2016-17 /

Autumn 1

Autumn 2
/ Spring 1 / Spring 2 / Summer 1 / Summer 2


(Text level work) /
Incredible Me - Writing
about self/family,
Stories with a familiar setting, Instructions
Shape poetry
Visual Lit: The Incredibles / Reports – link to Animals
Dialogue & playscripts
Visual Literacy: Arthur Christmas / Prep. for theatre trip/novel
Author study(Book week) / Legends
Performance Poetry/language play
Visual Literacy: Sword in the Stone / Adventures and Mysteries
Recount – Woodlands
Visual literacy: Finding Nemo / Letters, including letters to Year 2
Information texts
Science / Light / Forces and Magnets
Friction / Animal and human skeletons
Investigation on proving or disproving theories
Fair testing / Rocks & Soils – Science day
Design and carry out investigation on the durability of rocks / Habitats
Growing seeds and plants in different conditions, how water is transported within plants
Design & carry out habitat investigation
ICT / Touch typing
Research work of famous artists / Textease poster
Word processing / E-mail detectives
E-safety / ‘Logo’ programme / Revelation Natural Art / Databases
History / The Dinosaurs to the Stone Age
Timeline work for prehistoric times
Theories for extinction / The Bronze Age to the Iron Age
Settlements, forts, art and culture
Geography / Map work (formation of the continents) / Map work - Settlements / Collect ideas about a variety of habitats and environments on Earth / Local geography survey (housing, shops etc.)
OS map work, plans
Art & Design / Colour mixing, Individual styles/tastes for fashion, Art History, Creating patterns using complementary colours Self-portraits (sketching, photography) / Sketching and painting
Observation drawing and pencil work
Famous Artist day (Monet) / Sketching and collage
Dinosaur modelling
Repeat/reflect/transform shapes to create art,
Dinosaur inspired patterns / Clay figures (R.E. link)
Cave paintings
Round Houses / Famous artist day (Rousseau)
Sketching natural materials / Research work of artists with animals as subjects
Design & Technology / Practise different stitches on a fabric bookmark
Design/make/evaluate vest top / Design and make a magnet game / Make wooden dinosaur photo frame / Design and make a new Walmley shop front
R.E. / SEAL / New Beginnings
Caring, Being Thankful, Being Generous / Getting on and Falling out, Listening and Participating / Going for Goals
Easter story, Being Fair and Just, Being Accountable / Good to be me
Remembering Roots, Being Loyal / Relationships
Being open, Honest and Truthful / Changes
Identity and Belonging
Courage and Confidence
P.E. / Invasion Games unit 1
Dance unit 3 / Invasion Games unit 1
Gymnastics unit 3 / Swimming
Dance unit 3 / Net & Wall
Gymnastics unit 3 / Athletics unit 1
Health & Fitness / Striking & Fielding
Health & Fitness
Music / Recorder tuition
Playground songs / Recorder tuition
Christmas / Recorder tuition
Africa / Recorder tuition
South America / Recorder tuition
The British Isles / Recorder tuition
Summer songs
French / Introductions – name
Finger rhymes / Numbers 0-10, Songs
How are you? / Days of the week, I live…
Dictionary – action verbs / Numbers 10-20, Conversations
Songs/Finger puppets / Months of the year, Age
Recap numbers / Recap questions/days/ months, Conversations
Educational Visits / Animal Man visit / Theatre trip - Birmingham / Book week / Woodlands Activity Centre / Walmley Walk
Visit to Church