Mr. Williams

A Virtual Field Trip to Parliament

The purpose of this field trip is to allow you to explore the powers, functions, traditions, and inner workings of the United Kingdom’s Parliament, otherwise known as the Palace of Westminster.

Go to the website:

As you are guided through this site, be sure to answer the following questions in full.

Click on the linkat the bottom of the page entitled “How Parliament Works”

On the next page, click on the link for “Parliament’s Role”

1. What are Parliament’s 3 main roles?




Click on the link for “The two-House System”

2. How does someone become a member of the House of Commons?

3. What decisions does the House of Commons make?

4. How does someone become a member of the House of Lords?

5. What is the House of Lords’ greatest function?

Go back to the previous web page and click on “Parliament and Government”

6. How is the Prime Minister chosen?

7. How does a confidence motion work?

Go back to the previous web page and click on “Parliament and Crown”

8. How does a bill become a law in the United Kingdom?

Go back to the previous web page and click on “Legislation”

9. When was the last time that Royal Assent was withheld on a bill?

Go back to the previous web page and click on “Traditions of Parliament”

10. Why is the Speaker of the House of Commons physically dragged to his seat?

11. What words do members of the House of Commons use to vote in favor of or against a bill? What words to members of the House of Lords use?

12. Each sitting in both houses begins with ______.

13. Why is it important to “catch the speaker’s eye” and how does one do it?

Go back to the previous web page and click on “Checking the Work of Government”

14. Unlike in the United States, government ministers in both the House of Commons and House of Lords must answer questions and defend their policies on a regular basis by members of other parties. How often is the prime minister questioned? How often does questioning take place in the House of Lords?

Go back to the previous web page and find the box entitled “Virtual Tours of Parliament” and take the tour.

Click on Lords Chamber on the left hand side…it will take a little time to load and requires Flash Player. Explore each room completely with your mouse…take time to view the magnificent ceilings as well.


Peers’ Lobby

15. How many members are there in the House of Lords? By what other name are they called?

16. How much do the brass gates that mark the entrance to the House of Lords weigh? What are they adorned with? (As you will notice, sometimes you need to actually click on the “i” symbols in order to answer the questions.)

Go to the House of Lords Chamber

17. What does the queen do on the throne in the Lords Chamber?

18. Where does the Lord Speaker sit?

19. What makes the Bishop’s Bench different from other seats in the House of Lords? How many members of the Church of England serve in the House of Lords? When does their term end?

Click on The Bar of the House

20. When was a separate Supreme Court finally established in the United Kingdom?

Go to Content Lobby: Bottom

21. Why are votes in Parliament called “divisions?”

Click on Commons Chamber on the left hand side.

22. How can members of the public communicate with members of Parliament?

23. Why is the foot on the statue of Winston Churchill shiny?

Go to the Bar Lobby and then go to the House of Commons Chamber

24. How does the room look in comparison to the House of Lords chamber? Why do you think this is the case?

25. What does the mace in the middle of the room symbolize?

26. What is the Speaker’s job?

27. What was the speaker’s chair originally designed for?

28. What is the purpose of the bar of the house?

Go Behind the Speaker’s Chair then go to the Noes Lobby Division Desks

29. How long do members of the House of Commons have to vote?

Click on “Clock Tower” on the left hand side

30. Why is it incorrect to say that Big Ben is the famed clock tower in London?

Personal Reflection

32. Of all the traditions and features of Parliament, which one did you find most interesting?

33. Which one did you think we should use in this country? Why?

34. Of all the customs and features of Parliament, which one did you think was the most pointless and least beneficial for our country? Why?

35. Keep exploring the website to answer the following questions. Who is the current:

  1. Queen –
  1. Prime Minister –
  1. What political party is he a member of?
  1. Chancellor of the Exchequer –
  1. What are his duties?
  1. Leader of Her Majesty’s Official Opposition –
  1. What political party is he a member of?