Strategies for Geometry Success

Strategy / Yes / No
1. Homework assignments in this class have been reduced from 20-30 problems a night to 10-20 problems typically. Are you completing your homework on a regular basis? (can check Parent/Student Connect to determine)
2. Limited number of word problems are used in the classroom examples/tests/quizzes so that any struggling reader can be successful in geometry. Doyou struggle with reading or reading comprehension?
3. Do you retake summative (and even formative) assignments, quizzes, or tests that you did not receive a good grade on? (Students may retake tests as long as they qualify for a retake based on homework completion, review packet completion, or any additional requirements - such as test corrections - that the teacher has assigned to the student.)
4. Are you utilizing the graphing calculator provided in class – with strategies taught during class?
5. Do you ask questions on a regular basis while correcting homework and assignments? Do you ask clarifying questions during instructional time? Are you asking the people at your table for help when teachers are not available?
6. Do you take notes during class? (guided notes, bell work, highlighting worksheets, etc)
7. Many classes at DHS have TWO teachers. This allows for co-teaching and students have more individualized help. Do you use BOTH teachers for help? Are you actively participating in class?
8. Do you have a peer tutor? (free tutoring is offered after school most school days…T, W, TH, F)
9. Your teachers are available on different days at different times before school, after school and/or lunch time. Are you regularly meeting with one of your math teachers outside of the school day for additional help?
10. You MUST come to class prepared and ready to learn on a daily basis. Are you coming to class each day with your notebook, pencil, assignments completed, etc?
11. Are you using a planner to record your daily assignments?
12. Do you access Student/Parent Connect on a regular basis to keep track of missing assignments, grades, etc.?
13. Are you attending class regularly? (Are absences and tardies and issue?)
14. Are you keeping an organized folder or notebook with notes/quizzes/assignments/bell work?
15. Students with IEPs and 504s are allowed to use the Academic Support Lab for assistance in their NON-cotaught classes. Do you use the support lab?
16. Do you access the geometry iblog on the Dearborn Public Schools website to find additional videos, games, links, support, online textbook? (

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student signatures ______, ______, ______, ______

teacher signatures ______, ______, ______, ______