Tim O’Brien wrote in his novel The Things They Carried, “This too is true: stories can save lives.” His novel essentially argues that the act of storytelling, or the sharing of personal histories, not only allows others to learn from history, but keeps the people within the stories alive – if not in body, then within the story itself. After studying the topic of war in your English and History class, it is now you turn to be a hero and “save lives;” you will do so by responding to the prompt below.

What are the impacts of war?

Essay Requirements

  • Your essay must answer this question using evidence from three sources:
  • Your veteran interview
  • Your novel
  • An additional piece of research (this could be the Frontline interviews, a film, an article, a history text…)
  • Typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman size 12 font, 1-inch margins. If your paper is not in MLA format I will not accept it and you will receive a ZERO.
  • A graphic illustration
  • Staple your rough draft and peer edit sheet to the back of your final essay.

Directions and Advice for the Interview:

  1. Select a war veteran – ANY person from ANY country who served in ANY war. This person does not have to be living, though it might be easier.
  2. Consider other sources (internet, books, other people, articles, movies) that will help you understand the setting (time and place) that your veteran served in
  3. Based upon your sources and your curiosity, generate a list of questions to ask the veteran, and those who know the veteran. Remember, the more specific the question, the better the answers.
  4. Interview your person

Due Dates:

Assignment / Point Total / Due Date
Veteran chosen (with instructor approval) + contact information / 5 pts
Questions to ask Veteran (at least 20) / 5 pts
Transcribed interview (at least 10 questions with answers) / 10 pts
Annotated research – minimum 5 annotations per source (novel, interview, other source) / 10 pts
Rough draft of Works Cited to show research selected. / 5 pts
Introductory paragraph submitted for feedback / 5 pts
Editing Sheets (w/ rough draft) / 10 pts
Final essay (4-6 pages) + Works Cited list / 200 pts


People I could ask: / Topics in history I want to learn more about: / What I think O’Brien says about war so far:

Planning the Essay:

  • Determine your thesis statement. For this essay, your thesis will address ______
  • Your topic sentences must act as controlling ideas for your essay and should also reinforce your argument from your thesis. They will break down and organize the focus of each section of your essay (i.e. each different impact of war)
  • You MUST provide specific textual evidence to support each of your ideas. This means you must research your own sources! Your essay must include at least 3 credible sources, though 4 is better (no Wikipedia, etc).
  • Your essay must be 4-6 pages typed
  • You must include a Works Cited page (a bibliography) at the end of your essay
  • Regarding writing style, keep in mind:
  • Use your power verbs and transitional phrases handout
  • Always write in present tense (says not said, does not did, etc.)
  • Always use lead-ins before each quote (Example: O’Brien reveals how war additionally ”…quote...” (67).
  • Don’t use “I” or “I believe” or “you”
  • Don’t say “this quote shows” or “here is a quote that proves.” This is redundant.
  • Follow the specific directions for MLA format. Your paper may be returned to you if it is not!