Water! Water!

Story by Joy Cowley

Illustrations by Jean Pidgeon

트랙 2

Oh. Hello, everyone. I’m one of the keepers here at the zoo.And what a wonderful day! What a great day for a story! You know, stories can be sad, stories can be scary,and some stories can make you cry. But Today’s story will do none of those things. Today’s story will make you laugh. Let’s start bytaking a look of the cover of your book. Open your book to the middle pages then lay it face down in front of you so that you’re looking at both the front cover and the back cover at the same time. Now, what do you see? Animals in a building, that’s for sure. Can you name all of the animals you see? Where do you think the animals are? I mean, in what kind of building? In just a moment, a storyteller will begin to read our book for today, which is titled ‘Water! Water!’.And after the story’s been read and you come back, I’ll give you the answers to the questions I have asked. Now, as the story’s being read, I want you to turn the pages each time you hear this sound.[Diling doong] So, from the front cover of your book, let’s begin.

트랙 3

* Narrator reads the story. (본책 내용)

트랙 4

What a wonderful silly story! Don’t you think so, boys and girls? It wound have been so easy if the animals had just turned off the waterfaucet themselves. But animals don’t think like humans and Iguess that’s what makes them so cute. Girls and boys, did you name all of the animals on the cover of your book? Well, if you want to open up your book again and place it face down so you can see the front and back covers at the same time, I’ll name the animals for you. Ok, from left to right, you see a bear, a mother kangaroo and her baby, and an orangutan, an elephant, a monkey with a mouse on its back, and two peacocks on the roof. Did you name them all? Great. Now let’s read the story again with the help of some actors plus music and sound effects. We’ll start this time from the title page which is the page right inside of the front cover. Turn there now. You’ll see a picture of a faucet which is splashing water. Follow along closely with the actors, and turn the page each time you hear this sound (page turn signal). Alright, from the title page, let’s begin!

트랙 5

* Narrator and actors read the story. (본책 내용)

트랙 6

Fine reading, girls and boys! This story still makes me laugh. Now, it’s your turn to be a performer. You’re going to participate right along with our actors. You’re going to say what is inside of the speech marks. Turn to page 2 in your book, and I’ll give you an example. All right,everybody on page2? Great. You’ll hear the narrator say, ‘The faucet was on in the animal house’.Then you’ll say ‘Water! Water!’.See those little marks at the beginning and ending of the sentence? Those are called speech mark, and whenever you see them, that will be your clue that it’s your turn to speak. There are speech marks on almost every page, so pay attention. Now, if you’ll turn back to the title page, we can get started.

트랙 7

* Narrator and actors read the story. (본책 내용)

트랙 8

Good reading job, girls and boys. Well, that’s the end of our story for today, but now it’s time for a song. See you next time.

트랙 9


The faucet was on in the animal house

“Water! Water!” squeaked the mouse

As the water ran on the floor

The orangutan shook its hairy head

“I think we’re in for a flood!”he said

As the water ran on the floor

And the big gray elephant started to fret

She said“My toes are getting wet.”

As the water ran on the floor

Yeah, the water ran down

All of the animals scurried around

Yeah, the water ran down

All the water ran on the floor

Thebrown bear said “For goodness sake,”

“This house is looking like a lake.”

As the water ran on the floor

The kangaroo jumped up and down

She said,“This is awful!We could drown!”

As the water ran on the floor

Yeah, the water ran down

All of the animals were worrying down

Yeah, the water ran down

All the water ran on the floor

Then the animals all made a fuss

“Help! Help! Please rescue us!”

As the water ran on the floor

The keeper came in and began to scoff

“Why didn’t you turn the water off?”

She turned it off and pulled the plug

The water rushed out, gluggety glug

Yeah, the water ran down

All of the animals gathered around

Yeah, the water ran down

Gluggety gluggety glug

Yeah, the water rushedout

All of the animals gave out a shout

Yeah, the water rushed out

Gluggety gluggety glug

Gurgle, gurgle, gone!