Sizzling Summer Reading at the IMC

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All books will be displayed during the Summer Reading Spectacular

June 5th, 6th, and 7th

Table of Contents

New Fiction Books…………………………………………………………………………….1

Inspirational Biographies……………………………………………………………………..3

Biographies and Memoirs……………………………………………………………………..5

First Novels……………………………………………………………………………………..6

Paired Books……………………………………………………………………………………9

Twist on the Classics…………………………………………………………………………...10

Chick Lit…………………………………………………………………………………………11

New Non Fiction…………………………………………………………………………………12

Science of Being Human…………………………………………………………………………14

Summer Reading Book List - 2012

This is a Teaser List – Stop in the IMC and Look at MoreNew Books

New Fiction Books

The Sense of an Ending by Julian Barner (F Barnes) - Divorced and retired, Tony Webster reconsiders his life and his place in the world after his childhood friends return and he is presented with a mysterious legacy.

Mindy Frankier by Maeve Binchy (F Binchy) - Noel agrees to take responsibility when he learns that his terminally ill former flame is pregnant with his child, and while the members of the town help the single father, he must prove to Moira, the nosy social worker, that the arrangement is best for baby Frankie.

Sisterhood Everlasting by Ann Brashares (F Brashares) - Now in their late twenties and on their own, Tibby, Lena, Carmen, and Bridget miss the closeness that sustained them, so when Tibby sends the others plane tickets for a reunion, the four friends find their lives changed in ways none of them anticipated.

The Midwife’s Confession by Diane Chamberlin (F Chamberlain) - Tara and Emerson are shocked when their best friend Noelle, a midwife with a zest for life, commits suicide, and an unfinished note she leaves behind sends them on an emotional journey that changes everyone's life.

Escape by Barbara Delinsky (F Delinksy) - Emily Aulenbach, a thirty-two-year-old lawyer who is married to another lawyer, has a startling moment of self-realization and decides to act on impulse, pack a bag, and embark on a journey to a mountain town in New Hampshire, where Emily suspects she made her first wrong turn in life.

Another Piece of My Heart by Jane Green (F Green) - Andi finally finds the man of her dreams and marries into a ready-made family with his two daughters, but when Ethan's daughter insists on fighting against her all of their happiness is in danger.

The Lady of the Rivers by Philippa Gregory (F Gregory) - When the death of Joan of Arc shows her the dangers faced by strong women, Jacquetta, a psychic descendant of a river goddess, studies alchemy and becomes the secret wife of Richard Woodville before returning to the court of Henry VI.

‘The Art of Fielding by Chad Harbach - Henry Skirmshander, the star of a small college team found on the shore of Lake Michigan, is overcome with self-doubt, which threatens his future; meanwhile, four others--including Henry's best friend and teammate, who realizes he has sacrificed his own dreams for his friend's, Henry's gay roommate, college president Guert Affenlight, and Guert's daughter--also find themselves forced to confront their own secrets.

The Dovekeeper’s Daughter by Alice Hoffman (F Hoffman) - Four women, Yael--whose father, an expert assassin, has never forgiven her for her mother's death during childbirth--Revka--a local baker's wife who witnessed the murder or her daughter by Roman soldiers--Aziza--a warrior's daughter who was raised like a son--and Shirah--a woman born with uncanny insight and knowledge of ancient magic--are drawn to Masada, a mountain the Judean desert where, in 70 CE, nine hundred Jews withheld for months against armies of Romans.

Thirteen Years Later: Russia 1825 by Jasper Kent (F Kent) - Colonel Aleksei Ivanovich Danilov, having dedicated his life to serving and protecting his tsar, Aleksandr I, in Russia in 1825, is horrified to learn that the monsters he believed he defeated thirteen years earlier during the war with Napoleon and the French have returned to collect on a blood promise broken by the Romanovs a century earlier.

The Dog Who Came in From the Cold by Alexander McCall Smith (F McCall) - While a new New Age couple moves in to Terence Moongrove's estate, Barbara Ragg, a literary agent, decides to move forward with publishing an autobiography of a Yeti--which claims to have been dictated to the author by the Yeti, himself--and Freddie de la Hay, the Pimlico terrier who belongs to failed wine merchant William French, is recruited by the MI6 to infiltrate a Russian spy ring

Second Nature: A Love Story by Jacqueline Mitchard (F Mitchard) - Twelve years after the fire that killed her father and left her horrible disfigured, Sicily Coyne is offered a chance at a normal life in the form of a revolutionary surgery that gives her a new face, and, with her beauty and courage restored, Sicily seeks new experiences and adventures, until she is forced to confront a moral and medical crisis that changes everything

IQ84 by Huruki Murakami (F Murakami) - An ode to George Orwell's "1984" told in alternating male and female voices relates the stories of Aomame, an assassin for a secret organization who discovers that she has been transported to an alternate reality, and Tengo, a mathematics lecturer and novice writer.

The Cat’s Table by Michael Ondaatje (F Ondaatje) - Michael, now an adult, recalls the three-week long sea voyage he took as a boy in the early 1950s to meet his mother. During the trip across the Indian Ocean the boy meets a variety of characters on board.

Sing You Home by Jodi Picoult (F Picoult) - Zoe Baxter finds unexpected love with a younger woman after she and her husband divorce, and when the couple wants to use the embryos Zoe and her ex-husband had frozen when they were trying to get pregnant, it sparks a legal battle over the rights of gay couples and whether an embryo is considered a life or a piece of property.

Lone Wolf by Jodi Picoult (F Picoult) - "When his father and sister are injured in an accident that has rendered his father comatose, estranged son Edward decides to stop his father's life support so that his organs can be donated, a choice his sister urges him to reconsider"--Provided by publisher.

Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children by Ransome Riggs (F Riggs) - Sixteen-year-old Jacob, having traveled to a remote island after a family tragedy, discovers an abandoned orphanage, and, after some investigating, he learns the children who lived there may have been dangerous and quarantined and may also still be alive.

Gideon’s Sword by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child (F Preston) - Gideon Crew, having witnessed the brutal murder of his father at the age of twelve, gets his chance at revenge more than twenty years later when a mysterious witness steps forward and offers him a chance of a lifetime.

There is no Dog by Meg Rostoff (F Rostoff) - When the beautiful Lucy prays to fall in love, God, an irresponsible youth named Bob, chooses to answer her prayer personally, to the dismay of this assistant, Mr. B who must try to clean up the resulting catastrophes.

Save Me by Lisa Scottoline (F Scottoline) - Rose McKenna works as a volunteer at her daughter Melly's school, hoping to keep an eye on Amanda, the girl who has been bullying Melly, but when an explosion throws the school into chaos, Rose must chose between saving her daughter and saving Amanda, and her decision threatens to destroy all their lives.

Dreams of Joy by Lisa See - Pearl must confront her past and the challenges of the present when she sets out to save her nineteen-year-old daughter Joy, who has run away to Shanghai to find her birth father, artist Z.G. Li, and become caught up in the New Society of Red China in 1957.

Also by Lisa See - Peony in Love, Dragon Bones, Snow Flower and the Secret Fan,

and Shanghai Girls

Rescue Me by Anita Shreve (F Shreve) - Rookie paramedic Peter Webster begins an intense affair with Sheila, a troubled young woman he pulled from a car wreck, but their love is not enough to keep them together and Peter is raising their daughter alone years later when a phone call from Sheila alters their lives.

Inspirational Biographies

In the Long Run: A Father, Son, and Unintentional Lessons in Happiness (070.92 Axe) - News correspondent Jim Axelrod recounts how his decision to see if he could beat his father's finish time in the New York Marathon helped him reconnect with his family, take charge of his help, reevaluate his career, and find a new purpose in his life.

Way of the Peaceful Warrior (202.4 Mil) - Dan Millman chronicles his own spiritual odyssey, discussing how his mentor, a recluse named Socrates, changed his life and taught him about what is truly important. Includes an interview Millman on the production of the 2006 film adaptation.

Apples and Oranges: My Brother and Me, Lost and Found (B Brenner) – Marie Brenner , a journalist, discusses her relationship with her brother Carl, and describes how their personalities and lifestyle choices have always differed, and details how when later in life Carl was diagnosed with adenocarcinoma, Marie and Carl found themselves reunited.

The Pact: Three Young Men Make a Promise and Fulfill a Dream (B Davis) - Samson Davis discusses how he and two friends stuck together and supported one another as they overcame the many challenges they faced while growing up in New Jersey.

Caddy for Life: the Bruce Edwards Story (B Edwards) - A biography of Bruce Edwards, a thirty-year caddy, companion, and friend of professional golfer Tom Watson.

Mountains Beyond Mountains (B Farmer) - Chronicles the life of Paul Farmer, focusing on his efforts to diagnose and cure infectious diseases and to bring modern medicine to the countries and people who need them most

Swallow the Ocean (B Flynn) - A memoir in which Laura Flynn recalls her childhood and the charmed life she enjoyed with her family, especially her free-spirited, imaginative mother, and discusses how everything changed when her mother lost her grip on reality due to schizophrenia.

Thick as Thieves (B Geng) - Steve Geng reflects on his turbulent relationship with his sister, Veronica, describing how they helped one another along the different paths of their lives and remained friends in the darkest times.

The Autobiography of a Face (B Greatly) - A memoir in which award-winning poet Lucy Grealy recalls her experiences with a potentially terminal cancer that required she have a third of her jaw removed when she was nine years old, and discusses the suffering she endured as she was growing up from classmates, strangers, and other people because of her looks.

Sickened: The Memoir of a Munchausen by Proxy Childhood (B Gregory) - The Julie Gregory describes her life as the daughter of a woman afflicted with Munchausen by proxy, a form of child abuse in which a parent, most often a mother, invents or induces illness in a child in order to gain attention from medical professionals, tells how she was able to save herself, and discusses her efforts to have another young girl removed from her mother's care.

Hingson, Michael Thunder Dog: The True Story of a Blind Man, his Guide Dog, and the Triump of Trust at Ground Zero (B Hingson) - Michael Hingson, blind since infancy, shares the story of his escape from the seventy-eighth floor of the North Tower of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, with the help of his guide dog, Roselle, and discusses how his life, faith, parents, friends, and mentors throughout the years prepared him to meet the emergency without panic.

Seasons of Life: A Football Star, A Boy, and A Journey to Manhood (B Marx) - Journalist Jeffrey Marx reflects upon his season covering Maryland high school football team the Gilman Greyhounds, describing the lessons he learned about manhood from the Greyhounds' coach, football-star-turned-minister Joe Ehrmann, and the impact it had on his relationship with his father.

The Oldest Rookie (B Morris) - Shares the true story of Los Angeles Dodgers relief pitcher Jim Morris, the oldest rookie to take the mound in forty years of major league history, telling how Morris, well settled in a teaching career, was goaded by his students into pursuing his childhood dream of playing professional baseball

Look me in the Eye: My Life with Asperger’s (B Robison) - John Robison recounts his struggles to fit in and communicate with others as he grew up, describing why he had so many problems relating to others and why he often turned to machines for comfort, rather than people, and explains how his life was changed when he was diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome at age forty.

A Three Dog Life (B Thompson) - Author Abigail Thomas shares the story of how she started a new life after an accident left her husband brain damaged and institutionalized.

Where Men Win Glory (B Tillman) - Presents a biographical discussion of Pat Tillman, covering the true events and actions surrounding the death of the U.S. Army soldier by friendly fire in Afghanistan in 2004, and examines the misrepresentation of his story by the Bush administration before the truth was revealed

Match: Savior Siblings, One Famiy’s Battle to Heal Their Daughter (B Trebling) - Relates the experiences of Stacy and Steve Trebing who decided to use preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) and in vitro fertilization to have a second child whose bone marrow could be used for a lifesaving transplant for their firstborn, and explores the ethical issues related to savior siblings.