RULES, POLICIES and Other Useful Information: 2016-2017

Ms. D. Simon

  • Kindness and consideration are expected of everyone. Use tact. Remember, your peer’s “stupid question” is the same thing at least 5 other students were longing to ask.
  • During all closed book exams or quizzes, all cell phones will be collected and placed in a bin on the teacher’s desk, or turned to silent, and placed in a backpack/handbag NEXT to teacher’s desk.
  • No cell phone use is permitted in classrooms, halls, bathrooms, except during your scheduled lunch. If you must make a call, you will have to get permission, and go to the office.
  • IF you have a smartphone, AND you have been permitted to use it to look something up, you may. However- YOU MUST HAVE PERMISSION. (e.g. Google Classroom app is fine)
  • IPods, and all similar devices may be used before and after school, and at lunch, or during quiet writing assignments if you have permission.
  • Laptops may be used at teacher’s discretion. You may use laptops ONLY for class work, for the class in which you are sitting. If you are caught playing games, doing homework for another class, and the likes, you will not be allowed to use a laptop.
  • Only one person may leave the room at a time. Please take the appropriate pass. BRING IT BACK when you return. Sign out in notebook by the door, and sign back in when you return.
  • If you need to see the nurse/office/ guidance/ library, take the gold pass.
  • You will always be marked absent if you come to class late. It will be your job to provide the reason to the office. Once attendance is taken I cannot not reopen Genesis to redo attendance. You must report to homeroom. If you need to speak to a different instructor, you must check in first with the homeroom teacher! ID checks are done each morning in homeroom, and failure to SHOW your ID (it must be ON you, visible, at all times) will result in lock out from Genesis.
  • Any student who misses class for any reason is responsible for finding out what he/she missed. If the absence is UNEXCUSED, NO credit will be given. All work needs to be made up as quickly as possible.
  • No soda or other acidic drinks. No disruptive or messy snacks. No “meals” allowed. Clean up after yourself. Abuse of my permissiveness will result in a total ban.
  • Gum, if quietly and politely chewed will be permitted. When done, it must end up in the garbage. If gum is EVER found under my desks, NO gum will be allowed in my classroom.

Drills:In the event of any drill, silence must be absolute. Not only will this make it possible for you to hear instructions, but if a drill occurs during a test, you won’t have to retake a new and harder test because you stood outside talking about it for 10 minutes!

ID BADGES MUST BE WORN AT ALL TIMES! In the event of an evacuation, you MUST have your ID.


  • 65 is the lowest passing grade, and in most cases, the lowest grade you can end a marking period with is a 50.
  • Work is due when it is due. Only in dire circumstances will late work be accepted (though late work might be given feedback with no credit) Late work, for any reason, will be penalized 10 points. Work will not be accepted (for credit) after the rest of the class has received graded work back.
  • Revisions are welcome and encouraged; however, you must ask permission to revise work, and revisions are due within 2-3 classes of when the assignment was returned. Revisions MUST be attached to the original work. All revisions MUST be your own work. You may NOT revise tests/quizzes.
  • Personal issues, such as grades, etc. should be discussed privately. Ideally, hand in a note with the problem (e.g. dentist appointment, will miss class on Tuesday). See me between 7:30-8:45 in commons.
  • Homework is all to be typed (HOWEVER, it is better to turn in hand written work than no work!), double spaced, one side only, 12 point, Times New Roman/ Calibri/Cambria/Garamond, with your name, class, assignment and date, in the upper right hand corner. Staple multiple sheets.