Key Result Area (Long term Impact / Key Performance Area (Programme) / KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS /
Outcome Measure / 2009/10 KPI (output measure) / Timeframe / 2009/10 Target /
Empowered Communities / Sustainable Livelihoods[1] / Community Participation / Community based & driven development plans (CBPs)[2] / 31-Mar-10 / 1 Local Area Plans (LAPs)/CBPs X 9 municipalities
Sustainable development programmes / Community mandated development projects initiated / 31-Mar-10 / 1 sustainable development project initiated in 3 communities[3]
People trained in and geared for participation in community-based projects / 31-Mar-10 / 5% of IDT Budget applied in community-based institutional capacity building
Equitable participation / 31-Mar-10 / Representative participation[4] of women and youth[5] as per demographics of targeted communities
Responsive Local government services, facilitated / Institutional delivery capacity building / Community perceptions of local government service delivery / Municipalities adopting LAP in IDP / 31-Mar-10 / 9 LAPs adopted in IDP
Establish baseline on community perceptions of service delivery / 30-Sep-09 / Baseline concluded & endorsed by in 3 communities
Institutional capacity Building / 31-Mar-10 / 9 Municipal Support programmes implemented
Sustainable partnerships / Resource mobilisation / Diverse strategic partnerships[6] / ·  Resource mobilisation
·  New partnership agreements concluded
·  Functional partnerships / 31-Mar-10 / ·  Leverage 20% IDT’s poverty eradication budget [7]
·  10 Agreements
Key Result Area (Long term Impact / Key Performance Area (Programme) / KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS /
Outcome Measure / 2009/10 KPI (output measure) / Timeframe / 2009/10 Target /
Leadership in poverty eradication / Knowledge Management / Community driven development / Research project to establish expectations + qualitative indicators in a representative sample of poor communities concluded / 31-Mar-10 / ·  Research report endorsed by targeted communities
Research report approved by the Board
IDT resources applied in community mandated projects[8] / 31-Mar-10 / 10% of IDT resources
IDT’s standing as opinion maker / Advocacy in poverty eradication / IDT participates in strategic policy & knowledge sharing platforms / 31-Mar-10 / Membership of 3 national and 2 provincial strategic policy fora
Knowledge driven interventions and outputs / 1 major Development Dialogue convened (Development Week)
Provincial specific poverty eradication strategies, programmes and outcome targets / IDT’s provincial poverty eradication programme in 2 provinces endorsed[9]
Accelerated delivery of services and facilities to under serviced areas / Programme Management / Delivery of a balanced portfolio of public-mandated development programmes (+factor) [10] / Value of portfolio[11] / 31-Mar-10 / R 2bn[12]
Value of spend / 31-Mar-10 / R 1.5 billion
Cost recovery from clients / 31-Mar-10 / 20% of direct programme costs [13]
Impact of IDT value add[14] (+factor): (BEE Spend; Women Spend; Local Labour spend; Training; resource mobilisation) / 31-Mar-10 / BEE Spend: 60%
Women contractor[15] & service providers’ Spend: 20%
Labour Spend: 30%
Youth Spend: 15%[16]
No. of jobs opportunities: 60 000 [17]
No. of households impacted
Key Result Area (Long term Impact / Key Performance Area (Programme) / KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS
Outcome Measure / 2009/10 KPI (output measure) / Timeframe / 2009/10 Target
The organisation is relevant and sustainable / Financial Sustainability / IDT is financially sustainable for 2010-30 / Business Case approved by Treasury / 30-June-09 / Submission of Business Case by DPW
Treasury funding secured by 31-Mar-10
31-Mar-10 / 65:10:10 split between budget for to social infrastructure, community mandated and capacity building programmes, applied
Effectiveness & efficiency / The IDT is a right-sized, innovative and entrepreneurial entity / Effective and efficient operations to support delivery / 31-Mar-10 / Unqualified 2008/09 Audit Report
Baselines established as per Costing
Payment turnaround time from initiation: 14 Days
Actual versus budget variance within 5%
People Management / Conducive organisational culture / Organisational structure, policies and culture supports delivery / 31-Mar-10 / Climate Survey concluded by Jul-09
Change Management plan approved by Sep-09[18]
80% of HR Plan achieved[19]
Aligned organisational structure approved, Dec-09
International Participation / Learning from and contributing to the international development discourse / Delivery against International Participation Plan / 31-Mar-10 / Concept Paper on International a Relations Desk approved. Sep-09
Integrated report on lessons learnt from international participation. (Feb-09)

[1] Assumption: As 2009/10 is a transition year, the organisation will implement a limited number of programmes applying sustainable livelihoods methodologies, such that it is able to clearly articulate its contribution to poverty eradication by 2012.

[2] Assumption: Local Area Planning (LAP) is a methodology for community-based planning which the organisation developed and implemented over a number of years. However, the LAP methodology will be revised to embrace the strategic shift to the sustainable livelihoods approach to address intergenerational poverty.

[3] Assumption: A project will be deemed initiated when a community governing structure is in place; and, the baseline study and principles and purpose of engagement are formally endorsed by targeted communities. While this process of community-based development will commence in targeted communities in each of the provinces, experience suggests that the process will evolve differently and realistically agreements can only be concluded in 3 communities.

[4] Assumption: Participation refers to participations in both governance/community-based structures and projects.

[5] Assumption: Targeting women and youth is a critical lever of change in eradicating intergenerational poverty. At the same time the focus on youth addresses one of the objectives of the National Youth Service Programme, namely, developing responsible citizens and enhancing national solidarity.

[6] Assumption: Partnerships may be operational or strategic and must seek to advance the corporate strategy, and includes cooperation agreements. Resources mobilised include financial, technical, information and other material support and it assumed that such inputs can be quantified. Excludes service provider contracts

[7] Assumption: IDT will be able to develop plausible, innovative and bankable programme proposals. Corporate, donors and government are keen to invest in sustainable development. However, leveraging resources from the private and donor sector is a relatively new field for the organisation and the organisation assumes that it will be able to leverage resources to the value of 20% of the IDT funds invested in poverty eradication/ community mandated projects.

[8] Assumption: The budget split to be obtained by 31-Mar-10 is public mandated social infrastructure: community mandated: institutional capacity building: governance+ contingency equals 65:10:10:15. Some of the institutional capacity building will also be dedicated to communities and this will be in addition to the 10% stated in the target.

[9] Assumption: Currently the organisation’s programme portfolio is largely determined by departmental requests and long-term existing relationships. Instead the organisation will proactively declare the role it will play (output and outcome indicators and targets) in poverty eradication in each province and seek endorsement/support thereof by the appropriate provincial structure. However, access to and decision-making by these structures is outside the control of the organisation hence the modest target for year-one.

[10] Assumption: Includes both public-mandated social infrastructure and social development programmes. The social infrastructure plus factor is delivered at the IDT’s cost and the IDT funds will be applied to the community-based processes and mobilisation enabling the local determination of qualitative outcomes. Social infrastructure plus will be measured by indicators like: functional SGB’s taking ownership of facilities; employment of emerging contractors and labourers etc.

[11] Assumption: Turnover includes funds dedicated to addressing Apex Programmes. For example, the Eradication of Mud Schools and Undesirable Structures Programme, (both the IDT and the Provincial /Treasury budgets to which the IDT has been appointed as the implementing agent) and the Access Facilities for the Disabled Programme.

[12] Assumption: The turnover target is a judgment call based on past trends, existing multi-year agreements and initial commitments. It is also an indication of the maximum programme value the organisation can commit to. The risk, over which the organisation has no control, is the actual release of funds from provinces.

[13] Assumption: Direct programmes refer to costs for delivery at regional level.

[14] Assumption: These impact targets are directly linked to and reflect the organisation’s contribution to the creation of job opportunities targets of the Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) as well as the targets of the National Youth Service programme, both of which as Apex Priority Programmes.

[15] Assumption: This target includes the Contractor Development Programme, which is an Apex priority programme. It is also aligned to and draws on the initiatives of the Contractor Development Board (CIDB).

[16] Definition: Youth refers to women and men under 35

[17] Definition: Job opportunities is defined a short term engagement for the duration and labour needs of project and programme.

[18] Assumption: This is a transformational target which will include IDT institutional capacity building to gear the organisation for the strategic shift

[19] Assumption: Indicators for the HR Plan includes the approved targets i.r.o confirmed, prioritised and budgeted positions or staff establishment plan; and prioritised training;