Stour Orwell Estuaries Management Group Meeting
Date / 16 January 2015Place / Landmark House, Ipswich
Time: / 10:00 – 12:15
Attendees: / Stacey Clarke
Francesca Shapland
Simon Amstutz
Haidee Stephens
Alan Garnham
Richard Wrinch
Lucy Williams
Henry Bexley
Nick Ward
Abi Singleton
Mike Meadows
Robin Stringer / MMO
Shotley PC
EIFCA / Rob Wise
Chris Edwards
Robert Wheatley
Jim Warner
Jerry Coleman
Dorothy Casey
Jane Burch
Nick Collinson
Judith Stout
Jane Heywood
Ed Boyle
Chris Hawes (Observer) / NFU
Chairman: / Jane Burch, SCC
1. / Welcome and apologies
Apologies: Nicky Spurr, ECC; Bill Parker, David Piper, Matt Berry, Clive Dawson, Charlotte Tomkinson, Peter Riches
2. / Chairman and Vice-chairman arrangements
One nomination was received for each of the posts the meeting was happy to confirm Nick Collinson as the new Chairman and Jane Burch as Vice-chairman (JB continued to chair this meeting).
3. / Proposal – Relevant Authorities Group operates within S&O Estuary Management Group
This was proposed at the last meeting and discussed further in this meeting.
It was agreed that there was no current need to have a standing Relevant Authorities Group and that a single ToR would be drawn up for the Estuary Management Group, which would include all partners of the previous EMG and RAG. Where necessary working groups would be set up to undertake specific tasks. These groups will report to the wider meeting.
NC pointed out that there were in fact only 5 organisations on the EMG who weren’t also on the RAG. It was also noted that it is the statutory organisations, not the groups that have regulating powers and responsibilities.
The Group will move towards a single Management Plan with one Action Plan. Work to review the existing Management Plan and Scheme of Management will commence shortly with a view to creating one plan.
FS confirmed this is acceptable to Natural England.
NB. The terms ‘Regulator’ and ‘Relevant’ have been used interchangeably over the years, which has been confusing.
K&E IFCA will be added to the email list of members.
JB asked if we had the right membership – we are a very large group which makes finding large meeting rooms difficult and catering expensive. In particular some organisations field more than one person. The Group was asked to consider this; at the same time it is recognised that large organisations with staff in very different roles may make reducing numbers difficult to achieve. MM requested the agenda was sent early to assist with this. HS said she will send the agenda 2 weeks in advance. / HS
4. / Sign off SOEMG ToR
This was covered in the previous item.
5. / Review of Management Plan (MP) and update on Actions
The Action table had been reworked and updated to better reflect what is actually happening. Rather than red/amber/green ratings the status now reflects 0=inactive/not started; 1=on target; 2= issues need attention from the group; 3=issues outside the group’s ability/remit to tackle that will be escalated to the Suffolk Coast Forum or elsewhere as appropriate. In future only those actions that are not being progressed satisfactorily (2 or 3) will be brought to the meeting for discussion. On this occasion there are several gaps in information so HS ran through the Progress on Actions table, covering items assessed as being a 2 or 3.
The Progress on Actions table will be updated as a result of these discussions and circulated with the minutes. Please refer to this for a review of the current situation.
The Group members willsend updates on theirActions to HSas and when they occur. HS will keep the table up-to-date by seeking updates prior to meetings, to ensure review of actions is confined to key issues only in future.
Specific issues raised when going through the Actions:
Table 1.0
1. Planning cases affecting the estuaries: Additional partners to be added. The key to delivering this action successfully is to ensure all members are aware of major planning applications so they can respond appropriately. Key applications may be discussed by the partnership and a response submitted on behalf of the SOEMG as appropriate.
FS offered to liaise with John Jackson and send an update on NE’s ‘land use’ cases and local planning authorities/MMO were requested to assist by advising HS of any key issues.
Pin Mill: HB detailed problems at Pin Mill and asked the group to assist. It appears that not all activities are seeking the relevant planning/consents. HS offered to co-ordinate a group including HB, BDC planners (NM to action). MMO, IFCA and NE. One of the key issues is the disposal of contaminated waste from the area. Waste operators are unwilling to take on this difficult job. Ideas for possible assistance to HB.
Marine license applications: In future MMO to alert members to relevant licence applications via HS.
Maintain a list of planning applications on S&O web page.
3. Need to compile list of Neighbourhood Plans
2. Aircraft – disturbance: FS will follow up with Emma Hay about Wattisham. JB said Suffolk Coast Forum had previously discussed the matter which required Wattisham to co-operate, but that they hid behind military needs. NE has written a letter outlining their responsibilities under the Habitats Regulations. MM said they mustcarry out anassessment of the impacts of their activities and take appropriate mitigation measures.
HC – alerted the group to the disturbance caused by drones and paragliders, which are increasingly a problem. HS to research regulations on these through Disturbance Group.
It was agreed to set up a new working group to cover all matters causing bird Disturbance –bait digging, aircraft, walkers, dogs…. HS to lead.
4d. In the past a ‘glossy’ leaflet outlining the status of the estuaries has been produced in conjunction with HHA and AONB. JW suggested data for a similar leaflet should be available in 2015/16 – see discussion at monitoring meeting
Table 3.0
c Promoting sustainable fisheries – new marine byelaws are coming into force. IFCA will update at next SOEMG.
AG – the regulation of fishing activities may be a good subject for the Annual Forum meeting.
5. Promote sensitive environmental management of farming. RW says there is a lot of activity through the Catchment Sensitive Farming Initiative from NE at present, including issues of reducing runoff/ nitrates in water courses. NE’s CSF staff and Campaign for Farmed Environment driving this.
AS says S&O estuaries are a fail for DIN (dissolved inorganic nitrogen) and this is being monitored and investigated by the EA.
Table 4.0
e. Speeding – JC has put in an extra speed buoy. This action /issue is still live.
h. Use of Orwell Country Park website for promotion of estuary issues. No activity to date.
4h Influence delivery of coastal access – NE will send an update around about the coastal access delivery programme. Another possible Forum topic.
Sally Fishwick is NE coastal access manager.
6b. Shore Lane;SA reported that the barriers have been damaged and vehicles can get to the beach. The interpretation board has also been damaged and structure to be removed by AONB. A compromise solution is required.
NC asked NE to be clear whether or not disturbance here was a serious issue affecting the SPA so as to know whether to spend more time on this.
SA to ask NE for definitive position on whether disturbance is a serious issue.
SA to seek response from ECC re priority of highway repairs
If appropriate SA will set up a working group of NE, ECC and community reps to seek potential solution.
Chris Hawes (guest at the meeting) took a personal interest and submitted a FOI request because he felt it wasn’t being looked at. He thinks people understood that the measures were installed to protect the environment but they felt it was one-sided. He asked be part of any group set up.
Pipers Vale – Orwell Country Park is going to be extended and a visitor impact survey done on the shoreline (out to tender soon). This will feed into the new Disturbance working group. / HS
6. / NE’s MPA / Scheme of Management Review
MM –Nationally NE has withdrawn funding for estuary management scheme officer posts but he has put in a bid for funding from the local NE budget. This will not be decided until after Defra confirms NE’s Grant In Aid budget.The group will need to discuss this issue and its impact on our work if NE unable to provide local support. / MM
7. / Finance
SA reviewed the budget which has a shortfall next year as a result of the NE funding withdrawal.
JB asked other contributing partners whether they were committed to next year’s contributions.
AS said EA was in a similar position to NE and had to bid internally for funds but aim to make a 2-year commitment. Will need a legal agreement.
Core funding to the AONB from Defra is same as last year, although expecting a reduction in 16-17. SA was confident that income from S106 projects/ NE potentially and other sources could fill the £7,500 shortfall. / AS
8. / Project Updates
A paper outlining key project updates was circulated with the agenda and largely taken as read.
Hill House Farm: RW said that NE’s Agri-Environment Scheme changes could jeopardise this potential managed realignment project. Payment rates and duration of options not clear so RW cannot decided if the project is a viable proposition or not at this stage.
This project provides the compensatory habitat is needed for the 1st epoch of the Shoreline Management Plan. AS to ensure this issue is raised at the relevant meetings. / AS
9. / Minutes and actions of meeting 16 September 2014
8. delete ‘RBD’
Does the East Suffolk Catchment Partnership and the EA Catchment areas include both estuaries? HS will check with ESCP and EA. / HS
10. / Date and content of next meeting
19 May, 2015. Venue tbc. Offers of venue required.
Confirmation that the S&O Forum will be on 14 July at Suffolk Food Hall / HS
11. / AOB
AS – Flood risk management plan consultation closing shortly.
JC – raised the issue of dredging at Woolverstone Marina. He was concerned that their current licence, due for renewal, allowed winter dredging, which was not allowed elsewhere. MMO has been tardy in responding to queries on this matter. It is dealing with the licence renewal and will enforce any activities outside the licence. / SC
(with thanks to SCC)
Presentation by UK Power Networks
New 33,000 volt electricity cables – under rivers Stour and Orwell
Josh Clarke-Davis and Chris Sugar from UKPN gave a presentation and showed plans for the upcoming new cables that will be direct-drilled underneath the rivers. The project is part of an upgrade on the lines from Cliff Quay to Felixstowe, with branches feeding the Shotley and Dovercourt Peninsulas. Much of the line will go underground – including some that is currently above ground. The route of the drill from Felixstowe under the Orwell is agreed but there are currently three possible routes from Shotley to Harwich. Consultation will take place during 2015 with construction starting later in the year. Completion expected by 2017. UKPN is a Statutory Operator thus no planning consents needed.
NC will bring a meeting together shortly to discuss this further as HRA will be needed and consideration of the effect on the estuaries. He suggested learning from experience with the East Anglia One power cabling. / NC