Learning Target Unit Sheet Course__US/AP US History____

Unit/Section: Unit Twelve-The Cold War
Day # / Common Core/Quality Core Standard (s)
·  SS-HS-5.2.6. I can explain and give examples of how after WWII, America experienced economic growth (e.g., suburban growth), struggles for racial and gender equality (e.g., Civil Rights Movement), the extension of civil liberties (e.g., desegregation, Civil Rights Acts) and conflict over political issues (e.g., McCarthyism, U.S. involvement in Vietnam).
·  SS-HS-5.2.7. I can analyze how the U.S. participates with the global community to maintain and restore world peace (e.g., League of Nations, United Nations, Cold War politics, Persian Gulf War) and evaluate the impact of these efforts.
Learning Targets (I Can’s)
A.1.a. I can apply the following terms appropriately and accurately:
ü  Iron Curtain, containment, Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan, Berlin Airlift, Cold War, China, Korea, Korean War, Israel, Eisenhower Doctrine, Nikita Khrushchev, U-2 Incident, Fidel Castro, John F. Kennedy, Berlin Wall, Cuban Missile Crisis, United Nations (UN), NATO, Warsaw Pact, GI Bill of Rights, middle class, suburbanization, Baby Boom, postwar education, consumer society, television, housewife, Second Red Scare, HUAC, Hollywood blacklist, Joseph McCarthy, interstate highway system, military-industrial complex, demographic changes
E.1.f. I can analyze the social, cultural, and economic changes at the onset of the Cold War era.
ü  I can analyze the growth of the middle class after WWII.
ü  I can analyze the suburbanization of America following WWII.
ü  I can analyze the new medium of television and its effects on American society.
ü  I can analyze the causes and effects of the Second Red Scare and McCarthyism.
ü  I can analyze the effects of the GI Bill of Rights.
E.1.g. I can analyze the origins of the Cold War, foreign policy developments, and major events of the administrations from Truman to present.
ü  I can analyze the beginnings of the Cold War between the Soviet Union and the US.
ü  I can compare and contrast the Marshall Plan, the Truman Doctrine, the Eisenhower Doctrine, containment policy, and Mutual Assured Destruction.
ü  I can analyze the development of the United Nations, NATO, and the Warsaw Pact.
ü  I can analyze the Cuban Missile Crisis.
ü  I can analyze the causes and effects of the Korean War.
E.1.h. I can describe and evaluate the political and social impact of the Vietnam War.
ü  I can apply the following terms appropriately and accurately: Vietnam, Domino Theory, Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, Operation Rolling Thunder, Tet Offensive, anti-war movement, Richard Nixon, Paris Peace Accords, Saigon, Kent State University, Pentagon Papers, counterculture, Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)
ü  I can describe and evaluate how the escalation of the war in Vietnam affected the presidencies of Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon.
ü  I can describe and evaluate how opposition to the Vietnam War led to the rise of the counterculture and student protests.