Present :Judy Powell ( Suffolk Wildlife Trust), Emma Black ( Dedham Vale AONB and Stour Valley Project), Sara White ( Daws Hall Education Trust), Simon Perry ( Freelance Environmental Educator), Tom Shaw and Peggy Smith ( Clare Ancient House Museum), Bee Farrell ( Munning’s Museum), Rob Brookes ( Eden Rose Coppice), Jackie Robins ( Gainsborough House), Tony Minter ( Bulmer Brick and Tile), Shirley Boyle ( RSPB - Flatford Wildlife Garden), Ann Holden ( Assington Mill), Marina O’Connell ( Apricot Centre), Ashley Cooper ( Hill Farm Gestingthorpe Roman Villa / Wiggery Wood Forest School) , Laura Harvey and Leanne( Essex Wildlife Trust)

Apologies:Adrian Walters ( Sudbury Common Lands)

Why we are Here? Judy Powell (SWT) chaired the meeting and thanked everyone for coming. She set the scene of the meeting by talking about SEEN (Suffolk Environmental Education Network) which was established 2 years ago in the SuffolkCoast and Heaths AONB.This group produced a directory of outdoor learning providers and ran a very successful outdoor learning conference. The group meets 3 per year and works together on shared projects / events, issues, training, publications etc.Good place to springboard ideas

The Dedham Vale AONB and Stour Valley Project through their Sustainable Development Fund have funded SWT to set up a similar group in the StourValley. Therefore the aim of the meeting was to find out what organisations there are in the StourValley and what they do, discuss whether a network group would be beneficial to providers and how the group would go forward from here.

Everyone then introduced themselves and explained what they do in terms of providing outdoor education to schools / young people.

What we hope to achieve?

It was felt that there was a common thread in terms of outdoor learning and that making links with other providers would be very valuable. Everyone thought a network group like SEENwould be beneficial in the StourValley.

It was thought that a directory would be beneficial not only to schools but to providers too as future partnerships could already be seen.As the SEEN directory and conference were successful it was agreed to follow the same format.

The benefits and possibilities were discussed such as skill sharing, shared projects, training, and publications. Issues such as the cost of transport for schools to sites was discussed in detail and it was felt that this was something the group could help address. Providers were asked to think of ways school transport costs could be reduced in the future for the next meeting.

What next?Judy is sending out a survey to local schools in the StourValley to find out what their needs and aspirations are in terms of outdoor learning which will provide a base line of information for the work that the group does. In Sudbury and other parts of the valley with the demise of the middle school this is an ideal time to be asking schools as many now have new year 5 classes. The new science curriculum is also very outdoor orientated which will benefit the group.

Directory of Providers?This will provide a useful resource to schools as well as to members of the group. It will promote what you do and inform other providers what you offer. It’s better to promote each other not compete with each other so working more collectively together. It increases understanding of other organisations, makes links and strengthens learning outside the classroom. If you know of any other providers let Judy know.

Judy will send providers an information gathering form. Providers need to send this information back to Judy by.....

Judy will compile directory. Copies will be distributed at the Outdoor Learning Conference and will be sent through the post to schools in the StourValley,neighbouring towns /villages as well as to contacts that each group may have.

Conference for school teachersThe conference will take place on Monday April 15th, a PD day.There will be a key speaker, plus some case studies from schools and 5 workshops ( 30 mins) which all teachers get a chance to go on which will give them a taste of what the providers can offer. The activities will be simple and effective something teachers can do straight away. The conference will be aimed at primary schools. Bookings will be done by SWT. The title of the conference will be ‘Outdoor Learning in the StourValley’. The venue of the conference is yet to be decided. NaylandSchool to be contacted first as they have good parking and outdoor space.

A flyer about the conference will be sent to all head teachers in October. Each member received a copy of the SEEN flyer (See attached). If you have any comments on this please email to Judy by 1st October. Flyer to be sent to schools in StourValley, South Suffolk / North Essex in Sudbury, Colchester, Ipswich, Manningtree, Halstead, Braintree, Haverhill and Hadleigh. Providers to send it to their contacts.

Action Points to be done by next meeting:Do you know any other providers? If so pass their details onto Judy. Think about solutions to transport cost problems. Provide a brief outline of your outdoor learning opportunities for the directory and send to Judy

Next Meeting: 3rd December, Assington Mill, 10am – 12.30pm