/ Calls for proposals 2016
Proposte Progettuali
ERASMUS+ / Strategic Partnership for Schools
Title / Climate Sentinels
Aims: / Climate Sentinels aims to raise awareness on environmental sustainability and climate change mitigation activities among elementary school children through on-line simulation and demonstrations.
The stakes are high: modern society cannot afford failure in the environmental education of children. Climate Sentinels will deploy explorative pedagogy based on age-appropriate virtual and practical experimentation and mostly graphical interfaces that overcome language barriers and hide potential underlying computational complexity.
A blended learning approach will combine in-class instruction, virtual demonstrators, site visits, and on-line collaboration that will enable children to build on each-other’s experiences under the mediation of teachers and in the context of a European school network.
The didactical activities will be developed by environmental and pedagogical experts. Foreseen proof of concept pilot activities for children may include: - Natural resource management, the activity will encourage children to explore the current status quo on the management resources such as forests, biodiversity, and water basins, through on-line demonstrations of resource depletion trends and the consequences on climate and quality of life.
This pilot will help raise awareness on sensible and sustainable management of resources. - Production and conservation of energy, involving both traditional and emerging methods, such as coal and renewable resources, including the wind, the sun, and waves. On-line demonstrators will be used to show how emerging, renewable energy resources help control pollution. - The contribution of everyday practices to pollution.
Activities / Problem solving approaches will encourage children to discover mitigation solutions that can be applied to everyday life, including waste and water management, and efficient buildings.
Children will describe methods used in their countries, to compare practices, and to get informed about the methods of the future.
Instead, it aims to provide value-adding on-line tools that complement existing practices and promote collaboration among European schools while at the same time they build children’s ICT skills.
To ensure maximum impact, the projects aims to design the proposed ICT-based learning activities for delivery through the channels of existing school curricula, such as field education, in a value adding manner that enhances the learning process, and not as independent, standalone learning modules. Leveraging the existing school curricula facilitates post-project exploitation and adoption of the proposed learning methodologies. The proposed activities will be validated through pilots that will engage primary school teachers and pupils in real-life learning activities through which the children will have the opportunity to use the developed simulators in hands-on lab sessions and to collaborate with pupils in other countries through the proposed school network exchanging experiences and building an awareness of the international nature of environmental sustainability issues. Finally, Climate sentinel aims to support the teaching process by providing good practice recommendations targeting teachers, higher education students majoring in pedagogics, teacher associations, and policy makers on the seamless integration of the proposed solutions into instructional practices to be disseminated through on-line portal services. This comprehensive, vertical implementation approach that reaches all stakeholders in primary education will further facilitate the acceptance and adoption of the proposed methodologies post work plan completion.
Strategic Partnership VET
Title / Smart Synergy
Aims: / The on-going changing society marked by demanding expectations and challenges raised the policy-makers awareness that only joints efforts provide appropriate measures and actions for sustainable economic growth and fair competitiveness. The Lisbon declaration, the Bruges Communiqué emphasized the role of education and training as main instrument that stand as basis for an enforced human capital, “Rethinking Education” urges European Member States to take immediate action and “re-think”, adapt education and training systems to the labour market real needs.
Apprenticeships as one successful form of work-based learning ease the transition from education and training to work, and evidence suggests that countries with a strong VET and apprenticeship system have lower levels of youth unemployment.
Apprenticeships formally combine and alternate company-based training with school-based education and lead to a nationally recognised qualification upon successful completion. Most often there is a contractual relationship between the employer and the apprentice, with the apprentice being paid for his/her work.
The contribution of work-based learning to supporting youth employment and economic competitiveness is widely recognised. Countries with strong and attractive VET systems, and notably those with well-established apprenticeship systems, tend to perform better in terms of youth employment.
The objective of our proposal is to support the introduction or modernisation of apprenticeships within initial VET systems.
Our proposal encourages the development of high-quality apprenticeship-type training and excellence in work-based learning in VET.
The project general aims are:
-Creating the starting point for the development and introduction of a more flexible, work-based learning and training opportunity for young people who want to train for a labour-market relevant qualification by enrolling in an apprenticeship pathway in initial VET.
-combining and alternate company-based training with school-based education and lead to a nationally recognised qualification upon successful completion.
-Developing strategies for setting up joint training centres or collaborative training that could be used by a pool of SMEs that would work together to host apprentices;
-Production and dissemination of teaching and information material or other practical tools focusing on SMEs available in the online platform
Activities / The main activities are:
-The Study on Apprenticeship and ICT Based Learning Practices will offer a comprehensive understanding on the Apprenticeship system in nowadays and the existing ICT based learning practices capable of effectively replace or support learning processes that traditionally rely on an apprenticeship approach
-Defining a methodology to identify, analyse and describe apprenticeship approaches in use and well succeeded ICT based learning practices applied to traditional apprenticeship learning systems
-Stimulating small companies investing in apprenticeship and in young people and in their "value"
-Offering to small companies simple tools, immediate, innovative, effective and shared as much as possible, for the management of all that the activation of an apprenticeship contract involves, thus initiating a process
-Realization a online platform promoting systematic cooperation between VET schools, training centers and companies
-Creating a business network between employers' organizations, chambers of commerce, training agencies to be able to encourage the transnational mobility of young people both during and after the term of the contract of apprenticeship.
-Dissemination activities will support a better communication, collecting the best possible resources for further learning. The project would like build on the already existing European VET networks and institutions
-Action Plan for scaling-up and strengthening the system of apprenticeships in the participating countries
Target Groups / The target groups of the project and the pilot scheme are: VET bodies and professionals, to build their capacity to deliver quality training and effective support to SMEs; social partners to strengthen their role and facilitate transfer to other sectors and/or regions; SMEs, to support them in playing a more robust educational role and quality of their contribution to development of young human capital
Field of activity / School Education
Reference call (if applicable) / Erasmus + Call for proposals 2016 – KA2 Strategic partnership (School) – Innovation
Deadline (if applicable) / 31/02/2016
Applicant / TUCEP
Contents / The I-LIKE project intends to prevent school drop-out and early school leaving, ensuring the educational success of children in primary and secondary junior schools, especially the ones who live in areas at risk and / or who have disadvantage backgrounds. Prevention educational failure is a priority for all EU member states coherently with the new objectives of the Europe 2020 Strategy.
The project aims at creating the basis to ensure that pupils will reach both the goal of linguistic competence and a greater awareness regards their skills and inclinations, thanks to an inclusive education that uses and integrates different approaches (such as, for example, the teaching of multiple intelligences, cooperative learning, “Rodari approach – being wrong, you invent"). This will be useful in order to prevent early school leaving and encourage the choice of an appropriate studies course in the future.
Failure at schoolat different stagesof development of student'spersonalitymayadverselyaffect themotivation to studyandself-confidence, triggering a self-assessmentprocess that could leadto early school leaving. This holds even moretrue inthe case ofstudents who are not yet integratedor with special educational needs or disabilities.
Starting fromGardner'stheory stating thatnot allstudents learnthe same wayand therefore, it is essential to transmitknowledgeand developskillsbased on individualinclinations,the project proposes ateaching programcenteredon an inclusiveeducation, which is ableto integratedifferentmethods andapproachesto promotethe optimal developmentof students’cognitive profile.
KA2 Partenariati strategici nel settore dell’istruzione e formazione - SCUOLE
Titolo / ARTES
Obiettivi / Il progetto Artes si propone di individuare e di promuovere approcci innovativi nei settori dell’istruzione, della formazione e della gioventù, introducendo lo studio dell’arte come metodo per sviluppare, negli studenti, le loro soft skills.
Le soft skills sono complementari alle hard skills, che invece riguardano l’insieme delle abilità di una persona e la capacità di eseguire un compito o un’attività. Nell’ambito dell’istruzione, il termine “soft skill” viene spesso utilizzato in alternanza alle competenze trasversali (interdisciplinari).
La Commissione europea individua una serie di competenze trasversali, come il problem solving, competenze sociali e civiche, spirito di iniziativa e di imprenditorialità, sensibilità culturale e di espressione, imparare ad imparare, creatività, innovazione, pensiero critico, processo decisionale, comunicazione, collaborazione, informazione e ricerca, flessibilità ed adattabilità, iniziativa, autodeterminazione, produttività, leadership e responsabilità, integrità, empatia e socialità.
Le soft skills includono anche una solida etica professionale, un atteggiamento positivo, la capacità di gestione del tempo, saper lavorare in team, fiducia in sé stessi, la capacità di accettare le critiche e imparare da esse, lavorare bene anche sotto pressione. Una definizione strettamente collegata è “capacità critica”.
Attività / Elaborazione e diffusione di una ricerca europea su buone pratiche, metodologie ed esperienze nell’ambito dell’art-based learning per lo sviluppo delle soft skills negli studenti delle scuole primarie e secondarie;
creazione e sperimentazione in classe, sulla base dei risultati della ricerca, di specifici modelli pedagogici e strumenti didattici da parte di insegnanti ed educatori, volti a promuovere l’art-based learning come metodologia per la crescita delle soft skills nei bambini e nei giovani;
diffusione di modelli di apprendimento cooperativo per insegnanti volti alla progettazione di nuove metodologie didattiche;
realizzazione di linee guida per i policy maker operanti nell’Educazione, al fine di sistematizzare l’art-based learning nell’istruzione primaria e secondaria.
KA2 Partenariati strategici nel settore dell’istruzione e formazione - SCUOLE
Obiettivi / Il progetto IDEES intende promuovere e sviluppare le competenze imprenditoriali nelle scuole secondarie, utilizzando approcci innovativi basati sull’imprenditorialità, considerata quale competenza di base per lo sviluppo della carriera scolastica, e per il miglioramento dell’intero “sistema scolastico” (compresa la gestione delle scuole, i rapporti con i responsabili politici e "il mondo del lavoro).
Il progetto si fonda sull’idea che “non tutti devono diventare imprenditori ma tutti possono essere piùimprenditoriali”. La partnership ritiene che portare le persone ad affrontare le sfide e le incertezze del mondo scolastico, con uno spirito imprenditoriale innovativo, consegnerà all'economia europea pensatori indipendenti e creativi, in grado di “pensare fuori dagli schemi”, di rispondere alle sfide e di adattarsi ai futuri cambiamenti del mondo del lavoro. In tale contestol’apprendimento e l’orientamento imprenditoriale devono essere considerati come un processo continuo di miglioramento della sicurezza, delle abilità, delle attitudini e dei comportamenti individuali.
Attività / Creazione di un quadro di ricerca per lo studio della percezione e delle esigenze del sistema scolastico relativamente a competenze ed abilità imprenditoriali, per definire quali siano le principali conoscenze, competenze e comportamenti necessari che insegnanti, gli educatori ed i responsabili politici preposti all'istruzione scolastica necessitano per creare una scuola Imprenditoriale; la ricerca sarà realizzata sul campo, con la somministrazione di questionari e mediante interviste semi-strutturate; sui risultati della ricerca sarà realizzato un report transnazionale;
sulla base dei risultati della ricerca, verrà organizzato un circolo di studio, in ciascun Paese partecipante, al fine di far sì che insegnanti, educatori, dirigenti scolastici e attori politici preposti all’istruzione acquisiscano le competenze imprenditoriali finalizzate all’insegnamento e alla gestione nell’ambiente scolastico, permettendo agli studenti di diventare “persone imprenditoriali”, capaci di affrontare il cambiamento e le sfide della vita quotidiana, in modo da prevenire l'abbandono scolastico;
la partnership convertirà l’attività didattica e gli outputs formativi, che emergono dai circoli di studio, in materiali ICT (moduli e-learning, video, etc), li valuterà e li divulgherà attraverso un ambiente di apprendimento virtuale (VLE).
ERASMUS+ / Strategic Partnership for Schools
Title / Climate Sentinels
Aims: / Climate Sentinels aims to raise awareness on environmental sustainability and climate change mitigation activities among elementary school children through on-line simulation and demonstrations.
The stakes are high: modern society cannot afford failure in the environmental education of children. Climate Sentinels will deploy explorative pedagogy based on age-appropriate virtual and practical experimentation and mostly graphical interfaces that overcome language barriers and hide potential underlying computational complexity.
A blended learning approach will combine in-class instruction, virtual demonstrators, site visits, and on-line collaboration that will enable children to build on each-other’s experiences under the mediation of teachers and in the context of a European school network.
The didactical activities will be developed by environmental and pedagogical experts. Foreseen proof of concept pilot activities for children may include: - Natural resource management, the activity will encourage children to explore the current status quo on the management resources such as forests, biodiversity, and water basins, through on-line demonstrations of resource depletion trends and the consequences on climate and quality of life.
This pilot will help raise awareness on sensible and sustainable management of resources. - Production and conservation of energy, involving both traditional and emerging methods, such as coal and renewable resources, including the wind, the sun, and waves. On-line demonstrators will be used to show how emerging, renewable energy resources help control pollution. - The contribution of everyday practices to pollution.
Activities / Problem solving approaches will encourage children to discover mitigation solutions that can be applied to everyday life, including waste and water management, and efficient buildings.
Children will describe methods used in their countries, to compare practices, and to get informed about the methods of the future.
Instead, it aims to provide value-adding on-line tools that complement existing practices and promote collaboration among European schools while at the same time they build children’s ICT skills.
To ensure maximum impact, the projects aims to design the proposed ICT-based learning activities for delivery through the channels of existing school curricula, such as field education, in a value adding manner that enhances the learning process, and not as independent, standalone learning modules. Leveraging the existing school curricula facilitates post-project exploitation and adoption of the proposed learning methodologies. The proposed activities will be validated through pilots that will engage primary school teachers and pupils in real-life learning activities through which the children will have the opportunity to use the developed simulators in hands-on lab sessions and to collaborate with pupils in other countries through the proposed school network exchanging experiences and building an awareness of the international nature of environmental sustainability issues. Finally, Climate sentinel aims to support the teaching process by providing good practice recommendations targeting teachers, higher education students majoring in pedagogics, teacher associations, and policy makers on the seamless integration of the proposed solutions into instructional practices to be disseminated through on-line portal services. This comprehensive, vertical implementation approach that reaches all stakeholders in primary education will further facilitate the acceptance and adoption of the proposed methodologies post work plan completion.