disruption, Damage, and Injury Signals for Hypertrophy
Gym Day 2 – Upper Body Exercises
September 18-20 / Lecture Topic 3 – Strength Assessment and Estimations
Gym Day 3 – Lower Body Exercises
September 25-27 / Lecture Topic 4 – Workout Scheduling and Rest
Gym Day 4 – Lower Body Exercises
October 2-4 / Lecture Topic 5 – Safety Soreness and Injury
Gym Day 5 – Practice Day
October 9-11 / Review
October 16-18 / Lecture Topic 6 – Programming 1
Gym Day 6 – Core Exercises
October 23-25 / Lecture Topic 7 – Programming 2
Gym Day 7 – Conditioning
October 30-November 1 / Lecture Topic 8 Youth Programming
Gym Day 8 – Crossfit
November 6-8 / Lecture Topic 9 – Elderly Programming
Gym Day 9 – Plyometrics
November 13-15 / Lecture Topic 10 – Programming for Metabolic concerns
Gym Day 10 – Practice
November 20-22 / Practice Week for Practicum
November 27-29 / PRACTICAL EXAM WEEK
December 4-6 / Review for Exam 2

*The course calendar is tentative and subject to change. If the schedule does change, I will announce any changes during class time as well as provide an updated version on Blackboard and send out an announcement.

**Some class lessons will be conducted in rooms other than our assigned classroom. I will announce any changes during class time as well as make announcements via Blackboard. It is your responsibility to stay informed to changes such as this.