Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan
The purpose of the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan is to prevent and control pollutants and contaminants from entering into national waterways by means of storm water runoff. The implementation of this program will ensure that the Company abides by EPA regulations and eliminates or mitigates any negative impact to national waterways by means of storm water runoff.
Pollution Prevention Evaluation
Identify the responsible person(s) for compliance with the storm water regulations and include their program responsibilities.
Description of Potential Pollution Sources
This section co-insides with Appendix A, the facility maps, and should include:
- Points of discharge (Outfalls)
- Runoff patterns
- Direction of runoff flow
- Surface water bodies
- Structural control measures
- Locations of significant material that may enter runoff like liquid storage tanks, chemical storage areas, etc
- Locations of industrial activities like loading areas, fueling areas, waste disposal areas, etc.
If Outfalls do exist at the facility, include on the facility map:
- The direction of flow
- Identify the types of pollutants likely to be present in storm water
Non-Storm Water Discharge
If a facility has discharge that is non-storm water, management needs to have a certification that the facility has been evaluated for non-storm water discharges.
Inventory of Exposed Materials
An inventory must be listed of the types of materials stored, handled, or processed at the facility that may be exposed to weather and could affect the quality of storm water runoff. These materials need to be listed along with its location with an emphasis on any that have been exposed to storm water in the last three years. These materials may range from: gasoline, to paint, to solvents used, etc.
Spills and Leaks History
A Description of any past spills or leaks of toxic or hazardous materials that have occurred in the past three years that were considered major spill events or were in excess of the reportable quantities under CERCLA and the Clean Water Act limits.
Good Housekeeping
Good housekeeping practices shall be implemented to maintain a safe, orderly, and a clean working environment. This will be done by:
- Improving operation and maintenance of machinery and processes
- Implement careful storage practices
- Keep a current up-to-date inventory, and label on all containers
- Schedule routine clean-up operations
- Train employees on good housekeeping techniques
[List any site specific housekeeping techniques]
Preventative Maintenance
A schedule of Inspections and routine maintenance of all equipment, including tanks, drums, and containers and other facility operations should be included in this section.
Spill Prevention and Response Procedures
This section of the SWPP Plan is jointly connected to the Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures Plan. The procedures of the SPCC Plan should be followed with regards to spill prevention, a spill or leak occurrence, emergency response and notification as well as materials handling, storage, and general awareness.
Spill clean-up kits shall be located at the high risk areas identified in the previous sections of this program. [Specify the spill kit locations]
List the spill response equipment available at the facility.
A schedule should be listed for all equipment inspections along with the procedures for inspection deficiency follow-ups.
Recordkeeping and Internal Reporting Procedures
Recordable spills or leaks, spill notifications, maintenance activity and inspections, and the site compliance evaluations records shall be documented and maintained at the facility along with this program.
Management of Runoff
This section should include any storm water runoff control systems that exist at the facility. Those systems may include: detention ponds, filtration systems, reuse of collected storm water runoff, etc.
Comprehensive Site Compliance Evaluation
Annually a qualified person shall conduct a site compliance evaluation which would inspect all drainage areas for evidence of pollutants, evaluate good housekeeping measures, observe structural measures, and inspect all sites for problems. The plan should be revised if needed within 2 weeks of inspection, and changes should be implemented within 12 weeks. A report of all findings should be prepared and signed, and kept with the plan.
The Company shall provide SWPP Plan training to all personnel and include:
- Goals of the SWPP Plan
- Spill prevention and response
- Spill clean-up
- Good housekeeping
- Material management practices
Facility Maps
Draw a map of the site and facilities noting points of discharge(outfalls), runoff patterns, direction of runoff flow, surface water bodies, structural control measures, locations of significant material that may enter runoff, and locations of industrial activities like loading areas, fueling areas, waste disposal areas, etc.