Week/Date: October 24, 2016 Grade/Subject: Language Arts 6-8 Prepared by: Debra Eaton & Becky Ruff
Learning Goal: Students will build grade-appropriate vocabulary using strategies including context clues and study of word parts. / Daily Objective: LAFS.7.RI.2.AP.5c Determine the structure of a text (e.g., chronological order, compare/contrast, cause/effect, and problem/solution).Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
SPECIAL NOTES / Unit 3: Comprehension / Unit 3: Comprehension / Unit 3: Comprehension / Unit 3: Comprehension / Unit 3: Comprehension
Bell Ringer / Review: Compound Words / Synonyms / Antonyms / Capitalization and Punctuation / Journal Writing
Procedure / I Do: Word recognition and spelling.
We Do: Read and spell words with sound-spelling correspondences.
You Do: Read and spell: be, does, he, she, we, when / I Do: Review Thinking Maps Organizers and strategies. Introduce vocabulary from “The Wienermobile is 80!”
We Do: Spelling Pretest, and Build It activity.
You Do: Work on News 2 You packets. / I Do: Adding -s to verbs.
We Do: Work on flow maps to retell the story.
You Do: Continue reading and working on “The Weinermobile is 80!” packet. / I Do: Review and model flow maps and reading strategies.
We Do: In small groups, finish reading “The Weinermobile is 80!” story and guide student through flow maps.
You Do: Students work on reading packets and maps. / I Do: Review compound words, synonyms and antonyms.
We Do: In partners, complete word fluency 3.
You Do: Students finish reading packets and flow maps.
Question / How are graphic organizers used? / How are graphic organizers used? / How can you determine useful details? / How can you determine useful details? / How can you determine useful details?
Assessment / After reading a text, use a flow map to retell the story in order. / After reading a text, use a flow map to retell the story in order. / After reading a text, use a flow map to retell the story in order. / After reading a text, use a flow map to retell the story in order. / After reading a text, use a flow map to retell the story in order.
Materials / Thinking Maps Organizers, News 2 You, EdHelper and TeachersPayTeachers worksheets, vocabulary words / Thinking Maps Organizers, News 2 You, EdHelper and TeachersPayTeachers worksheets, vocabulary words / Thinking Maps Organizers, News 2 You, EdHelper and TeachersPayTeachers worksheets, vocabulary words / Thinking Maps Organizers, News 2 You, EdHelper and TeachersPayTeachers worksheets, vocabulary words / Thinking Maps Organizers, News 2 You, EdHelper and TeachersPayTeachers worksheets, vocabulary words
ESOL/ESE MODIFICATIONS: Also see hard copy of student’s LEP and IEP’s.
Content and Context Clues/ Gestures Adapted/Modified Assignments
Multimedia Read aloud while students follow along
Individual Instruction/Small group Preferential Seating
Peer Tutoring/grouping Visual Aids/Manipulatives
Alternative Assessments Strategies, extended time / Key Vocabulary:
Purpose, Main Idea, Details, Theme, Topic, Author, Illustrator, Setting, Plot, Characters, Conflict, hotdogger, whistle, city, drive, Wienermobile, seats, visit, huge, question, hot dog
Week/Date: Grade/Subject Prepared by:
Sunshine State Standards/Common Core Standards: / Teacher’s Goals and Objectives:Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Bell Ringer
ESOL/ESE MODIFICATIONS: Also see hard copy of student’s IEP
Content and Context Clues/ Gestures Adapted Assignments
Multi media Read aloud while students follow along
Individual Instruction Seating
Peer Tutoring/grouping Visual Aids
Alternative Assessments Strategies / Key Vocabulary: