Strategic Planning and Budget Study Committee

October 13, 2010

Bibb Graves Conference Room Conference Room

The Strategic Planning and Budget Study Committee (SPBS) meeting was called to order at 3:30 pm by Chair Kristy Van Rensselaer. The following committee members were present: Mr. Ben Baker, Dr. Kerry Gatlin, Ms. Martha Hickman, Ms. Peggy Hoekenga, Dr. Bill Huddleston, Mr. John Ledgewood, Dr. David Muse, Mr. David Shields, Dr. Steve Smith, Dr. John Thornell, Dr. Kristy Van Rensselaer and Dr. Brenda Webb. Absentees were: Mr. Mark Linder, Dr. Alan Medders, and Dr. Andrew Luna. Other attendees were: Ms. Donna Tipps.

Chair Van Rensselaer welcomed the committee and requested that everyone introduce themselves.

The minutes of the August 30, 2010 meeting were reviewed. Dr.Gatlin made the motion to approve the minutes and Dr. Webb seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

The minutes of the August 31, 2010 meeting were reviewed. Dr. Smith pointed out one correction needed in the minutes. Dr. Gatlin made the motion to approve the amended minutes and Ms. Hickman seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

The committee then turned their attention to approval of the agenda. Dr. Thornell requested an addition to the agenda concerning a proposal for a Military and Veteran’s Affair Support Office and Mr. Shields requested an addition to the agenda concerning the approval of a part-time staff assistant in the Office of Student Affairs. Dr. Huddleston made a motion to approve the agenda with the recommended changes. Mr. Shields seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously

Chair Van Rensselaer read the Charge to the Strategic Planning and Budget Study Committee from the Shared Governance Document.

Dr. Webb distributed the “Report on the Status of the Strategic Plan 2007-2012.” Dr. Webb requested that the committee review the document and recommend changes. Dr. Webb requested that recommended changes be e-mailed to her by the end of next week. The committee agreed to review the document.

Chair Van Rensselaer then read a memo from Ms. Chris Horn, President of Staff Senate. The memo stated that in light of proration and discussion of moving to Athletics Division I, is causing concern by the Staff on whether the University will complete the funding for the UNA Pay Plan Effective October 1, 2008, which resulted from the Classification and Compensation Study. The committee discussed the memo. Dr. Smith indicated that the University committed to a three year plan to fund the compensation plan. This current fiscal year is the third year of the plan and the salary letters have been sent out. Dr. Thornell stated that, in light of financial constraints, any additional Staff compensation considerations would need to be considered along with compensation changes for faculty as well. The committee agreed. Chair Van Rensselaer indicated that she would communicate the committee’s discussion back to Ms. Horn.

Chair Van Rensselaer then asked about the plans for moving to Athletic Division I. With several different parties discussing the plan, Chair Van Rensselaer asked if it would be discussed by the SPBS committee. Dr. Thornell and Dr. Smith said that the plan is being circulated through various channels and will be routed to the SPBS committeefor consideration. Several of the committee members thought it would be beneficial to be familiar with the plan before it comes to the SPBS committee. Chair Van Rensselaer said that she would obtain a copy of the study and distribute it to the SPBS committee.

Dr. Smith provided an update on the status of proration and distributed handouts of the FY 2010 Education Trust Fund Proration Analysis from the State of Alabama. The State has prorated the UNA’s Appropriations three times (7.5%, 9.5%, and 2%) in FY 2010. The total dollar amount for the three cuts sums to $5,156,734. Dr. Smith also provided a handout detailing how approximately half ($275,000) of the lasted proration amount was divided up among the executive level. The remainder came from revenue received in excess of the budgeted revenue amount. The State Appropriations for FY 2011 is approximately $25.1 million. Dr. Smith commented that proration is possible in FY 2011.

Dr. Thornell discussed a proposal for a Support Office for the Military and Veteran’s Affairs to be located on campus. Dr. Thornell has requested budget information for the proposalfrom Wayne Bergeron and will provide to the SPBS committee at a later date. Dr. Thornell expects this office to be funded from external sources with little or no cost to the University. He is hopeful that this would be a recruiting and retention tool. Dr. Thornell requested an endorsement of the concept from the committee. Dr. Gatlin made the motion to approve the concept and Dr. Webb seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Shields discussed the growing demands and responsibilities in his office and would like the support of the committee for a new position in the Office of Student Affairs. The position would be a part-time staff assistant and would require no new funding from the University. The funds would come from within his area. Dr. Huddleston made the motion to approve the position and Dr. Gatlin seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

Chair Van Rensselaer announced that the next meeting will be on November 10, 2010 at 3:30 pm in the Board Room of Bibb Grave. She requested that any agenda items be forwarded to her for the next meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Kristy Van Rensselaer

Chair of the Strategic Planning and Budget Study