Professor of Management
Education: University of Alabama, Ph.D., Human Resource Management, 1997
University of Alabama, M.A., Human Resource Management, 1992
JacksonvilleStateUniversity, M.B.A, Management, 1987.
JacksonvilleStateUniversity, B.S., Accounting, 1980.
Employment: ArkansasStateUniversity, Professor of Management, 2006
ArkansasStateUniversity, Associate Professor of Management, 2000-2006
ArkansasStateUniversity, Assistant Professor of Management, 1997-2000
University of Alabama, Graduate Teaching/Research Assistant, 1992-1997
JacksonvilleStateUniversity, Adjunct Professor, 1987-1991.
Experience: Etowah Quality of Life Council, Inc., Chief Financial Officer, 1984-1991.
MTI, Inc., Assistant Plant Controller, 1983.
HarwoodHarwood, PA., CPA’s, Staff Accountant, 1981-1982.
“Promoting Felt Responsibility for Constructive Change and Proactive
Behavior: A Structural and Socio-Structural Approach.” Journal of
Organizational Behavior, in press, with B. Fuller, and L. Marler.
“Perceived Organizational Support and Perceived External Prestige: Predicting Organizational Attachment for University Faculty, Staff, and Administrators.” Journal of Social Psychology, in press, with B. Fuller, L. Frey, C. Relyea, and T. Barnett.
“Perceived External Prestige and Internal Respect:New Insights into the Organizational Identification Process.” Human Relations, in press, with B. Fuller, T. Barnett, L. Frey, & C. Relyea, andD. Beu.
“Chameleons and Proactive Behavior: Selectively UsingVoice as an Image Enhancement Strategy.”Journal of Managerial Issues, in press, with B. Fuller, T. Barnett, C. Relyea, & L. Frey.
“Procedural Justice and the Cooperative Worker: An Interactional Model of Union-Supportive Behavior,” Journal of Labor Research, in press, with B. Fuller.
“Construed External Image and Organizational Identification: A Test of the Moderating Influence of Need for Esteem.” Journal of Social Psychology, in press, with B. Fuller, L. Marler, L. Frey, and C. Relyea.
"A Social Identity Perspective on the Relationship between Perceived Organizational Support and Organizational Commitment”, Journal of Social Psychology, Vol. 146, No. 6, (2003), pp. 789-791, with B. Fuller, T. Barnett, and C. Relyea.
“A Closer Look at How Justice Perceptions Influence Participation in Union
Activities,” Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 86, No. 6 (2001), pp. 1096-1105,with Bryan Fuller.
“Building Union Commitment: The Impact of Parental Attitudes and
Participation,” Labor Studies Journal, Vol. 26, No. 2 (2001), pp. 17-30,
with BryanFuller.
“Comparing the Sample-Weighted and Unweighted Meta-Analysis: An
Applied Perspective,” Journal of Management, Vol. 8 (1999), pp. 803-828,
with Bryan Fuller.
“An Extention of the Family Socialization Model of Union Attitudes,” Journal
of Social Psychology, Vol. 139, No. 3 (1999), pp. 396-398, with Bryan Fuller.
“The Effect of Labor Relations Climate on the Union Participation Process,”
Journal of Labor Research, Vol. 19, No. 1 (1998), pp. 173-187, with Bryan
“Another Look at Pre-Employment Predictors of Union Attitudes,”
Psychological Reports, Vol. 81 (1997), pp. 1327-1330, with Bryan Fuller.
“Employer-Initiated Elections, 1968-1991,” Journal of Labor Research, Vol.
19, No. 2 (1997), pp. 315-331, with Clyde Scott and Ed Arnold.
“A Closer Look at Select Cognitive Precursors to Organizational Turnover:
What Has Been Missed and Why,” Psychological Reports, Vol. 78 (1996),
pp. 1331-1352, with Bryan Fuller, Pat Dickson, Barbara Allison, and Meg
“A Quantitative Review of Charismatic Leadership Research,” Psychological
Reports, Vol. 78 (1996), pp. 271-287, with Bryan Fuller, Coleman Patterson,
and Donna Stringer.
“Decertification Elections: An Analysis of Recent Activity,” Labor Law
Journal, Vol. 46, No. 2 (1995), pp. 67-77, with Clyde Scott and Ed Arnold.
Under Review
“Transformational Leadership in Labor Organizations: The Effects on Union
Citizenship Behaviors. Journal of Labor Research, second revised and
resubmitted,June, 2006, with N. Twigg, and B. Fuller.
“Extending the Group Engagement Model: An Examination of the Interactive
Effects of Prestige, Respect, and Employee Role Identity”, accepted for the
2006 SouthwestAcademy of Management Annual Meeting, Oklahoma City,
OK, with B. Fuller, T. Barnett, L. Frey, and C. Relyea.
“Construed External Image and Organizational Identification:A Test of the
Moderating Influenceof Need for Esteem”, accepted for the 2006
Southwest Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Oklahoma City, OK,
with B. Fuller, L. Marler, L. Frey, and C. Relyea.
“Promoting Felt Responsibility for Constructive Change and Voice Behavior:
A Structural and Socio-Structural Approach.” Proceedings of the Southern
Management Association (November 2005), with L. Marler, and B. Fuller.
“Fostering Covenantal Relationships in Labor Organizations: A Fresh Look at Perceived Union Support.” Proceedings of the Southern Management Association (November 2004), with N. Twigg, and B. Fuller.
“Voice and Helping Behaviors: Contrasting Effects of Personality- Situation
Interactions.” Proceedings of the Southern ManagementAssociation
(November 2004),with B. Fuller, T. Barnett, C. Relyea, andL. Frey.
“The Influence of Individualism/Collectivism and Justice on Union
Participation,” Proceedings of the SouthwestAcademy of Management
(March 2000), pp. 165-170, with Bryan Fuller.
“Similarities and Differences in European Works Council Agreements,”
Proceedings of the Industrial Relations Research Association (January 2000),
pp. 45-51, with Trevor Bain.
“Extending the Family Socialization Models of Attitude Development to the
Unionized Work Context,” Proceedings of the Southern Management
Association (November 1998), pp. 182-184, with Bryan Fuller.
“Privatization, Unions, and Employer Associations,” Proceedings of the
Industrial Relations Research Association (January 1996), pp. 85-91, with
Trevor Bain.
“Assessing the Impact of Labor Relations Climate Upon the Union
Participation Process,” Proceedings of the Southern Management Association
(November 1996), pp. 160-164, with Bryan Fuller.
“A Meta-Analytic Review of Antecedents, Correlates, and Consequences of
Union Commitment,” Proceedings of the Southern Management Association
(November 1995), pp. 191-195, with Bryan Fuller.
“Meta-Analytic Examination of Charismatic Leadership and Selected
Subordinate Compliance Outcomes,” Proceedings of the SouthwestAcademy
of Management (March 1994), pp. 168-173, with Coleman Patterson, Bryan
Fuller, and Donna Stringer.
“The Relationship Between Employee Job Satisfaction and Turnover
Intentions: A Meta-Analytic Examination,” Proceedings of the Southern
Management Association (November 1994), pp. 89-92, with Barbara Allison,
Pat Dickson, and Bryan Fuller.
“Carrot or Stick: How MNCs Have Reacted to the European
Works Council Directive,” William Cooke (Ed.),MultinationalCompanies and Transnational Workplace Issues, 2003, pp. 305-327,with Trevor Bain.
Book Reviews
“Unions and Workplace Reorganization” B. Nissen (Ed.) Journal of
Labor Research, Vol. 21, No. 3 (2000), pp. 530-532.
“Labour Relations & Political Change in Eastern Europe,” J. Thirkell, R.
Scase, and S. Vickerstaff (Eds.), Industrial Relations Journal, Vol. 27, No. 2
(1996), pp. 182-184, with Trevor Bain.
Paper entitled “Proactive Personality, Taking Charge, and Performance:
Analyzing Autonomy as a Moderator”,Academy of Management National
Conference, August, 2005, Honolulu, HI, with Bryan Fuller.
Paper entitled “Cosmopolitans and Locals: Toward a Greater Understanding of Organizational Support and Prestige”,Academy of Management National Conference, August, 2003, in Seattle, WA, withBryan Fuller,Len Frey, Clint Relyea, and Tim Barnett.
Paper entitled “European Works Council Directive –HR/IR Strategies of Multinational Companies” Sixth European International Industrial Relations Conference, June 25-29, 2001, in Oslo, Norway, with Trevor Bain.
Paper entitled “Carrot or Stick: How Multinational Companies Reacted to the
European Works Council Directive,” Proceedings of the Conference on
Multinational Companies and Emerging Workplace Issues: Practice,
Outcomes, and Policy. DouglasA.FraserCenter for Workplace Issues,
WayneStateUniversity(April 2000), with Trevor Bain.
Paper entitled “Extending the Social Exchange Model of Union
Commitment: An Examination of Steward Leadership and Union Justice,”
Academy of Management National Conference, August, 1998, in San Diego,
CA, with Bryan Fuller.
Paper entitled “Eastern Europe After the Berlin Wall: What New Systems of
Worker Participation Will Evolve?” International World Congress Industrial
Relations Research Association Conference, 1995, in Washington, D.C, with
Trevor Bain.
Paper entitled “A Meta-Analytic Examination of Leadership Style and
Selected Follower Compliance Outcomes,” Academy of Management
National Conference, August, 1995, in Vancouver, B.C., with Coleman
Patterson, Bryan Fuller, and Donna Stringer.
Paper entitled “Meta-Analytic Methods Variance in Non-Normal Sample
Domains: Hunter & Schmidt vs. Osborn & Callender,” Academy of
Management National Conference, August, 1995, in Vancouver, B.C., with
Bryan Fuller, Coleman Patterson, and Donna Stringer.
Paper entitled “Eastern Europe After the Berlin Wall: What New System of
Work Force Governance Will Evolve?” Southern Management Association
Conference, November, 1993, in Atlanta, GA, with Trevor Bain.
Paper entitled “Family Socialization: A Predictor of Union Attitudes,”
Southern Industrial Relations and Human Resources Conference, 1993, in
Myrtle Beach, S.C.
Research in Progress:
Data collected from hospital in North Central Arkansas and from ArkansasStateUniversity, Jonesboro, AR – “A Simultaneous Examination of Social Identity Theory and Social Exchange Theory – Which One Influences Organizational Commitment”; “Managerial Aspirations and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors – Is There a Linkage”; with Bryan Fuller, Tim Barnett, Len Frey, and Clint Relyea.
Activities: Reviewer – Academy of Management
Southern Management Association
SouthwestAcademy of Management
Journal of Organizational and Occupational Psychology
Human Relations
Group and Organizational Management
Journal of Managerial Issues
Journal of Labor Research
Journal of Labor Studies
Midwest Journal of Business
McGraw-Hill/Irwin – “Management: A Practical Introduction”, A.
Kinicki & B. Williams, 2005.
Service: ArkansasStateUniversity1997-2006
1University General Education Committee
2University Undergraduate Curriculum Committee
3University Fringe Benefits Committee
4University Disabilities Committee
5University Student Disciplinary Committee
6Co-Chairman COB Reaffirmation Committee
7Chairman, COB Undergraduate Curriculum Committee
8Chairman, COB Faculty Development Committee
9Management & Marketing PRT
10Accounting & Law PRT
11Program Coordinator, Management
12Management & Marketing Search Committees
13Student Chapter Advisor, SHRM
14Board of Directors, Northeast Arkansas SHRM
15Judge, Student Step Show Competition, Homecoming Activities
TwinRiversHospital – Kennett, MO
2006ArkansasStateUniversityCollege of Business Faculty Award for
Research Excellence.
2001 ArkansasStateUniversityCollege of Business Faculty Award for
Research Excellence.
2000 Best Paper Award, Human Resources Track, Southwestern Management
Association Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX.
College of Commerce & Business Administration Dean’s Service Award,
University of Alabama, 1996-1997.
1996 Irwin Best Doctoral Student Paper Award, Human Resources/Career
Track, Southern Management Association, New Orleans, LA.
1995 Irwin Best Doctoral Student Paper Award, Human Resources/Career
Track, Southern Management Association, Orlando, FL.
Award for Excellence in Research by Doctoral Student, University of
Alabama, 1995-1996.
Award for Excellence in Research by Doctoral Student, College of Business, University of Alabama, 1995-1996.
College of Commerce & Business Administration Dean’s Service Award,
University of Alabama, 1995-1996.
1995 Sage Memorial Best Doctoral Paper Award, Research Methods Division,
Academy of Management, Vancouver, B.C.
1995 Doctoral Fellow, Doctoral Consortium for Organizational
Behavior/Human Resources Track, Academy of Management, Vancouver,